Chapter 12

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Dean POV:

After I argued with my friends about Seth, they told me to give him some time and he would remember his past soon. So I let him in his way for the past three weeks but I didn't do what my friends told me.

Whenever I saw him holding his head, I figured out that he is trying to remember something so I helped him to come out of that and made him think anything other than his past.

I don't have any intention that he won't remember his past. I don't know why but I couldn't see him hurt whenever he was holding his head and cried in pain. On the other hand, I have convinced my friends by telling lies that I let him think about his past.

Whatever I did, it was for him to be happy. Day by day, I could see a little improvement in his body physically, not mentally. I can't wait to see him walk normally. I can't wait to see the real smile on that face.

"Earth calling Dean!" I snap out of my thoughts when Seth shoves his fingers in front of my face. I look at his concerned face and give him a soft smile.

"I thought something happened to you." He says and sits beside me on the bed.

"Nothing happened to me. Okay, just lay here. I apply some oil on your leg and it will help you walk properly." I tell him and take the oil from the bedside table.

"You saw how much I walk perfectly then why would I apply this oil again?" He asks a question to me instead of doing what I told him.

"Perfectly.. really?!" I raise an eyebrow at him and sit on the edge of the bed. He is really obsessive for even small things and I found it from his behavior without him telling me.

I know how to get this kid on the track. "Well, I plan to get you out but now I can't do that. I don't want you limp beside me so we will go out another day." I huff and put the oil on the bed.

"Hey, you told me earlier if I put this oil on my leg, I can walk properly. So don't waste time and put that stupid liquid on my leg then we can go out." He says and lays on the bed. I smile for his eagerness to go outside.

I pour some oil in my hand and gently massaging his legs. He whines when I give some pressure to the knots. His wound is healed but the pain doesn't heal still. I'm sure if I repeat this treatment for a week, he will walk properly.

I sigh and put the oil back on the bedside table. Then I turn around and see him rubbing his legs and wipes the oil on his shorts. "Baby, what are you doing?" I ask as I cross my arms over my chest.

He bites his tongue and gives me a puppy dog eyes, "That doesn't matter. How about we go out tonight to have dinner?" He asks hopefully.

I roll my eyes and shake my head, "That sounds good but I have to work tonight."

"What? You told me earlier that you plan to go out so I thought it's your day off." He says with disappointment in his voice.

I feel guilty when I see the disappointment in his face. I cup his cheeks, "Hey, I promise I'll take you out tomorrow."

"I know it's a lie." He says and looks away.

I hold his face and force him to look at me in the eyes, "If you want, you can pick the restaurant."

"Thank you so much," He smiles and hugs me tightly. I stroke his hair as I hold him and think about how to take him out tomorrow. I can do anything to see the smile on his face.

We spend the whole morning by talking and playing in the living room with the background noise from the television. It is just after six o'clock in the evening and I'm ready to leave home to head to work to start my night shift at seven.

I look at Seth one last time as I take my keys from the coffee table. "Baby, I'll call you once I reach there. Don't think about anything and go to bed on time. I'll join with you after my work is done." I ruffle his hair and give a soft kiss on his cheek.

He nods and leans back on the couch. I get out of the house and lock it before putting the key in my pocket. I put the helmet and start the bike to the bar.

A few minutes later, I reach the bar. I go inside and see my friends taking orders and serving drinks. "Finally you have time to come here. Just help me into this." Alexa says to me.

I nod and get the drinks from her, "Where to give this?"

"That last table," She points me the guys who are sitting at the back. I look over them and go to them to give their orders.

I return to the counter and notice the drink spills there. I take a cloth and rub the counter hard as I think about the promise which I had with Seth. As I furiously rub the counter, a hand clamps down over mine to stop me from scrubbing the varnish on the counter.

"Sorry," I mumble then look over the person whose hand on mine.

"What's going on in your mind?" Becky asks as she rubs my wrist softly. I look at the clock, it doesn't reach 12.00 P.M and it has more time to reach midnight.

"Nothing," I exhale in frustration and slap the towel against the counter.

"Just come with me," She grabs my hand and takes me to one of the back storage rooms. It is a small room with just a table and boxes packed up all around it.

She flips on the light and leans against the table with her arms folded over her chest, "I know what is going on with you guys even I didn't spend much time with you. And I know what is going on each of your life because we're friends. I'll help you if you tell me about your problem."

I don't know whether to believe her or not but she is right, we're friends. "I have a friend and his name is Seth. He-"

She cuts me off by holding her hand out, "I know about Seth and the accident... So just come to the point, dude."

I look at her shocked because I don't know how she knows all about this and who told her everything. I sigh and lean against the wall, "He wants me to take him out and I really like that but I don't know how to take him out at this condition.."

"Look dude, no one likes to stay in between the walls and it makes them sick even if they are not sick before. So take him out and spend some time with him then only he'll understand your love for him." She says and places her hand on my shoulder.

My eyes widen when I heard that and I look at her shocked, "What? I didn't love him.."

"You love him and I can see it in your eyes. You will understand this soon. You know when I proposed my love to Finn, he also liked you and he didn't understand that he loves me so it makes me difficult-" She continues her love story but I don't want to hear that because I didn't love Seth.

I get out of the room and make my way inside. I look at Jey when he pats my shoulder, "What's up, man? Where have you been this much time?"

"That doesn't matter... Who told Becky about Seth?" I ask as we go to the kitchen.

"I didn't tell her about Seth. Maybe Alexa would tell her." He says and fries some fish on the pan. "What happened? Is anything wrong?" He asks in concern.

"Nothing," I say and help him in the kitchen. I try to clear my mind what Becky said earlier while helping him but my mind doesn't leave the topic that I love him.

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