Chapter 45

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Dean POV:


I stop on my track when I hear a familiar voice in the air. My heart sinks as I realize the panic in Seth's tone. I'm sure it is him. I have to find him soon and help him get out of the problem that he is in.

"Colby!" I call into the trees with a chance of him hiding there, maybe. It is quieter in the foliage, and the snow hasn't touched the ground here. "Come out wherever you are."

I get no response, so I growl in frustration as I look around the forest. "You'll freeze out here, Colby!" I scream, getting irritated by the whole thing as time goes on. It's not the right time if he wants to play with me.

Again, nothing but the sound of something muffling to my left. Immediately I run toward it, stopping short when I catch a glimpse of a wolf sticking out from behind a tree. The wolf growls and paws the tree as it eyes something there.

I look up at the tree and notice a sobbing mess on it. I told Seth not to go outside, but he didn't listen to my words, so he was suffering now. Including with him, Kevin is also suffering the entire mess.

I have to do something clever to save him and Kevin from the wolf. As I decide to hide behind another tree, he notices me and starts to wriggle excitedly. My eyes widen as he holds his hand out and pleads with me.

"D-Dean! Please save me.." He begs and tries to move carelessly. It results in his leg slip and makes him fall from the tree.

He gets scared as he faces the wolf with fear in his eyes. "Don't kill me.." He begs it as he holds Kevin tighter against him. He tries to move toward me, but he can't, so he takes slow steps backward until his back hits the tree. "Don't.." He pleads and closes his eyes when the wolf walks toward him.

When the wolf is about to claw him, I grip the shovel tightly and knock it without thinking of a second choice. I will do anything to save him because he is more important to me than anything.

I walk over to him and brush my fingers on his lips, noticing the color. It's changing into blue because of the cold. I ruffle my hand to his ice sticking hair and look at him worriedly, "You're freezing, baby."

"I-I know... Thank you for saving me." He mumbles and gives Kevin to me, letting me keep it. "I-I don't want to be a papa who tries to kill my Kevin.."

I roll my eyes dramatically and grab his hand, taking him back to the cabin. I let him sit on the couch and give him some warmth from the fireplace. I watch him for a few minutes and decide to keep shut until he readies to open his mouth.

"Sorry.." He mumbles and looks down in embarrassment. "I couldn't help myself from getting my foot outside."

I nod slowly and think about the moments that we have shared when he is here. "I didn't understand one thing, and that was how would you let me cuff your hands again?" I ask in a little confusion, thinking about that day.

"You uncuffed my hands only to check out on you that day, so I gave the cuffs back to you to hold me.." He mumbles and strokes Kevin's head.

"Oh! You told me that I let you go today, so you left the cabin. Right?" I ask, amused as I see his reaction. I won't cuff his hands again for leaving me alone. Instead, I will spend the entire time with him and make him recall our moments.

He looks at me and shrugs his shoulders, giving me a gratified look. "Don't think I'm telling this for that you've saved me. I know you're a good guy, but something is bothering you and triggering you to kidnap me!"

I feel exhausted about this topic because he won't understand anything until he feels some connection between us. I get up from the armchair and walk over to the kitchen to prepare dinner for us.

Colby POV:

I'm not quite sure about this whole thing, but sure as shit isn't going to waste the gift of freedom. I get up from the couch and walk over to the way where Dean has disappeared. I'm not getting scared of him because he is a kind guy.

He turns to give me a surprised smile when I step into the kitchen. He seems to cook something. He definitely knows a lot of things, but that doesn't mean I know nothing.

"What are you preparing?" I ask, standing back a little.

"Pasta." Is the simple reply, no more and no less.

I wait for him to say something else, anything, but he never does, so I start walking toward the living room with every intention of just sitting back on the couch. A hand juts out and grabs me, directing me to sit in one of the chairs at the kitchen counter.

I don't know why he wants me to sit here, so I just ask, "Have you planned to teach me how to cook?" I bite my lip nervously and wait for his answer, but he continues to work in silence, ignoring me. "Is it my shift tomorrow to help you with the cooking?" I ask, trying not to pressure him.

"You don't need to help me into anything. If you try to remember me, it will be the best help for me." He smiles and mixes some spices into the food. "I let you sit here for just seeing you!"

I swallow hard and try to smooth the heartbeat that thumps in my chest. I shift my eyes and try not to get used to any of this because it's not permanent. However, I'm never the one to sit still for long, I grab a spoon and play with it mindlessly.

I'm not even realized that I'm tapping the spoon on the table until he places his hand on mine and stops me. I stare at our connected hands for a long second, just relishing the feeling of his warm palm on me.

I pull my hand quickly and swallow hard, shivering a little. I look up into his eyes and let my mind wander about what's this all. By the look in his eyes, I'm pretty clear that he has potent feelings in his heart for me. Why would he have so much love for some unknown guy?

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