Chapter 2

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Dean POV:

The front door opens, I look up and see a group of males and females, entering the bar. "Punk!" Jimmy calls. The man by the name of Punk looks over at him and smiles, "Jimmy, how are you doing?"

"I'm doing good. What brings you here?" He asks as he wipes the inside of a glass cup. The man points over to the people behind him and says, "Here for a good time."

I look at the guys behind Punk and they are arguing about something. I think we need to be careful before any incident happens because they seem didn't right. Punk pats them on the shoulders and leads them to the back, maybe to watch the female strippers.

"Dean," I turn my head when Jimmy calls. "Go in the back and find Nikki. Show is about to start." He says.


Well from that, I understand Nikki must be one of the strippers. I look up when Alexa pats on my back and shouts, "Bring more vodka!" I give her a thumbs up and then go to the back room and find two doors, men and women, so this place has male strippers too?

I push the door for the ladies room and see some of them doing their hair, make up or changing. "Umm.. I'm looking for Nikki."

"Right here. Never seen your face before. Are you new here?" A brunette walks up to me. I nod and tell her, "Show is about to start!"

"Let me guess, for Punk?" She asks and flips her hair. I shrug and get out of the back room with a bottle of vodka in my hand. I go back to the bar and pass the bottle to Alexa.

"So how is it back there?" Jimmy nudges me. "Seen any pretty ladies?" He smirks.

"I'm not straight," I shrug. Jimmy's lips turn into a smirk, "Oh, so you like guys. Do you have any boyfriend already?"

"No," I say and look down on the floor.

"You know what, Jimmy and his girlfriend go dating since junior high." Alexa chuckles. "No shame in this club. We don't care about your sexuality whatever it is. Have fun and live your life as happy as you can." She pats on my back and passes a shot glass to one of the guys who is sitting at the bar, "Here is your fireball whiskey, sir."

When I hear the yelping sound, I look over and see Punk and his friends trying to separate the two guys that I eyed earlier, are now fighting with each other. Jimmy pats on my shoulder, "I will go and call the manager."

I nod and look over the fight, it goes violent by time to time. I sigh and then go towards them and try to separate them but I couldn't. Suddenly, one of the guys takes the bottle from the table and tries to hit the other but it accidentally hits on my arm.

The bottle breaks into pieces and the guys stop their fighting when I yelp in pain. The manager comes there and warns them. Alexa comes to me and covers the blood in my arm with her hands.

She helps me and tries to stop the blood in my hand but she couldn't. She then calls Jey, "Jey, I think the glass cut deep in his arm so the blood doesn't stop. So take him to the nearby hospital before he gets any infection."

"Nah, it will heal soon. I don't want to go to the hospital because it is my first day in the bar and I didn't even work for two hours." I tell her but she doesn't hear any of my words and forces me to go to the hospital.

Jey forces me to sit in his car because I can't drive my bike with my injured arm. I give up and sit on the car simply while he drives the car. When he turns the car to the right, I see someone drives their car fast and hits the person hard who tries to cross the road.

That car owner drives the car fast without checking the person whom they hit. I shake Jey and try to make him stop the car, "Jey, I think we should help them." But he doesn't stop the car and tries to pass that person, "I think it's not our business."

I grab the steering wheel and glare at him sternly, "Just stop it. If any problem occurs because of helping them, I'll take care of it." He sighs and stops the car.

I open the car door and go towards them and notice a guy is covered with his blood. I shake him but he just blinks his eyes and grabs my arm, closing his eyes. I shake him again but he doesn't open his eyes.

I quickly pick him up in my arms without care about my injury and look at Jey. He sighs and opens the car door, I place the guy down onto the back seat and sit beside him with his head on my lap.

I look at his blood-covered face and remove the strand hair from his face. I stare at him unknowingly and think about how I felt weird when he grabbed my arm. I feel like it is going to be a long night and I'm sure I can't forget in my life.

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