Chapter 46

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Colby POV:

I blink my eyes open and try not to panic when I hear some noise in the air. I look around the room and turn onto my side, trying to go back to sleep, but I can't. The noises in the room scare the shit out of me. I tap my hand on the bedside table and switch on the lamp, but it goes off.

I roll off the bed quickly and run to the living room, looking for Dean. I sit on the couch beside the sleeping man and wake him from his sleep. I know it's cruel to wake someone from slumber, but I have no choice.

He groans as he wakes up and gives me a confused look, "Didn't you sleep, baby?"

"I tried to sleep, but something was fucking wrong!! I swear to God there is someone in the cabin other than us!" I say in a panicked tone. I knew he would think of me as crazy, and if the situation hadn't as serious as it was, I wouldn't have come to him.

"There is no one in this cabin except us. I think you're just overreacting." He tries to reason with me. He still doesn't understand the seriousness of this situation.

"Overreacting?! What if it's a fucking ghost ready to eat me? I don't wanna die at the hands of a ghost!" I whimper, trying to make him understand. I grab his hand and try to pull him up, "I'm your guest. You're supposed to help me!"

"Ghosts aren't real, Seth. Sorry, Colby!" He argues with me. His carelessness scares me to death, getting my life out of my system before the ghost puts its hand on me.

"Are you crazy not believing about the ghosts, huh? They are very much real! And I'm sure that is in the room! You gotta help me! I heard fucking noises, man! The light was switched off by itself when I tried to on it!" I scream nearly and get him off the couch.

I run my eyes all over his body and check out on him. He is pretty damn thick and looks strong, so he won't scare about the ghosts. "Do you have a bat or something?" I ask, looking around the room.

He looks at me in confusion, "Em maybe. But why?"

"Go get it. We'll need it." I breathe out. If my idea works out, we will beat the ghost and throw it out of the cabin.

"For what?" He asks, walking over to the closet and looking at the side of it.

"You ask too many questions! Lack of manners, man! You are coming with me, so bring a weapon if you can." I order him and run over to Kevin, making sure he doesn't wake up from sleep. I press a kiss on Kev's head and move to grab Dean's wrist before taking him to the room, "We don't know for sure if it's a ghost, but we've to check it out."

He checks the entire room, including the closets, but nothing is there. To prove me wrong, everything joins and maneuvers me. He turns to look at me and throws his hand in the air, "Look, here we go. I have checked the closet too. Nothing is going on here."

A loud banging noise has echoed from the bathroom, and I jump in panic, glancing at him. "I'm sure something is here," I whine, holding my breath.

"Well, that may be old ruined pipes. I'll check and fix that later." He finishes his thoughts as my gaze glued to him.

"Dean, there was a shuffling of feet I heard when I was running out!" As I tell that, a loud thump is heard from outside of the bedroom. I let out a loud yelp that every girl will put in a horror movie to shame and jump into his arms.

He is astonished, but his arms hold me against his chest, anyway. He looks at me incredulously while my eyes turn toward the source of the noise. "Seth.." He calls me lovingly without searching for the ghost.

I grip him tightly as my life depends on it, "I'm fucking scared! I told you there was something here! I just don't like ghosts wandering around me."

"Ghosts don't exist!" He repeats and makes me angry. He still doesn't believe what I'm telling about the ghosts.

"Oh, yeah? Then explain to me where that noise comes from. Come on, Mr. Brave heart. Just go find out." I yell at him and throw my hands in the air frustratedly.

"Ugh, I will. But I kinda have my hands full right now." He says, gesturing toward me that I'm still up in his arms.

"Oh, yeah. Speaking of which, wow, you're so strong." I mumble and pat his chest. I look at him admiringly before my mood switches from casual to panic again.

"Oh, thanks." He blushes a little and strokes my cheek.

I let go of him and plant my feet on the floor, walking behind him as he is stepping to the table. My eyes widen when he picks a cat from under the table. I still couldn't believe that this cat was scaring the crap out of me.

After everything is over, my mind still doesn't accept it, so I insist on him coming with me and standing outside the door, singing something while I use the bathroom. I can't sleep in this room anymore, so I suggest swapping places, and he accepts it willingly.

I pat the couch gently and make sure nothing is there before getting on it. As I'm about to lay there, the stiff wind hits my face strongly and makes me scared. Why would this air frenzy at this time?

I close my eyes and shake every thought from my mind before grabbing the blanket and wandering to him. I know this is a bad idea, like really a bad idea. I should quit while I'm ahead and return to the couch, but I can't.

I know I'm acting like a five-year-old who just has a bad dream, but I have no choice than going to him if I want to sleep. Before my mind confuses me, I open the door of his room and step into the darkness.

I blame him entirely for what I'm about to do. I move my hand to wake him, but stop when I decide he doesn't have to know about this. I decide to lie beside him, so I can get some sleep finally and then wake up before him, slipping back to the lounge without him realizing. It's simple, literally.

So I do exactly what I'm thinking and lie down beside him. Thankfully, he doesn't stir when the bed dips slightly. I look at him as much as I can in the room's darkness and think about him.

I couldn't understand how any of this happened because when I first met him, I felt no reaction in my body. But now, something changed that I didn't know. I felt some familiarity when he held me in his arms, but I didn't show it on my face at that time.

I jump out of my skin when his blue orbs solely fix into me. "I err, shit, Dean, I'm sorry." I scramble, trying to get up because holy shit, I've not expected him waking up and finding out that I'm snuck into his bed in the middle of the night.

"You should be sorry," He mumbles, ghosting his breath over the side of my face and making my skin tingle. "What took you so long to feel something for me?"

I try to get a hold of myself because he is staring at me and holding me. "Dean, I.. wait, what?" I try to understand the meaning of his words.

He laughs quietly, and the sound vibrates in my body, "You're so oblivious." He moves his hand from my waist and tucks the strand of hair off my face. "As much as I love talking to you, I'm exhausted now. So we'll deal with this in the morning. Get some sleep, Colby."

I know I should move and get out of the bed, but my body doesn't react to my mind. I stare at him and feel he is warm like one of those pictures with snow outside the window with intense fires and candles on the inside.

"Who are you, Dean?" I ask myself before I wrap my arm around his waist slowly and try to drift into sleep. I wish I have to find the answer before I'm returning to my home. I feel his arms around me as soon as I get dizzy, but I don't mind and let him hold me.

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