Chapter 54

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Colby POV:

A loud bang echoes through the cabin and makes me fall on the floor helplessly with tears in my eyes. I palm my face and cry loudly, not having the strength to see Dean's lifeless body. I feel my entire world slip out of my hands without my consent.

My eyes blink open when I feel a familiar touch on my shoulder, trying to soothe my back. "D-Dean!!" I blabber, wrapping my arms around him when he gets into my sight. I can't believe my own eyes that he is still alive and stayed with me.

"We're good." He whispers sweet things in my ear and makes me see what is happening in front of me.

A smile curls on my lips when I see Roman standing in front of me with anger in his eyes. He glares at AJ and kicks him in the ribs, making him squirm on the floor. He looks around and finds a gun, picking it up and pointing toward him. "I'll kill you if you interfere in my brother's life again."

I didn't know when he entered the picture, but I was sure he would right on time. "Roman!" I run and throw myself over him, burying my head in his chest. "I missed you so much.."

"I missed you too," He ruffles my hair and presses a kiss on my head.

Even though everything is fine, I can't stop the shivering that runs up my spine. My eyes accidentally fall on AJ and scare a bit, so I avert it, trying to calm down. I feel nervous about the whole thing.

"I think you're still afraid of him, even if I'm here. Do you want me to kill him for pointing a gun at your head?" Roman asks, wrapping his arms around me securely.

I glance at AJ one last time before nuzzling into Roman's neck, "Nah, let him alive."

He pats my back gently and wraps his arm around me, keeping me at his side. He takes me to Dean and stares at him, examining his character. His eyes narrow slightly and wander around the room, figuring out something.

Everything has fallen into place. I have no idea what is going on in his mind, so I decide to tell him everything. "Roman, I-" The words cut off in my throat when he gives me a look and pats my shoulder comfortingly.

He turns his attention back to Dean and gives a light shove to his chest, "Seriously? Didn't you have any other way to prove your love to my brother?"

I swallow hard and look at Dean when his head falls in shame. I don't know why he doesn't explain his point to my brother. I feel like I have to walk on eggshells to tell about him to Roman.

Dean POV:

I stare at the floor helplessly, not knowing how to face Roman. I still see him as a friend, even if he hates me. I don't need to embarrass for anything because saving my love is never wrong. But...

There is a 'but' in it, and that is I feel ashamed for standing in front of him as a culprit again. I hate facing him like this. It looks like the repeat of last year. When everything was fine between Seth and me, I got caught by him as a miscreant.

I worked so hard to mend my relationship with Seth so I wouldn't let this slip out of my hands now. I take a deep breath and tilt my head to look him in the eyes, "You didn't give me any other choice, Roman."

"I-I told you everything from the beginning, so there's nothing more to talk about it. Even if I do, you will never believe me. Just keep one thing on your mind, I'm still the bartender you know me at day one. I'm still your.." I don't know how to complete the sentence without getting a hit.

"Friend!" He completes and pulls me into a hug suddenly, making me surprised.

I startle momentarily before I let out a smile and hug him back. I feel the weight in my chest lighten when he accepts me as a friend again. I wink at Seth when he looks at us with a confused expression on his face.

"Whoa! Whoa!" He puts his hands between us and separates us, giving a questioning look. "Can you guys explain to me what is going on here?"

I open my mouth to talk to him but get distracted when AJ gets up from the floor and grabs a shovel to attack Roman. I shove him out of way and kick AJ in the stomach, following me Roman put a spear on him against the couch.

 I shove him out of way and kick AJ in the stomach, following me Roman put a spear on him against the couch

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He glares at him and shoves him a finger before picking Kevin from the floor and leading us outside. "We have to get out of this place soon."

After a few minutes, we reach his car, which he has parked a few distances away from the cabin. Thankfully, he didn't make us walk through the entire woods. We remove the snowflakes from the windows of a car before settling in.

Once we are on the highway, I hear soft snores coming from the backseat. I turn to look at the sleeping Seth and smile to myself. Admiringly, he didn't force me to repeat the story after we left the cabin.

He thinks everything is over but doesn't. There is still one thing I have to do and, that is to assure Roman about his brother's life. I know how much he means to Seth than his intact family.

I place my hand on Roman's thigh and get his attention, "I need to tell you this. You're a great friend to me, even if I'm not deserved. I couldn't imagine what would happen to us if you didn't appear at on right time. Thank you!"

He stops the car and turns to glance at me, "You don't need to thank me for anything. I expect only one thing from you, and you know what it is. I'll be happy if you give that to me."

I nod slowly and turn to look at Seth before returning my attention to Roman, "I promise I'll take care of Colby till my last breath. My love will remain the same as always!"

He smiles and pats my arm before starting the car toward his house. He reminds me of the old days when we hang out and share our secrets, not everything. A satisfied smile curls on my lips when I get one of the best days in my life again.

The thing about all of this is if anyone had told me that everything would be all right, I would have laughed at their face because good things were no longer stay with me, but everything changed when a beautiful thing Seth, entered my life. I feel like it's a blessing!

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