Chapter 27

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Dean POV:

"Dean, please reach here on time.." - Alexa

I smile as I read the text and throw the phone on the bed. I open the closet and grab a black t-shirt to put on but Seth grabs my hand and gets the t-shirt from me. His face wrinkles as he throws the t-shirt on the bed and digs his hand in the closet.

I cross my arms over my chest and look at him amused as he rummages the closet. "Put this on," He says and hands me the clothes. I eye him as I look over the white button-up short-sleeved shirt with pockets, the sleeves are permanently cuffed and have weird little buttons on it. It also has the buttons on the shoulders that are attached to a random flap of material.

Honestly, I didn't remember when I have gotten this shirt. "Are you sure?" I ask him, and he nods at me before pushing me to the bathroom.

I put the shirt on and look at myself in the mirror. "Not bad!" I mutter under my breath and adjust the clothing. It is nice and pretty comfortable. How the hell has this shirt never found its way to my body before?

I debate on tucking it into my jeans or not but decide against it. That is so not I am. I get out of the bathroom as I mess up my hair with my hands, leaving my auburn mop a mess and smile at him as he plays a game on my phone.

He gives the phone back to me and presses a small kiss on my cheek, "I'm sure my boyfriend is handsome than hers."

I sigh and pull him into my arms, "Maybe but I'm very simple and cheap for this gorgeous!" I lean my forehead against his and stare at his eyes, feeling good. I don't want to leave him but I have work to do so I pull myself away from him without having the heart.

"I have to go to the club so you should eat dinner earlier and go to bed," I say and tuck the strand of hair from his face, kissing the tip of his nose.

He smiles and nods at me, giving me the feeling of we are a couple. He belongs to me as much as I belong to him, so I won't sacrifice him for anything. He is the most wonderful thing that came into my life.

I get on the bike and wave a hand at him before leaving the house. Once I reach the club, Alexa grabs my hand and takes me to her boyfriend. Her boyfriend is tall, strong, and has muscular shoulders. He seems big and much elder than her, but I tell nothing because she is mature enough to make her own decisions.

"Hey, I'm Braun. Nice to meet you, man." He holds his hand out and gives me a slight smile.

I nod and take his hand, shaking it. "I'm Dean. Nice to meet you too. Alexa told a lot about you." I smile and glance at her. She blushes and holds his hand, leaning against him.

We chat randomly and spend some time together until he leaves for his work. I walk through the side door and slide behind the bar, having a brief conversation with Zack who is leaving.

I fill the glass with drinks and serve it for a few minutes until I spot Roman entering the club. He looks like shit and I don't remember when I saw him last. "Hey, man." I wave a hand at him and call him here.

He gives me a soft smile and sits at the counter with his head down. Maybe he still couldn't find his brother. I feel sorry for him so I pull a whiskey from the top shelf and pour it in a glass, giving it to him.

"Shit! Why does it all happen to me?" He mourns, twirling the drink around in his glass before knocking it back easily, breathing out of his nose as the burn slides down his throat and warms him up immediately.

I place my hand on his shoulder and squeeze it, hoping he will be okay. "What happened?" I ask him and make sure he is comfortable with my question.

"My parents knew everything, and they wanted me back to Florida." He hisses and rubs his face with his hands. He then grabs my hand and looks into my eyes, "Just tell me, how can I go to Florida without my brother?"

I pull my hand away from his grip when Jey calls me from the kitchen. I excuse myself from him and go to the kitchen to meet Jey. "Hey, man. What can I do for you?" I ask and sit on the counter.

"Did you forgot what I told that day?" He asks and glances at me. He is talking about his investigator friend.

By the look on his face, I understand what he is talking about so I just get off the counter and mumble, "That's no need for now." I sigh and turn to leave but he grabs my hand and gives me a puzzled look, "Which means?"

I wet my lips that get dry suddenly and look at him, "I love him.." Without waiting to hear anything from him, I get out of the kitchen and see Roman talking to someone on the phone seriously.

I go at the right time as he slams the phone on the counter. My eyes widen when I see the home screen on his phone. I reach my hand out and take his phone from the counter to get a better view.


My mind wanders the things that Seth talked to me about his past until it settles on the word 'Ro'. Is Roman Reigns the man that he mentioned as 'Ro'? I swallow hard and glance at Roman as he clenches his fist, gritting his teeth. I pray to God that Seth wouldn't be his brother as I show the phone to him, "Is this your brother?"

"Yeah.." He says and grabs the phone from me, looking over it. "He is my baby brother, Colby." He smiles and stares at the picture on his phone.

My heart sinks as I hear that and I don't know what to do. I feel my body is numb so I move back slowly and get out of the bar without telling him. As I get on the bike, Alexa spots me and tries to talk to me, but I start the bike and leave the club. I don't want to talk to anyone now. I can't take my mind off of the fact that Roman's Colby is my Seth!

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