Chapter 13

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Dean POV:

Time passes quickly but the words that Becky said earlier didn't pass on my mind. I sigh and get off my bike before entering my house. I throw the keys on the coffee table and look at the clock, it shows 3.10 A.M.

I'm really tired so I need a peaceful sleep now. I take off my jacket and throw it on the couch before going to Seth's room. I forget myself when I see his beautiful face and smile when I hear a snore from him. He is really cute and I have never seen a person like him.

When I remember Becky's words, fear starts to overwhelm me as I stare at him and think what if she is right. I don't want that to happen because I know it is not good for both of us.

I sigh and open the door to get out of the room but stop when I hear his voice from behind. "Dean, finally you came!" He slowly rubs his eyes and mumbles in a sleepy voice.

I bite my tongue and turn around to give him a soft smile. I don't want him to think about anything which is not important so I casually move to the bed and ask with a small smile in my face, "Miss me?"

"Yeah, I felt lonely so I really missed you." He says and tries to get up but I grab his hand and not let him move. I look at his confused face and try hard not to kiss his beautiful pink lips.

I look away when my mind overthinks and try not to think about anything. I don't know what I'm thinking and how this thought comes to my mind. I know it's all because of Becky and she is the one who confused my mind.

I come out of my thoughts when Seth shakes me and asks, "What happened?"

"Nothing, I'm just tired," I say to him and slowly lay on the bed beside him. I hope everything comes to the right track when I wake up in the morning.

I yawn and look at him when he wraps his arm around my waist. "Did you miss me?" He asks against my skin and looks up at me.

"Just sleep, baby. You know I'm tired." I adjust my head and close my eyes to drift into sleep. I feel the bed is dipped and I know it is him so I didn't open my eyes. 

I jump out of my sleep in fright when I feel a weight plop down on top of me. "Did you miss me?" He grins as he sits on top of me.

"Fuck, Seth!" I try to push him off of me but stop when I remember his injuries. I start to wonder when we reach this line.

"Miss me?" I blink my eyes when he asks me again. Oblivious to the fact, I'm really very tired.

"If I say yes, will you get off of me?" I ask in a serious tone.

"Only if you mean it." He leans forward and smiles at me while tugging my hair. I wonder if he knows what he is doing or if he just enjoys torturing me for leaving him alone in the house.

I'm sure he is really an obsessive person in nature but he smells nice and good. I want to grab him and kiss the living daylights out of him even though I find him quite annoying at the present but I know I can't do that because he is not mine.

"Yeah, I missed you. Happy now? Can I go back to sleep?" I try to convince him but he pouts and looks away. I place my hand on his cheek and make him look at me, "I really missed you, baby. I'm really tired because I had a long night at the bar serving a wedding party so I need some sleep now."

He nods and gets off of me before laying his head on my chest and wraps his arm around my waist. I rub my face with my hands and think about what happened just a moment ago.

Seth POV:

I'm really excited since I wake up because Dean promised me last night that he will take me out to the dinner. I look at the sleeping man on the bed and feel bad for disturbing him last night.

I turn around and open the closet to decide what to wear for dinner. I have no idea how to dress for the restaurant. Do I have to wear jeans and a t-shirt, or something more formal, something similar to what I'm already wearing?

I don't have many dresses to confuse but I want to look good because I'm going out. I can't control my happiness so I move slowly to the window and look outside. I can feel the fresh air from outside.

I smile and flop down onto the bed without realizing that Dean is still sleeping. He jumps and calms down once he looks at me. He rubs his face with his hands and lets out a soft sigh.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," I mumble and bite my lip nervously not to know what to say.

"It's okay," He says and gets up from the bed. He then goes to the door without talking much. Maybe he is in anger for what I did.

I look down not to know what to do and feel his hand lifts my head up to look at him. "I'm not mad at you. I'm going to freshen up so don't blame you for anything." He says and presses a kiss on my temple.

I nod and then he gets out of the room. I smile and go to the closet to pick up a perfect dress for this perfect day. I'm sure it's going to be a long day.

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