Chapter 15

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Seth POV:

I slowly open my eyes and look around the darkened room then realize it's still early to wake up. I try to take another sleep but my mind remembers me that I want to check Deanie whether he is okay or not.

I make sure not to wake Dean up and get myself off the bed carefully. Deanie is already yapping up a storm by the time I open the door. I quickly shooed him and picking him up, cuddling him to my chest as I close the door behind me.

"Hey Deanie," I scratch under his chin and laugh slightly at the way he keeps trying to attack my fingers.

"Yeah, yeah, I know you're hungry," I say and carry him to the kitchen. I set him down and shooing him not to wake Dean up while I rummage around, trying to find something for him.

He circles my feet and not let me do anything so I grab him and open the door to let him go to do his business. Then I go to the kitchen and bring him some food and water in a bowl for him.

After he eats the food, I pick him up in my arms and sit on the couch, petting him. A few minutes later, I lay on the couch and cuddle with him. I feel really good with Dean and Deanie but my mind thinks about my parents and wonders why they are still not tried to reach me.

I slowly open my eyes when I feel my body is in the air then press up into a warm body and look at beautiful blue orbs which seems caring. I stare at him and feel myself drowning into the ocean blues.

He slowly puts me on the bed and takes the blanket to cover my body. He presses a kiss on my forehead and strokes my hair softly. Before he leaves, I grab his hand and look at him like he is the only one for me in this world.

He looks at me confused but I still stare at him until he asks, "What?" 

I shake my head and close my eyes with the only image of him in both my eyes and my mind.

Dean POV:

I am sitting on the couch with my mind full of thoughts and each thought includes Seth. I can sense the feelings that we are developing for each other and it's not good for both of us. I don't know how but I need to find his family soon.

My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the doorbell of my house rings. I get up from the couch and open the door to find my friends who are standing on the other side. I let them in and make them sit on the couch.

"You didn't seem good. What happened?" Jimmy asks by the expression in my face.

I don't want to share my growing feelings for Seth to him so I just shrug and lean back on the couch, "Nothing... I just try to figure out his family!"

"Oh, don't worry, dude. We will figure out this in unison." He says and gives me a soft smile.

I nod and let out a sigh in relief. While we are thinking about some plan to find out Seth's family, I hear the puppy barks so I turn around to find Seth gets out of the room.

We stop our conversation and pretend to talk about random things. He comes to us and gives them a warm smile before sitting beside me. He holds my hand and lays his head on my shoulder.

We need to continue our conversation but we don't know whether to talk in front of him or not. What if he has mistaken that I try to get him off my house? I can't see him hurt and I can't forgive myself if I hurt him.

Alexa understands the situation and talks to him friendly, "Seth, are you coming with me to the shop?"

"Nah, it will be boring." He shakes his head and further leans against me. I try to convince him but he plays with my fingers instead of hearing what I'm saying. She tries to convince him by suggesting some other places but he doesn't accept any of it.

"Why don't we go to a beach and spend some time with the water?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.

He smiles and stands up from the couch to go with her but I grab his hand, not willing to let him alone. My friends look at me confused so I let his hand unwillingly and say, "Take care."

He nods and leans down to press a kiss on my cheek. I smile and wave a hand at him as he goes out with Alexa. I hope he will be good and return home safely.

I sigh and try to hear the conversation but my ear doesn't let anything into my mind because my mind is busy thinking about Seth. I look at the clock and it's getting late but he doesn't reach home yet.

My friends leave my house as they notice the time but I still didn't hear anything from Alexa and Seth. I call her to know about Seth but she doesn't attend my call. I lose my patience after a few calls and she attends the final one.

I sigh as I hear her voice and try not to show the anger through the phone. I ask her about Seth and she says that she will take him to her house and drop him here in the evening.

Before I respond, she hangs up the phone. I grit my teeth and pace around the room helplessly until the puppy barks. I control my anger and go to the puppy with a soft smile on my face.

"Looks like you're stuck with me." I laugh and pat his head. "Or I'm stuck with you. I will feed you and take care of you until your daddy comes, deal?"

He gives me a tilt of his head and his tongue hanging out of his mouth amplifying his expression. I smile and go to the kitchen to bring some food and water for him.

After he eats the food, he snoozes on Seth's spot on the couch while I sit opposite as we watch television. Even I spent most of my life lonely, I didn't think that I want someone with me. But now, I really want someone with me, not someone, Seth!

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