Chapter 50

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Dean POV:

After the rare brightness fades, the snow continues to fall heavily on the rest of the night and the entirety of the following day. When it finally begins to taper off, I figure we have probably gotten close to 4 feet.

I'm sick of thinking about it. I should suffer in this weather because of taking my precious Seth here, but why would he want to suffer? I'm doing the wrong thing for wanting to keep him for myself. I have to do something to get him out of this place.

There will be chances that he can leave me once we're out of this shit, but it won't stop me now. I won't let his life at risk for my selfishness. I sigh and palm my face, looking out the window.

My mind wonders about the chances that we have to leave this place. Every idea has some side effects if we follow through with it. I run my hand through my messy blonde hair and tug it carelessly, not knowing what to do.

"Dean," I look around when I hear his terrified voice. What made the pretty terrifying this morning? Did he wake up from a nightmare when I got out? So many questions are rumbling around my mind without answers.

I shake every possible thought away from my mind and walk over to him, "What happened, baby?"

He frowns and steps back a little, flopping down on the couch and looking around the room. "Kevin is missing. M-My baby is missing!!" He cries loudly.

I try to wipe his tears away, but he flinches and moves away from me. I feel lousy about this. I have to find his puppy soon before this place is drowned with his tears. I ruffle my hair helplessly and put my hands on my hips, "Don't worry. He would be here somewhere. I'll search for him.."

"I-I searched everywhere... He's nowhere near finding." He whimpers, looking down at the floor. He lifts his head and glances at the door, thinking about something. "He should leave the cabin when we went to sleep. I want him! Go bring him here!!"

I swallow hard as I think about the situation that I'm in. I try to convince him, but he doesn't ready to listen to my words, so I let out a deep breath and decide to search his puppy out. I stop at the doorway and turn to glance at him one last time, "Take care."

I feel bad for leaving him alone in the cabin, but it will never hurt him than I do. Whenever I tried my best to fix the crack between us, I made a mistake. I whine and rub my hands together when snowflakes start to cover me.

I hunker down in my jacket a little further, silently cursing myself for lack of gloves. There is a snowflake stick to the unruly fringe lying across my forehead, and it is directly in my line of vision, but my hands are far too cold to take out of my pockets to brush it away.

I had forgotten a hat too when I saw tears in his eyes. I cough a little and search for Kevin, wanting to find him soon and take him to Seth. "Kevin," I yell out from my stomach and hope he will hear me.

Colby POV:

I pick Kevin from the closet and take him to the living room, feeling a little relieved. I lean back on the couch and close my eyes, making sure the feelings I have for Dean don't come into my mind.

I blink my eyes open and turn to look at Kevin as he glares at me. "I know you're mad at me. What could I do? I tried to shake my feelings away, but he appeared in front of me every time and brought that sudden shivering in me.." I mumble, biting my lip.

He barks and jumps down on the couch, chewing my pants and pulling me. He loves him more than me in a short amount of time. Sometimes I doubt whether he is mine or Dean's.

"Hey, stop it. Nothing will happen to him as you think. He will be here soon!" I yell at him and shove him away. I know Dean will return once he finds out that Kevin is not there. Until then, I will try to clear my mind off of him and repeat the rules to myself.

A few hours later, fear overwhelms my body as I get no response from him. I have to admit that I miss him so much. It feels like forever since he leaves the cabin. I want him to return home safely.

I bury my head in Kevin's fur and stare at the door, waiting for him. "He still doesn't come, Kev." I feel like a bad guy when some bad things, prowling around my head of what may happen to him if he still returns yet.

Tears roll down my cheeks as I feel loneliness surround me and fog my memory with bad things. I can't forgive myself if something awful happens to him. Morning rolls out into the evening, but he doesn't appear from somewhere suddenly like before.

I jump slightly and wake up from my emotions when I hear a heavy thud outside the door. My heart thumps in my chest and makes me hard to breathe, not knowing what it will be. I put Kevin on the couch and make my way to the door slowly.

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