Chapter 25

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Dean POV:

Seth has a fever for four days and I don't know what to do. After that day, he is obsessed with not wanting to go to the hospital and stays in bed all day so I plan to go out to the store with Alexa for the afternoon to pick up some things for him.

I make sure to leave some stuff for him so he can take care of himself while I go outside. First, I place a bowl of soup on the bedside table for him. Then, I place some ginger ale beside it. After that, I place some home remedies for fevers that I prepared for him.

I take a look at him and nod at him as he lies on the bed with Deanie. He waves a hand at me and wraps his arm around him while I close the door behind me. I sigh and grab a wallet from the coffee table before leaving the house.

I get on the bike and drive to Alexa's house to pick up her. Thank God! She is already getting ready and wait for me outside of her house. She gives me a soft smile and slips her leg on the bike behind me.

My eyes are on the road as I listen to her go on about some dude that she saw yesterday in the club. I didn't go to the club yesterday, so I didn't know who attracted her. "..We talked a little, and he said that he likes me. Can you believe that?"

"Who can tell they don't like you, huh?!" I ask and look around the place to know whether we are on the right path.

"Yeah.." She blushes and flips her hair back. She then places her head on my shoulder and asks, "What do you think about the investigator that Jey has told?"

I slow the ride and try to spill out what's on my mind to her, hoping she will understand. "I don't want to think about anything that can separate Seth from me!" I say in a serious tone. I lost so many things in my life before, but I can't lose Seth like this.

"Do you in love with him?" She asks and waits for my response.

I just nod and hear her saying, "I figure out already!" She hums and pats my shoulder.

We go to the pharmacy after a few minutes instead of going to the store. According to her, they have everything inside. People are staring at us awkwardly but I know already what is on their mind and I don't want to lose my cool so I just ignore them and follow Alexa around.

"Do you think Deanie will like this?" I ask, holding up a rubber bone chew toy.

"Deanie?" She asks in a confused tone. She doesn't know I have a dog at home because I didn't spill out most of the things that I did for Seth to my friends.

"Yeah... We have a small pup at home, and Seth named him as Deanie. Not sure what he likes, but all dogs like chew toys, right?" I ask and check its quality. She shrugs and I take it as a yes, adding the chew toy to the cart.

"Do you love Seth?" She asks out of the blue.

"Yeah... That's what I told you on the ride." I respond, not knowing why she has a doubt in my love.

"Yeah.. but I have doubt whether you have sympathy or feelings in him." She asks and crosses her arms over her chest.

"I can discriminate sympathy and feelings. I'm sure I have a feeling in him. He makes me feel so warm inside and nervous. When I'm around him, I just want to hold him close and feel the warmth of him. God! I sound so gross and mushy right now." I laugh and palm my face.

"You're so serious about him!" She smiles and pulls my hands away from my face.

I nod at her and then we walk around the pharmacy, picking up any medicine that can fight fevers and maybe a few snacks and drinks for both of our houses. We walk up to the cashier who is looking at us the way the other people look at us.

"It's not what you think. He is my best friend." Alexa says to the lady at the cash register and holds me a little.

I lean down to the lady and whisper in a gloomy voice, "And I'm gay. I'm here to buy medicine for my boyfriend." I feel something new as I tell Seth is my boyfriend. I want this new feeling in my life forever and I don't want to lose this precious life for anyone.

Seth POV:

I get up from the bed slowly and walk into the living room, not wanting to sleep anymore. I took more sleep in these four days and spoiled Dean's works without realizing it. I feel ashamed of disturbing him, but what can I do?

I sit on the couch and switch on the television to watch some series. As I'm too involved in the series, I get distracted when the artist kisses the actress. My eyes widen when something flows into my mind and tries to remember me something.

I hold my head with my hands and try to calm myself as I slowly get into a clear image. I gasp when I realize what happened that day. I remember the kiss that Dean gave me when I was drunk.

My heart pounds in my chest as I run my fingers over my lips. I close my eyes and remember the moments with Dean in a serious way. He doesn't act weird or take advantage of me since I came here. I know nothing about him other than he is a good guy.

I snap out of my thoughts and my ears perk up when I hear keys jingle outside of the door. I know it is Dean, and he walks inside with bags in his hands. He places the bags on the floor and gives me a soft smile.

"Finally, my baby decided to get out of bed." He says and walks over to me. He places his hand on my neck and cheek to check the temperature of my body. He sighs and kisses my forehead, ruffling my hair.

I watch his every move as he grabs the bag from the floor and places it on the dining table. He takes each thing out of the bags and says, "You know what? Everyone at the pharmacy thought I and Alexa were dating."

It gets my attention and I look at him with wide eyes, "..Didn't you tell everyone that she is your friend?"

"I told to the cashier that she is my friend but not everyone." He says and walks into the kitchen.

I frown and throw the remote away, getting irritated. Why didn't he tell everyone that they are friends? Does he have feelings for Alexa? As I think about it, he brushes me with a glass and gives me the medicine.

I get the medicine from him and take a sip of water, still thinking about him and Alexa. I get scared of losing him as I think deeply, so I pull him down on the couch and cling onto him.

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