Chapter 55

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Three weeks later...

Dean POV:

The club is packed like typical, which means I have more work to do. I don't complain about it, but Seth will mad at me if I arrive home later than usual. I also can't wait to see his beautiful face again and admire it.

I wander around the club for entirely five hours, and it makes my back sore. I sigh loudly and place the shot glasses on the counter before sitting on one of the stools and getting some rest.

"On break?" Alexa asks and hands me a can of coke. She soothes my back gently and tries to help me, easing out the pain.

I nod and feel grateful for having such a good friend. "These people ask for too much food and drinks," I whine and open the can, taking a swig of the drink. "I wondered, was it like this before I went to Florida?"

"Well, everything was changed later, but we were managed to take care of your spot and this club." She responds, preparing food and drinks for ordered customers. She ruffles my hair and gives me a soft smile before moving in with the orders.

I feel bored, so I enter the kitchen and high-fiving Jey and Jimmy, "Hey guys."

"What are you doing back here?" Jey asks while cooking something delicious. He's an expert in cooking, and no one can beat him in this.

I have to learn some more of his cooking skills to attract Seth. I smile softly and pat Jey's shoulder, watching his admirable work. "Feeling bored, and I'm on break right now," I say, trying to help them a bit.

"Hmm... What did you plan on this weekend?" Jimmy asks, washing the utensils in the sink.

"Seth asked his brother to come over. So we will spend this weekend with him." I answer, waving a hand at them when I hear Alexa calling me. I return to the counter and help her with the orders, enjoying the shift.

After a few minutes, the shift is over and drove me excited to return home and cuddle with Seth. I get on my bike and ride to the home where my family is. Yeah, Seth and our dogs are my families!

When I return home, I notice the entire neighborhood is silent. I unlock the door slowly and get in the house, noting it is also reticent. I sigh and slip the jacket off my shoulders, throwing it on the couch before making my way to my room.

I get in the bed slowly without waking the sleeping beauty and wrap my arm around his waist. I press a small kiss on his cheek and pull his back into my chest, inhaling his natural body scent. My eyes blink slowly and drift into sleep.

I didn't even sleep an hour, but something woke me up. I'm not sure what causes me to wake up at first. The curtains are dancing against the windows, but it's nowhere near enough to bother me awake while the sleep clings into me.

My eyes squint against the dimly lit room while my mind, still working over what has caused me to wake up. I realize a few moments later when little tiny dips are felt in the bed coming towards me.

When something is climbing onto my side to get the front side of my body, I know who it is. "Don't do it, Kev," I grumble out as I feel the dips following the line of my body. I close my eyes to try and feign sleep but know it's futile. "Don't do it. I'm sleeping."

He's blatantly ignored, as a small, wet tongue begins to lick repeatedly at my face. First my nose, then my cheek, then my eyes, then down to my lips until I'm obliged to swat away the offending party.

"Goddamn it, Kevin." It comes out as a sigh as I open my eyes again, slumber still clinging on desperately. I glance at him as he remains in my face, almost wriggling my entire body as he wags his tail.

"What the hell do you think you're doing? You know your papa will wake up if you keep shaking the bed." I explain to him, but he makes a soft whining noise before pursuing his collapsing against my side and burying his face into my chest.

I huff out a soft laugh and roll over onto my back slowly, scooping him up in one hand and plopping him down onto my stomach. "Where's your friend, huh?" I coo at him, petting him gently before poking him in a playful manner.

I turn to look at Seth when I hear a soft scratch of nails on the blanket at his side. "Uh oh, here you're Deanie." I smile and try to drag him at my side, not wanting Seth to wake up, but he moves to his face and gives him more kisses.

After a while, Seth wakes up and strokes Deanie's hair before noticing me in the bed. "When did you come?" He asks sheepishly, moving closer to me and burying his head in my chest.

"An hour ago," I mutter, pressing a kiss on his hair and stroking it gently. Within minutes, he dozes off again and snorts sweetly.

A smile curls on my lips when I hear his snoring. I pet both Kevin and Deanie, making sure they drift to sleep. I feel like it's home.. and family! I try to doze off again but decide against it, wanting to listen to the even breathing of my family.

The End.

Thank you to all the readers who are stuck with this story from the beginning to the end. Without you guys, this book never comes to life, so thank you very much.

And thank you for all the encouragement, comments, and votes that you have given to this book.

I hope you love this story and enjoy it as much as I did. Once again, thank you guys for making me give a successful ending to this story. 

Thank you!

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