Chapter 8

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Seth POV:

I groan while reaching out across the bed. I pat around the cool sheets and my eyes crack open to see the bed empty. I feel my heart sink and another low tired groan leaves my throat.

Suddenly I feel fear surge through me. I sit up on the bed, ignoring how light my head feels and my vision goes fuzzy. Maybe, it's all because those medicines which I ate last night. 

Where is Dean?

I look over myself then the room and find everything like it had been left. I couldn't calm my heart so I throw the blankets off of me and whine in pain as I lift my legs and try to move.

I open the door and slowly step into the hallway, hoping Dean is there. Before I move further, he comes there with a cup in his hand and looks at me with wide eyes, "Shit!"

He slowly lifts me with his other hand without hurting me and I wrap my arms around his shoulders before he takes me to the room. He gently places me on the bed and gives the cup to me, "Why are you hurting yourself?"

I look over the cup and smile at the hot chocolate and then look up at him, "I was scared that you're not beside me when I woke up."

"I'm just warming up some food on the kitchen to feed you." He smiles and pats on my shoulder before goes to the bathroom. I look up at him when he comes back and takes the empty cup from me.

He places it on the bedside table before slowly lifts me from the bed and takes me to the bathroom. He drops me on the cold floor and puts his hand on the bathtub to check the water temperature.

He places his hand on my back gently, "I let the water little hot because it will make you feel light. I'll be outside. If you want anything, just call me." I nod, he smiles softly and leaves the bathroom.

I smile and slowly discard my clothes before putting them on the basket which is placed in the corner. A soft gasp leaves my lips as I let my body slide down into the water.

Dean POV:

As I leave the bathroom, I make my way to my room while thinking about Seth. I knew I shouldn't push him but I have to talk to him at some point, maybe to try and get some insight about him.

I decide after I get him out of the bath and feed, maybe I wanna just try. I sigh and open the door of my room before step inside. I smile when I find a really old pair of my jeans which should be small enough to fit him and some underwear which is clean.

I open the closet and take one of my t-shirts for him before going to the guest room. I place the clothes at the edge of the bed and go near the bathroom door just enough to knock at the door and make sure whether he is okay. "Seth?"

"Yeah," Once I hear his voice, I sigh in relief and say, "I placed some clothes for you on the bed so just wear those. I'll be in the kitchen so don't scare that I'm not here."

"Okay," When I hear the response, I leave the room and go to the kitchen. A few minutes later, I place the food on the tray before leaving the kitchen and stop when I hear someone knocks at the door.

I tilt my head towards the door, "Just wait." I place the tray on the coffee table before walk over to the door and open it. I smile when I see my friends Jey, Jimmy, and Alexa on the other side, "Surprise!"

I step to the side and let them walk into the house. They look around my house because it is the first time they come to my house. While Jey and Jimmy sit on the couch, Alexa asks as she points the tray, "Is this for him?"

"Yeah," I nod and move towards the coffee table to take the tray. I look at her when I hear her voice from behind, "Basically, I'm here to look at him. And how is he?"

I smile, "Now, he is better. Just come with me and I'll show him to you." I move towards his room with my friends following behind. Once I open the door, I sigh as I look at him with my clothes on in front of the mirror and it looks so beautiful for him.

He turns around and looks at me confused, "D-Dean!" I place the tray on the bedside table before go to him and wrap my arm around his shoulders, "Hey, don't get confused. They are my friends and they came here to see you."

He nods and I slowly make him sit on the bed. I take the plate from the tray and feed him. He grabs my hand when Alexa rakes her eyes slowly over him and says, "You're cute!"

"He is scared of you and he is only comfortable with Dean!" Jey says as he looks at Seth and Seth nods while he tightens his grip on my hand. I look at Alexa and mouth, "Sorry."

She smiles and pats on my back playfully before sits on the other side of Seth. She tries to talk and make a friendship with him whenever he looks at her with one eye while eating the food.

I want to make him talk with my friends otherwise, I feel a huge weight on my shoulders. They are good at entertaining so if he starts talking with them, I'm sure he will feel good.

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