Chapter 37

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Dean POV:

"He believed you would come for him and take him with you!"

Roman's words repeat in my mind since last night and run through my every nerve, burning lit there. Those are not just words like everyone thinks, it's my life. The only way that keeps me still breathing and thinking about my life.

I'm such a pathetic bastard for deciding the wrong choice. Who am I to kill myself that is belonging to Seth, huh? I shouldn't think about that while letting him suffer in the dark of thinking about me. He is the one who loses his mind, but I'm not.

I have to do something to make his words true because it's his hope. I won't break his hope and make him think about me badly. I won't let him think that he loses his heart to a pathetic loser.

I won't cry anymore because I do a lot of it already. I will get out of this miserable state and pick him with me to our home. I will give him a wonderful life that he never dreams of in his life.

I get up from the floor unsteadily and manage to get into my room. I grab fresh clothes from the closet and run to the bathroom to take a long hot shower. It will give me strength and cover the lack of sleep in my eyes. I will never show myself weak anymore. I will prove to everyone that I'm good for him.

Once I've done showering, I get dressed and leave the house without having any plan on my mind. It takes forty minutes to reach my destination, but I don't mind. My aim is to make him realize the wonderful moments that we have shared and bring him back the memory with me.

As soon as I reach his house, I hide behind a tree and wait for the right time. When the security gets distracted by the phone, I use the opportunity to get inside and make sure no one notices me.

I stumble a bit on my way when a damn Yorkie runs over to me and throws himself at my legs, jumping and yapping until I bend down to pick him up. I pet his head and press a kiss on the top of his head, imaging it as Deanie. I miss him so much and I hope Alexa will take care of him well.

I get out of my thoughts when I hear a sweet, familiar voice in the air. I look up and meet the brown orbs that are solely onto me. A smile curls at my lips as I see his cute lips moving, "You?!"

He grabs the dog from me and attaches its leash, shivering a little. He stares at me for a moment before attempting to turn and go back to his house. Something in that seems to make me smile for some reason, and I do so. To the outside, he is Colby, but inside he is Seth, my Seth!

I grab his hand forcefully and take him to the side of the building, trying to bring some sense in him. I manage to put my grip on him while he pushes against my hold and tries to get away from me. I dip my head down to talk to him, "Why do you keep running?"

The question is a loaded one, but I try to focus on it to mean just right now. And.. yeah. He definitely shivers this time if he hasn't before. "Just try to understand what is happening around you, baby!" I say quietly again, not wanting to scare him.

"Leave me," He grunts and tries to wiggle in my grip. When he understands he can't go anywhere until I leave him, he yells with venom in his voice, "What the hell is up with you?"

"You! You're the one who is happened greatly in my life." I hiss and place my hand on his cheek, stroking it a bit. I lean down and press a small kiss on his cheek, feeling good. There again, the little shiver runs through his body.

"Just stop it. I'm getting married in a week. I want to be truthful to AJ, so please stay out of my life." He says and shoves me away. His words haven't bothered me much this time because it's not coming out of his heart. I'll give a damn about Seth, not Colby!

I will give a response to Seth's words, not Colby's words! I try to grab him again, but he stumbles a bit and falls on the floor when he has no way to escape from me. I don't know what to do. Did I put too much pressure on him?

I kneel and pull him into my arms, shaking him. "Seth," I call him and get scared of his situation, looking around for help. I sigh and press a kiss on his forehead before moving back a little to carry him.

As I'm about to pick him up, he places his hand on my cheek and blinks his eyes slightly, "W-Water!" He rubs his throat and points at the impending tap on the garden, giving me puppy dog eyes.

I nod and let him lean against the wall, patting his shoulder. "Keep staying with me, baby. I'm here for you." I coo in his ear and tug his hair behind it, stroking a bit. I run to the tap and look around for something to take water but I get nothing so I hold my hands together and get the water in it.

As I turn around to make my way to him, he is not there where I've laid him. The water in my hands drops to the ground when my eyes find him getting into the house hurriedly with his dog.

Roman is right! Seth, no! Colby is not what I think. I need to put too much effort if I take him in my control again. I could take care of this kid when he lost his mind. So I can take care of this kid again if I go on his way.

Everything is okay, but the time is too little for me so I need to do something before his wedding with AJ. I lift my head up and see Seth staring at me through his window when I feel a gaze on me. "I promise I'll come for you wherever you go!" I mouth and nod at him, feeling light head as I see his cute face.

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