Chapter 17

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Seth POV:

I dry my hair with a towel as I get out of the bathroom. I look over myself in the mirror and run my fingers through my hair to know whether it is soft and silky like before.

Yeah... Dean is right. The shampoo and conditioner he gave were really good. I asked him to help me with the hair but he gave the items and quickly disappeared through the door.

I get out of the room to see Dean but he is not there in the living room. I find a note on the coffee table and it reads, "I'm going out for a walk."

I sit on the couch then realize the usual welcome barking as I get off the room was absent. "Deanie?" I call him as I search him in the kitchen, bathroom, everywhere but he is nowhere to be found.

I know he has been secured in the living room when I go to sleep but now, what happened? Did Dean let him loose or taken him? Had he eaten him?!

I come out of my thoughts when I hear the sound of the front door opens. I let out a sigh as I see Deanie in Dean's arms and go to them. "I searched Deanie the whole house and thought you ate him!"

"What do you think I am?" Dean asks and lets him go. He then crosses his arms over his chest and raises an eyebrow at me, "Some kind of animal?"

I laugh and shake my head, letting him sit on the couch. Deanie is sniffing around the room and crawls into Dean's leg. I click my tongue at him and try to shoo him away but he doesn't.

Dean carefully pushes the little being away with his foot before taking the remote and starts to flip the channels. His face seems fresh even the sweat dripping from his forehead.

I take the towel and hand it to him before grabbing Deanie and sits beside him. I admire how Deanie looks cute as he curls up in my lap and I love it. I lean against Dean's shoulder and watch a movie that he finally settles into.

Dean POV:

I look at Seth as he lets out a whimper when Rose discovers that Jack has died. I find it a little amused because there are tears running down his face. We watch the end of the movie but he has so many emotions in his face and feels sorry for Jack.

The credits roll and he wipes his eyes as I turn to him with a smirk. He pushes me away and says hoarsely, "Don't fucking start with me."

"Seriously, it's the Titanic. You told me that you watched it before with Alexa." I point out and continue to laugh at him.

"I would always cry whenever I saw this." He shrugs, reaching for the box of tissues that he has put on the coffee table.

"I just can't believe this kid also cries at the Titanic." I mock and laugh at me.

He punches me in the arm and says, "Everyone would cry at Titanic. You just don't have a heart. I and Ro always tear up whenever we see this movie. It's fucking heartbreaking. She could have saved him if she hadn't hogged the raft thing." He grumbles, wiping the tear tracks off his cheeks.

When he mentioned the word 'Ro', my mind stopped there to think about it. Maybe it would be his relative's name but how could he remembered that person even he is in amnesia.

"Seth, who is Ro?" I ask and watch his reaction changes. His expression mixed with confusion and surprise that he mentioned someone who is related to him.

Seth POV:

I don't know who is Ro but how I mentioned that name without knowing. I am confused and get a little bit surprised when I mentioned someone's name. I need to know who's name that I mentioned.

I can ask about my relations to Dean but if he knew about Ro, he wouldn't ask it to me. Then who is Ro? Is he my friend or enemy that Dean doesn't know?

I feel my head hurts as I think about it so I get up from the couch and go to the room. I lock the door behind me and sit on the bed with my mind full of thoughts. Every thought is clueless and new to me.

I hear Dean's voice on the other side of the door but I don't want to see anyone now. I hold my head in pain and try to remember something like my mother, father or anyone but none of them comes to my mind except Dean.

I don't want to make him worry for me so I get up from the bed and open the door quickly. I have no answers if he asks any questions to me so I pull him into the hug and bury my face in the crook of his neck.

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