Chapter 6

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Dean POV:

I feel the air is thick suddenly when I know how much I hurt him. How stupid I'm? I knew he forgot his past and he knew only me who is unrelated to him.

I place my hand on his shoulder but he pushes it away. I sigh while clasping my hands and try to change the situation. "You know what Seth, I came here early if you didn't come in my dreams."

He turns to look at me, "Really?" Then he pouts and turns back again, "No, you are lying."

"No, it's true. In my dreams, you wore a white t-shirt with black pants." I cross over the bed and go in front of him. "Your hair tied back in a neat ponytail and I took you to our home."

"Is that true?" He smiles and tries to stand up from the bed. As soon as he stands, he grabs my hand and makes us fall on the bed when his head starts to spin. I place my hand under his head when I see the pain in his face.

"..Arghh.." He whines in pain and I move back slowly without hurting him much. He sits there for a moment while holding his stomach and looks back at me, "When will we go to our home?"

"After your wounds are healed. Now you just eat some food before your stomach hurts for hungry." I unwrap the food bags and place them on the table. "Just adjust it because the doctor told me to give you this hospital food."

I pick up the spoon and fill it with some chicken porridge then bring it closer to his mouth but he turns away. I am confused by his action so I try again but he does the same.

"Now, what happened baby?" I didn't expect that I call him 'baby'. Maybe I called him because of his childish behavior so I don't think about that too much.

"I don't want to stay in this hospital until the wounds are healed. I want to be with you." He pouts and again turns his face away from me.

I grab him by his chin and make him look at me, "If you eat this like a good boy, I'll talk to the doctor about your discharge." He nods and opens his mouth. I smile and hold the spoon to his mouth.

He doesn't tell any complaint about the food and eats quietly. He stops me when I fill the spoon with some food after a few rounds and asks, "Did you eat anything?"

"I'll eat later, now you eat." I hold the spoon to his mouth but he grabs the spoon from my hand and holds it to my mouth. I look at him confused until he moves the spoon further forward and says, "Eat."

"Baby-" I stop when he pushes the spoon into my mouth. Once I swallow the food, he fills the spoon with some food and again holds it to me. Tears start to fill my eyes but I manage it because no one gave me food like this as I knew.

After we eat the food, I give a fresh apple to fill his one hand and the other with a tall glass of iced lemon tea. "Once you eat this, just lay here like a good boy until I meet the doctor and come back."

He nods and then I go to the doctor's office and knock at the door. When he accepts, I enter his room and sit on the chair.

"Doctor Rhodes, I come here to discharge Mr. Rollins," I say as I clasp my hands nervously. I know it is pretty early but what can I do, Seth doesn't understand it.

He looks at me confused, "Are you mad? He is hurt up pretty bad then how can I discharge him?" I can see the anger in his face but he sighs, "Okay.. but, why?"

"Because.. Seth doesn't want to stay in the hospital so I think if he spends much time in the house, it will help to bring his memory soon." My words are all lies but I don't know how to convince him otherwise. He nods once he understands what I said.

"Well, if Mr. Rollins wishes this then it's fine. But you need to take him here once two weeks until he heals. I'll tell the nurse to dress up his wounds before he leaves." He says.

"Thank you, doctor." I nod and hold out a hand.

He takes my hand and shakes it, "Take care of him." I give him a half smile before I let his hand.

Before I go to Seth's room, I call some of my friends and ask them to help me to pay the hospital bills. I return to Seth's room and see him playing with his fingers.

When he sees me, he smiles and waves a hand at me, "Dean." His smile melts my heart and makes me forget the situation. I go near him and sit on the edge of the bed. He tries to move and whines in pain as he holds himself.

I feel sorry for him and want to hug him to make himself good but I don't know how I can. I place my hand on his cheek and gently stroke his face and try to make sure that he's not to focus on the pain he is in. It actually helps, he doesn't feel so bad after that.

When he looks up and meets my gaze, I feel something new which I didn't feel before. I turn my head and take my phone out when I hear the buzzing sound. I smile when I look over the text my friend Alexa sent.

"Don't worry, you don't need to come to the bar today. We'll manage it and Jey comes there at 6.00 PM to give you the money." ~Alexa

I thank God for giving me, such wonderful friends. I look up when Seth rubs my hand and asks, "When will we go home?"

I poke his nose, "Today, after 6.30 PM." He smiles and wiggles lightly. I feel like he is my everything and I can do anything to make him happy.

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