Chapter 53

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Dean POV:

I wake up with the light which streams through the window and dances across my face. I groan and rub the sleep out of my eyes, letting out a satisfied sigh. I glance at Seth and lift my hand to block the light which falls on his face and tries to wake him.

A smile curls on my lips when his face wrinkles and hides in my chest. I turn my back against the window and wrap my arm around him, pressing a small kiss on his hair. I feel content and groundless when I have him finally for myself.

I press my nose to the top of his head and breath in his scent, feeling comfortable. When I feel him stir under my touch, I move away from him just enough to look at his beautiful face and place my hand on his cheek, "Hey."

"Hey," He yawns and stretches, rubbing his cheek against my body absentmindedly. He takes a deep breath in through his nose and blows it out. Then he sits up, still glued to my side but not using me as a pillow anymore.

"I want to see my brother and tell him about our love story." He says, tugging and playing with my shirt. He moves away from me and thinks about something, tapping his finger on his cheek.

I look at him amused and sit up too, slinging an arm around him and pulling him closer to me. "What's going on in your mind?" I ask, trying to smooth the situation if he has something serious on his mind.

"Nothing. I just wonder what he will label to our love story. A kidnapped love or some crazy shit," He thinks profoundly and starts to questioning me again like a kid. He will never bore to quizzing me and making me mad.

I roll my eyes and rub at my collarbone nervously, not knowing how to answer this shit. "I gotta piss," I blurt out, trying to escape from him. I get up from the bed and walk over to the bathroom, hearing his laugh behind me.

I take my time in the bathroom and smile to myself, thinking about last night. Finally, I got what I deserved! When he confessed his love, I felt I was the only lucky person in this world. I still can't get over the effect of last night.

I want to return to Las Vegas and celebrate my victory of love with my friends. I don't know how he will react when he sees them. I hope everything will be fine. My thoughts are interrupted when I hear some harsh movements outside the door. I do my business quickly and return to the bedroom, finding the blankets on the floor.

"Colby?" I call out for him as I make my way to the living room. I stop in my tracks when my eyes lay on a familiar figure which stands at the doorway.

"You didn't seem happy to see me here, did you?" AJ asks, crossing his arms over his chest and gives a questioning look to Seth.

My heart almost bursts out of my chest when I see him here. I didn't know how he found us. I have to stay calm and make him understand everything. I know it's a little painful, but I have to try it. Frustration will make the person goes beyond his limit.

Colby POV:

Initially, I got confused when I heard a knock at the door, then grew excited, assuming it was my brother. It has been weeks since I see him. I miss him so much. My excitement fell from my face when I found it was not him; it's AJ.

"AJ," I mumble flatly and look over his shoulder, searching for my brother. "It's good to see you here. Didn't Roman come with you?"

"Not now. Aren't you going to invite me in?" He asks, cocking his head with mocking coyness. "Or letting me stay here in the cold and kicking me out?"

"Get in. I just forgot about it." I say, greeting him in and showing him the couch. I wished my brother would come with him. I let out a frustrated breath and pick Kevin from the floor, brushing his soft fur.

I look at Dean and drop my head against his shoulder when he approaches me. My breathing evens out when he holds me for a few minutes and tries to comfort me. I drop Kevin down and pat his back gently until AJ clears his throat and gets my attention.

"Forgot!" He laughs dryly and looks around the room, scratching his nose with the back of his finger. "It seemed like you forgot not only about it and also me!!"

I swallow hard and glance back at Dean, looking a little terrified. I nod at him and grab his hand, taking him to AJ. "I-I wanted to tell this to Roman first, but I would like to tell you now. I love Dean! I hope you will understand, AJ. You're a good friend to my brother, so I don't want that bond to break because of me.."

"I knew already this would happen. Anyway, congratulations!" He sighs and gets up from the couch, holding a hand out to me.

I knew confronting him would make everything smoother. I smile softly and take his hand, shaking it. I let out a sudden yelp when he spins me around and catches me in his arms. My eyes widen when a gun appears out of nowhere and points at my head.

"D-Dean," I hold my hand out to my boyfriend, but AJ squeezes my throat and scares him to get away from me.

"What did you think about me, Colby? Do I look like a loser to you?" His voice sends a shiver in my ear and makes me nervous. He didn't act like this before. He told me once that he would let me live on my own if I wished.

"Let him go, or I'll tear you apart if anything happens to him," Dean yells and tries to reach me, but AJ kicks him in the ribs, holding me still in his arms.

"Don't show your smartness, Dean. Once you did, not again!" He says, glaring at him and squeezes my throat again.

I try to remove his hand off my throat and mumble, "Try to understand, AJ. You didn't bring love into my heart when we knew each other. But in these past few weeks, he changed my universe completely and made me feel new!"

"Shut up!" He scowls and squeezes my neck harder, just enough to make me scared.

"You-" Dean marches toward him but stops when AJ shakes his head and presses the gun even further into my head. Dean puts his hands up helplessly and steps backward, "Don't do this, AJ."

"Colby, I got an idea. You had a love for him when I stayed away from you. So I guess you will love me if he stays away from you!" AJ snarls, pointing the gun toward him and pulling the trigger.

"No!!" I shout, trying to pull his hand away but get slipped. Tears run down my cheeks when the bullet escapes from the gun and goes in Dean's direction. I fall onto my knees and palm my face, crying aloud.

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