Chapter 47

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Dean POV:

My eyes solely fix on Seth when I wake up from sleep. I stare at him for a second, watching him fall asleep, and somehow it's becoming a habit. It uses to be a habit before.

I try not to think about it now because it hurts me a little. There were so many nights when we were sharing a room, sharing a bed, and he wouldn't let me sleep peacefully if he had nightmares.

I turn on my side and watch him for a long time. His messy hair. His long, dark eyelashes casting shadows on his cheeks. His lips part slightly as he lets out soft breaths. He looks even younger when he is sleeping, features relaxed, edges smoothing away.

He's in control always, outsmarting everyone or scheming something up, so seeing him this vulnerable is startling and entrancing at the same time. He is a work of art!

I'm never interested in protecting someone this much because he is one of the cutest things I've ever known. It is pretty astounding to think about how much he trusts me. Somehow I still trust him now, even after everything.

I reach out once toward his sleeping figure like I can't help it, then pull my hand back slightly like I've been burned. I reach out again, slowly and hesitantly this time, hardly breathing like I'm freezing in place.

My eyes trace over his face as I run my fingers through his hair, feather-light, just a ghost of a touch. The back of my fingertips grazes over his warm cheek, almost reverently.

I pull away again suddenly, my hand closing into a tight fist at my side, feeling a combination of utter despair and self-loathing well up in me. So thick and oppressive I can choke on it.

I squeeze my eyes shut for a second, trying to keep the emotions within myself. I breathe in deeply through my nose and let it out through my mouth in a rush. I get up from the bed and walk away, shutting the door behind me without a sound.

I reach the kitchen and prepare coffee for us while listening to the radio. My ears perk up when the radio says this is the worst storm to hit the area in a decade. There is well over a foot of snow out already, and it will never let up soon.

While I'm pouring the coffee into a mug, I hear swearing coming out of the bathroom. I put the pot aside and run to the room, pushing the door open and seeing him smooth his hair into a ponytail, but a bump keeps appearing at the side of his head.

He stops in his track and tries to cover the bump which gets into my eyes already. "I think you're distracted by my voice. I just tried to sing, and that sound it was!" He tries to convince me and turns to face the mirror.

I smile and move behind him, smoothing back his hair with my hands and flattening the bump. Holding the ponytail with one hand, I pry the hair elastic from his fingers and secure it around his hair.

The ponytail has perfectly centered right at the nape of his neck. He stares in the mirror at the reflection of us and swallows heavily. His heart starts to feel something for me, and I can see it in his eyes.

Colby POV:

I freeze as I see Dean close to me by standing right behind me. I can feel his heartbeat on my back as I notice him staring into the mirror along with me. We look good together. I enjoy being close to him, but I don't know how this thought comes to my mind.

I don't know if he turns me around or I do it of my own free will, but my arms are around his neck, and his arms are around my waist. Our lips fuse in a gentle kiss that sends a shiver down my spine.

My mind doesn't care how this has happened instead it tries to feel something. All I know is that he is putting all his love into the kiss. Our mouth mold against each other as our bodies fit together perfectly.

After several minutes, the kiss ends and leaves us breathless. I look at him helplessly and feel unsure about everything in my life. Suddenly everything is overwhelming me, and the bathroom is too small to be in.

I flee from the bathroom and run to the living room, sitting on the couch. I have some weird feelings for him that are too strong to ignore. I clench my fists as I think about it because I'm not like this before until I've met him.

Dean POV:

I stare at the opened door that Seth has literally run through. I can't really blame him though. I had no idea how it happened, but the kiss proved something. I could feel the sensation all the way down to my toes.

As I walk out of the bathroom, I know I can't just go to the kitchen as if nothing has happened, so I choose to see him, not quite sure what he is seeking. Little do I know, it throws him into a fit of anger that I'm wildly unprepared for.

In a flash, he is on me with his hand tight around my jaw so fast that I've no time to brace myself. "Why?!" He screams in my face, making me flinch at the sound of his voice. "Why did you make me like this? Why do you take care of me to prove some idiotic point?!"

I find this amusing because I've done it. I proved a point finally, and he should admit it. The tightness in my cheeks spread with a grin as I place my hand on his cheek, "You're finally starting to see, Seth."

"No! You're just dreaming like that. Try not to lose the last marble that has been rolling in your head." He spits back, pointing an angry finger at my face. "You kidnapped me, Dean! Love will not work like this!"

I try to smooth the situation by ignoring the heat in my chest, "But it works! Doesn't it?"

He clamps his mouth shut and locks his eyes with mine in a battle of wills. We're united like fire and ice, sun and moon, north and south. We're worked like that way, and now he is starting to get it.

"N-No... You're trying some tricks to get into my mind." He says, taking a step away from me as if he can't trust himself to be in such warm proximity.

I chuckle and glance at him, knowing his mental state now. He finally understood! He ultimately knows what I've been saying all along. If he straight up tears my throat out for all he cares, I will die happy knowing that he feels the same.

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