Chapter 5

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Dean POV:

I just make and serve drinks since I came to the bar while thinking about Seth, and also checking my phone every 30 minutes whether I get any call from the hospital. I'm not like this before, but now I am surprised that I care for someone.

"Dean, come here," I hear Jey's voice and find him pacing back and forth between the foods. "I really hate when Finn goes off to fuck Becky. It's nice they two are dating but it is hard for me to do all this." He points to the pots on the stove, "When I got no help!"

I smirk once I understand what he means. He asks, "Can you get me that salmon over here? I have to fry it." I take the plate of salmon from the counter and pass it to him.

"Hmm.. Did you get any call from the hospital?" He asks. I don't know how to answer the question but I expected this.

"Yeah.. I got a call from the hospital this morning so I just went there and stayed with that guy before I came here." I explain, not bothering to look at him in the eyes. I try to move away but he grabs my arm, "For what?"

"He.. he forgot everything including his name also." I bite my lip nervously.

He glares at me, "I already told you not to involve this but you-" He stops and pulls his hand away from me when Finn returns to the kitchen. Finn fixes himself up and washes his hands on the sink.

"About time you get back!" Jey glares at him. Finn opens his mouth to say something, "Sorry, she was late-"

"La.. la.. la.. Don't wanna hear it!" I shout while covering my ears. "Whatever happened between you and Becky has stayed with you two!" I smile and clap my hand with Jey.

"You all act innocent like it never happens in your life?" He smirks and crosses his arms over his chest.

"At least, we will wait until we get home." Jey throws an apron over to him and he catches it and puts it on. "You can go now, Dean. Thanks for your help!" Jey tells me.

"The least I could do for your help!" I say, taking off my apron. I meant it to thank him for helping Seth but I don't know why I care for him this much. I feel weird and good whenever I think about him.

I get out of the kitchen and go back to take my position in the bar. The rest of the day goes slow like I don't expect. When it is time to close the bar, I wave a hand at my friends before making my way towards my house.

Once I go to my house, I eat some food which is the leftover of yesterday then make my way to the bed and drift into a peaceful sleep to give my body some rest.

Few hours later..

I stir in my sleep as I roll over to hide my face into the pillow when a beam of light reflects on my skin. I jolt and begin to protest before cover my face with the pillow.

I throw the pillow aside and sit on the bed when I remember that I want to go to the hospital. I look around and take the phone from the bedside table and notice some calls from the hospital. "Shit!"

I try that number and wait for a few minutes until they pick up the phone. A few minutes later, a lady attends the call, "Hello?"

"Hmm.. sorry, this is Dean Ambrose. How is Seth Rollins?" I wait for her response as I stand up from the bed and open the closet to take some clothes.

"There is a little problem. He woke up early and started to cry that he wants to go to his house. So please come fast!" I gasp when I hear that. I reply as I think about the situation, "I will be there in 15 minutes!"

I put the phone aside and quickly put on a t-shirt and dark blue jeans that have small holes on the knee side. I look at myself in the mirror and notice my hair is messy from the sleep but I shrug my shoulders, not caring.

I take the phone before walk out of the room and go to the hospital. Once I go there, I go straight to Seth's room with a bag of foods in my hand.

When I open the door, he looks away from me and crosses his arms over his chest. I expected that he is angry at me for not being here before he woke up.

I place the food on the table and sit beside him. I place my hand on his shoulder and try to convince him, "Seth, I know you're angry but I'm sorry. I forgot and slept some more time because of tired."

"I have no one to worry about me. I have no one to sit beside me." He mutters under his breath, still not turning to look at me. I didn't think he would feel this way.

Before I talk, he turns to look at me with tears in his eyes and holds my hand, "Please.. Just call my parents and tell them to take me to my home!"

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