Chapter 39

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Dean POV:

Seth is still unconscious when I open the backseat door to get him out. The effect of chloroform was too strong, so that made him forgot about everything for almost four hours. I hope it will continue to put the effort until I return the car to the owner without leading into trouble.

I move to carry him but stop a second to take a moment to admire him, all muscles and tan skin stressing the brain of a genius that peeks out behind his eyes are so dark. I'm glad I've taken him in his skin-tight jeans and a tank top, not in a suit so I can admire his form in a more familiar setting.

I know nights around here will get cold, so I have to give him something eventually to cover his body. For now, I can at least admire the sleeping form in the backseat.

His hair blows in the air and falls on his face, catching my attention. I sigh and lean forward to caress his hair out of his face, pressing a small kiss on his temple. I pick him in my arms and make sure everything is okay before guiding the Yorkie with us to the house.

I've forgotten how heavy he can be when I carry the weight of my unconscious baby up the three steps to the porch. The stairs creak and moan under my every footfall, but that doesn't bother me.

No one will hear us, anyway. No one can guess where we are until Braun and Alexa open his mouth to spill the things. Yeah... It is Braun's cabin. He gave me this idea when Alexa told him about Seth's marriage with AJ. They will never betray me if Roman questions them about us, so I need not worry about it.

Seth's family will never guess that we will be miles from the nearest shred of civilization where there is no cell service and all, surrounding by a great expanse of the forest with birds, bears, and wolves.

I laugh a little when I remember Braun's sideway comment on that day as he has described this cabin, "No one will hear your scream if you do so."

That's the point. Seth has no one other than me to depend on like before. No one is here to help him. No one is here to care for him except the shattered love of a man with nothing else to lose because I have lost everything already.

I glance at the bed and make sure he will feel comfortable before laying him on it. I grab his legs and remove his shoes off, making it harder to run from here. He can't get far away from the cabin if he does so.

The cabin is surrounded by miles of dense forest and mountains on either side, the Quartz in the stone tamper with the cell phone reception, and the animals I've told are not taking kindly to humans encroaching on their land. But it's better to play safe if he decides to get brave.

He's not that much brave, but he pretends he is. That is one of the traits which draws me to his magnetic presence in the first place. He is smart, innocent, and childish. He has everything that anyone with a heart wants to love.

I sigh and take every precaution before leaving the place. Besides being situated in the middle of nowhere, the cabin is equipped with a root cellar, the only access to which is through a hidden door in the sparse kitchen.

The walls are rock so it can get cold and damp, but I will make sure it doesn't affect him. I will give him a space heater and plenty of blankets at night to keep him warm. I don't want him to suffer or feel uncomfortable while he is here because it's not the point.

The point is to make him see the reason and understand that he loves me just as fiercely as I love him because I know it, and so he will. I have to chain him until he can see and understand everything.

I hate to do it, but he is still unconscious when I cuff him to the bed, so it doesn't hurt me more. If he pleads with his puppy dog eyes to me, it will prevent me from chaining him up.

Once I've checked everything, I feed the Yorkie and put it on the bed with Seth, letting it curling against his side. I kiss both of their heads and drape a blanket over them before moving backward with slow steps and leaving the room.

After I return the rental car to the owner, I make sure no one notices me and follow me to the forest. It takes me past midnight to reach the cabin, but I don't care. I will never feel this as difficult because it brings me closer to him, not far away from him.

I get into his room and watch the sleeping figure on the bed, waiting for him to wake up. I will wait for him forever if I have to. That's the funny thing. I will make him see and understand the love we have for each other.

I sit on the chair not too far from the sleeping form of the one person I've begged for, I've died for, and I've lived for. I watch his chest rise and fall in a steady rhythm and wonder if the shiver I see glide across his skin is a subconscious assertion of what I've been thinking all along or his body reacting to the cold of the cellar.

It doesn't matter either way because I'm content to watch him in the peaceful moments before he wakes up. I drink him in, smiling absently to myself at the visually stunning individual. Even in his compromised position, he manages to be pretty.

His long lashes brush his cheekbone with his eyes closed. His hair is dark and silky with wavy locks. His skin is smooth and tight. His hands are good and soft, resting slack against where I have shackled above his head.

I lean forward in the chair and caress his hair out of his face, making sure it doesn't disturb him in his sleep. It takes me longer to move away from him because I'm too involved myself in stroking his hair, so I haven't realized his hands twitching in their bonds, his breathing draws up, his eyes fluttering, and his head turning towards me.

When I notice his movements, I brush a stray hair away from his captive face and smile at the barely audible hum that falls from his parted lips. "Come on, Seth. Open your eyes, baby. I'm here for you." I coo, stroking his cheek with my thumb. I hope he won't scream when his eyes settle on me.

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