Chapter 29

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Dean POV:

I scour through the refrigerator and cupboards to find nothing in the kitchen to prepare breakfast for us. I can control my stomach if I feel hungry because I've used to it most of the time, but I'm not sure Seth can manage it.

I place the mug of espresso on the coffee table for him on his sight and grab my wallet before going out to get us some breakfast. However, I try to keep myself busy not to think about Roman, the guilty kills me and spits at my face for my selfishness.

I return home about half an hour later with a shopping bag full of Chinese takeout. I pretend nothing is bothering me as I take each step into the house because I don't want Seth to have a doubt in my attitude.

As I walk into the kitchen, he comes out into the living room clad in a pair of dark gray sweatpants and a band t-shirt. I give him a slight smile and place the bag on the counter. I can smell the fresh scent of the soap in the air that he has used in the shower.

"You fucking betrayed me again by leaving me here without informing." He says accusingly and takes a seat at the counter, pulling the plastic bag towards him.

"Sorry, sweetheart." I ruffle his hair and try to comfort him. I go to the refrigerator and open it, wondering what to drink with the Chinese.

My heart pounds in my chest and I hold the door tightly when I hear him saying, "You wanna see, I'll do this exact thing to you one day and make you strain like I'm." I move to him and grab him by his arm without caring to close the refrigerator door.

I cup his cheeks and look into his eyes with so many emotions, "I'll never hear those words from your mouth, ever again." A single drop of tear slips from my eyes and shows me weak in front of him, but I don't care.

He bites his lip nervously, not knowing what he has done wrong. Anyway, he nods slowly and tries to understand what is going on. He closes his eyes when I lean down to press a kiss on his lips and make sure he is with me.

I pull away from him and kiss his forehead, stroking his hair. I make him sit on the chair and go to the refrigerator to grab two cans of soda. I smile as I watch him get two plates already and pile a whole container of noodles onto his plate.

He then takes another container out and smiles when opening it to see the sweet and sour chicken. "I forgot your betrayal, but you still could have told me." He dumps the entire serving of chicken on top of his noodles. "I don't know why you are so inconsiderate sometimes."

I adore his cute talk and take everything as a joke, but his face is quite serious as he starts to eat. I sigh and place a can of soda in front of him, "So, you're calling me inconsiderate?"

He doesn't react anything and continues eating his food. I take the remaining two boxes out of the bag and pick a container that has chicken, peering it in. "Seth! Did you take all the sweet and sour chicken?"

"Yeah." He replies with his mouth full.

I sigh and open the other container of noodles and empty it onto my plate. I take the last box and open it with a grin, "Well, I guess this ginger shrimp is all mine then."

His eyes widen as he sees the box and starts to whine like a kid, "You have ginger shrimp? Why didn't you tell me?"

I laugh and slide down to the other end of the breakfast bar, wanting to play with this kid a little more. "If you weren't being so selfish, you would've known." I keep my food out of his reach on doggedly and empty the shrimp on top of my food, starting to dig in.

"No fair, Dean. You have to share it with me." He grumbles and eyes my food, licking his lips. I eye him as I plop a fat shrimp into my mouth, "Well, as you have said I'm inconsiderate, it comes with the territory."

He pouts and eats his chicken as if he is disgusted by it now. A few minutes later, he leans across the bar and snatches a couple of shrimps from my plate and eats them with relish. "It is delicious." He throws his hands in the air and sits on the counter.

I laugh at his antics and swat his hand away when it moves to my plate again. I pick a shrimp and bring it to his mouth, nodding at him. I admire his lips when it moves cutely as it tastes the shrimp. I feel good around him, so I can't sacrifice him for anyone.

When we finish our breakfast, I clear away the plates and containers from the counter. I wash our plates and take him to the living room to spend our time watching movies. He is making it hard to get started because he wants to cuddle with me on the couch.

While I'm flipping through the channels, he returns from the bedroom with a blanket. He bunches the blanket around him and curls up on the couch with his head resting on my lap.

"Do you feel tired or something?" I ask and brush his hair gently. If he sleeps in the morning, there will be two reasons. Either his head pounds and tries to make him realize his past life or he is tired.

"I don't know," He mumbles sleepily. He nuzzles his face into my thigh and reaches his hand up to my face. He then brings his hand down to his mouth and presses a kiss on his fingertips, "I love you, Dean."

The guilty overwhelms me again so I encourage myself to tell him about his brother. I grab his hand and hold it in mine boldly, opening my mouth to say something, but nothing comes out. He will not only get out of this room but also get out of my life if he knows about his brother.

Instead of talking about his brother, I simply lace my fingers into his and pull his hand to my chest. "I love you too, Seth." I hope he can feel my heart that is beating out for him but he doesn't because he falls asleep and I know it by the feeling of slow rise and fall of his breathing.

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