Chapter 10

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Dean POV:

The motorcycle is pulled to a stop in the parking lot and I sit there for a moment, running my fingers through my unruly hair as I think about Seth whether I was careless for any of his things by chance.

When I feel that I didn't do any careless, I slip off my bike and enter into the bar. I smile as I find Alexa looking down at her phone instead of taking orders. "Hey," I go to her and she looks up at me quickly as if she is waiting for me.

"Hey dude, I tried to call you but you reached here. Hmm.. why are you late?" She asks and her attention is all on me now.

"It took some time to convince Seth and made him sleep so I'm late. Sorry, it won't happen again." I respond honestly. I know I didn't do my job properly since Seth came into my life.

"Nah, it doesn't matter. What if he wakes before your shift is over?" She asks and I smile at her concern for Seth. No one can't stay without showing affection for Seth if they see his cute face.

"That's not going to happen. I gave his medicines before I left the house so he would take a peaceful sleep now." I smile and walk with her to go to the kitchen to see my other friends.

"This would be nice. Well, I-" She stops when Jey comes to us before we reach the kitchen. "Hey, you finally came. Just help me with the cooking until Finn returns." He grabs my hand and takes me to the kitchen.

I put the apron and start to cut the vegetables for him. I look over my shoulder when he places his hand on my shoulder and asks, "How is Seth?"

I smile and turn around to look at him, "He is good. Don't worry about him, man. I'll take care of him." I reassure him and happy that all my friends care about him.

"I have no doubt that you will take care of him but be in your limit and don't attach with him too much. It will be a pain for you when he remembers his past or he leaves you." He says and I know whatever he said they are true so I nod at him.

"Did you find out anything about him?" He asks and goes back to continue his cooking. 

I shake my head as 'no' when I see Finn entering the kitchen because he doesn't know about Seth. I also don't want everyone to know about Seth because he will leave me someday.

Seth POV:

I wake to the gentle rise and fall of lying on Dean's chest. My arm is draped over his stomach and the blankets have been pushed to lie just across our waists. His scent filled my lungs and I exhale, smiling and feel that I'm in the home.

He stirs in his sleep and rolls onto his side. His chin rests on the top of my head. His fingers trace a pattern on the small of my back. I let my fingers tap on his chest but stop when I remember he went to his job last night so I decide not to disturb him.

I slowly get myself from his grip without waking him up and go to the bathroom by grabbing the wall for support. I return from the bathroom after a few minutes and go to the kitchen to drink some water.

Then I make my way to my room but decide to sit on the couch for a few minutes when I feel the pain in my leg. I sit on the couch and lift my leg up to lay it on the couch.

"Hey baby," I turn around when I hear Dean's voice from behind. He comes to me quickly and looks at me concerned, "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to drink water but before I return to the room, my legs hurt so I sit here," I say as I rub small circles on my knees.

"If you told me, I would help you. Why are you hurting yourself?" He asks and looks down at my legs.

"I know you went to work and you would have come home late. So I didn't want to disturb you when you were in deep slumber." I convince him and give him a soft smile.

He shakes his head and grabs my legs before he sits on the couch and places my legs on his lap. "You should have told me.." He says and slowly starts to rub it.

As he rubs small circles on my knees, something hits on my mind so I close my eyes and try to know what it is. It looks like someone rubs my knees when I fall on the ground as Dean helps me now.

I try hard to see something clear which my mind shows but it is blurred. The person who helps me has long hair, broad shoulders... I open my eyes when I feel someone pats my shoulder and it is Dean.

He looks at me confused and concerned, "You seemed blank out... Do you have pain somewhere else?"

I blink my eyes and look at him carefully to know whether the person on my mind is Dean or not. That person is not Dean because Dean has no long hair, his hair is curly and messy but that person has...

I come out of my thoughts when Dean pats my shoulder again. I want to know who that person is so I ask that to him. "Dean, someone came to my mind and that person has long hair, broad shoulders.. but I don't know who he is."

He looks at me confused and pulls me against his chest, "Shh... Don't get tensed and don't think too much. I think you need some more sleep so we will talk about this later." I refuse but he forces me and lifts me in a bridal style and carries me to my room.

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