Adopted or Kidnapped~FortyFour~

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It's been a week since the party and today's the funeral of Chloe Witherspoon. The funeral was changed to a month after her death because it would seem nice if she had her funeral the same day her mother did. Today I wasn't feeling like my happy self. When I woke up, my dark paradise took over me knowing that there would be some tears shed and shown.

Even though it was a funeral, there wasn't a colour code what we had to wear. We had to wear something that was.. suitable. I went with dotted pattern tights, a floral skirt and a white jumper that's tucked it loosely at the front of my skirt.

I walked over to my mirror, and I did look presentable. I put on a few layers of water-proof mascara and a few layers of lip gloss. I pulled my hair to the side to make a braid in my hair and pulled out a few loose stands at the side of my face.

I tranced my hands over Chloe's name and handprints she made on my wall and smiling. I looked away and I slipped on my high heeled boots and tied the laces before running down the stairs with my phone in my hand, running over to the couch and sunk myself deep into it, almost hiding myself. All the boys were already ready in different multicoloured suits. I sent them a fake smile and they delivered one back. I slipped on my black pea jacket closing it and then placing my phone in the pocket.

"Lets go," Liam said as he Igrabbed the keys to the car. I followed him to the car and got into the front. I called shotgun this morning meaning the four others boys would be squished at the back. Liam was sat down in the driver's seat as he wanted to drive today. We both watched the scene of the boys trying to fit their fat asses in the car and Niall ended up on the floor tredded by all the them. 

"Whyy did she have to call shotgun?" Zayn rhetorically asked himself. I chuckled and turned back to face the front again, and pulled my seatbelt over. The boys at the back finally got themselves sorted as Harry sat on Louis' lap. LARRY. 

We drove off.

I kept looking out the window seeing the trees run by. The music in the background wasn't helping. I found out we were going deeper into a forrest meaning we are nearing our location. Leaves kept blowing everywhere creating lovely patterns in the air. 

We soon arrived to the tree that Chloe's coffin would be burried. I walked over to Bradley who was dress with a button-up white polo and black tight black jeans. I crossed my arms over my chest as the strands of my hair was blowing out my face.

"Hi," I muttered under my breath. I sat down on one of the chair that was neatly stood in line with the other chairs.

"Hey," he replied, looking down at me.

"You okay?" I asked as I fumbled with my fingers. I had nothing else tosay It was a sad moment that I couldn't be happy for But we are saying thank you for Chloe stepping foot into this world, then having a great time and then leaving this world, being remembered for something she did.

He shrugged his shoulders, looking towards the ground and kicking a bit dirt on the ground. I stood up wrapping my arms around his shoulders, embracing him into a hug. He stiffened as I touched him. H esoon reacted and wrapped his arms around my waist, nuzzling his face in my neck. I pecked the side of his neck. He held me in his arms as butterfiles interuppted my stomach. I ignored them and enjoyed the moment I was having.

"Sorry to break the hug, lovebirds, but it's starting." Frankie whispered in our ear. I nodded and let go. This is going to eventful.

hi guys! sorry i havent updated. it was my birthday last week. finally 13! OMG THE PICTURES FROM THEIR OTRA TOUR GOT ME THE FEELS. 

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