Adopted or Kidnapped~ThirtyThree~

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Elise and Bradley stayed with me, by my side, telling me stories of things we all did the past. Some of the stories we're kind of sad, in my point of view.

"I'm really hungry," Elise moaned rubbing her stomach, making her stomach grumble.

"We just ate lunch," I said, rubbing her arm up and down.

"Hospital food. Hospital food. You expect me to eat hospital food," she said giving us a confused look.

"Obviously," Bradley said, sarcastically.

"Dick," she murmured, before standing up and leaving the guess. I guess to find Frankie, to order some Chinese or something.

"Pass me your phone," I said.

"Whet. Why?" he said as he hugged his phone.

"Pleaseeeee!" I whined, shaking his wrist, which he had his phone in.

"Where's your phone?" he asked, pulling it to his chest.

"I don't know, somewhere over the rainbow, I guess," I suggested shrugging my shoulders.

"Fine," he handed me his phone, I put in his password on went onto Instagram and logging out of his account to onto mine.

I pressed onto the camera and started to record. He was looking down at his fingers and then out the window. I stop the recoding and told him to sit next to me. He did and sat beside me, putting one arm around me. He looked at and gave me a confused look as I started to record again, using the front camera. I looked at him and he looked at me, he got his hand and then pinched my cheek. I laughed, and then touched my cheek immediately because he queezed it to hard, well kind of. 

It already finish recording, I looked backed it before putting my caption "@BradleyWiterspoon being a bae (danish poop). Luuuv youuu <3" 

I posted it, and then got likes and some comments. I read some, which were very intresting. 

'Omg is Jessi preggo???' 

'I've got nudes of Bradley Witerspoon'


Okay, everyone's just gone to far. 

"What you laughing at?" he asked.

"The comments," I giggled. 

"Let me see," 

I shook my head and then scrolling through more comments, I logged out and then turned off his phone, before giving it back to him.

"Bye," I waved.


"Yes, bye,"

"No bye,"

"Your bi,"


"Fuck you,"

"Nah, i'd rather do you,"

I starred at him in disbelif. I hit him on his shoulder, and then giving him a glare. A smirk grew on his face, and then pecking me on the lips. I lifted up my hand and wiped his touch off me.

"You still love me," he coo'ed.

"Of course I do," I said as I rolled my eyes. 

"And i love you," 

"Of course you love me, I'm just swagilious," 


"Yes, Swagilious,"

"Your a weird child,"

"You love a weird child," I shot back.

"Obviously," he said as he clicked him fingers into a Z motion. 

"Fuck me," I muttered to myself. My life is a living hell when he's around. 

"Of course,"  

I pushed him off the bed making him land with a thud, on his bum.

"What was that for?" he asked, as he stood up, rubbing his bum. 

"I'm still a virgin, and you know that," he got up and sat o the chair that was next to the bed.

"Not for long," he snickered, I felt disgusted.

"I can tell you have a boner and your too horny,"

"I can tell your not wearing a bra," 

"Bras make my boobs hurt, I'm only wearing a tank top and knickers under this blue long dress thing,"

"Your nippless are popping out,"

"I kno-"

"No dirty talk please," that voice made chills go down myspine. The voice I haven't heard in years.

Sorry I haven't updated forever. Last week I had my injections and then I've been busy with my bestfriends. One of them is in a mood with me and my other best friend bc I went to a friend's house and I didn't know she was coming, and it was very unexpected. 

I'm off for two weeks and my sister is still in school, which I'm buzzing. 


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