Adopted or Kidnapped~FortyEight~

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Stuart finally came back up with the medicine,and a few hours past, I was throwing up. Kids, always eat before you take tablets. Stuart kind of helped me, but he was too busy playing cowboy phew thing with his nephew or brother.

"Can I at least have some food?" I asked Stuart, the only thing he shrugged and scratched the back of his neck. I leaned over to the toilet feeling something come up my throat but there was nothing coming out.

"Well, my boss says I can't give you any food until he comes back," he said, "because he is the one to feed you."

"Feed me, as in baby feed me or, feed me, as in give me food," I questioned, not being sure of his sentence.

"Baby feed?" he let it out as in it was a question.

"I'd rather starve myself."

"Don't say that, or he will actually let you starve," Stuart informed, "He's got camera's everywhere but they are sound-proof, they cannot hear anything we're saying but can only see our actions.

"So when is your boss coming back home?" I asked, feeling fed up.

"In a few hours," he said,"By the way you need to get back in bed, he's expecting you to be there."

"Can you give me like an apple or something?" I asked, feeling a bit more dizzy, touching my head.

He nodded, running down the stairs, and then rushing back upstairs with a washed red-apple. I thanked him, taking it, then walking back to the room I found myself in the first place.

I laid back, eating my apple, waiting for torture come to me.

My chapters are getting shorter and shorter.. Im running out of ideas..

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