Adopted or Kidnapped~Eleven~

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"Jessibella, we need to talk to you," Liam said sitting on the couch making me sit down.

My dads and my mums are here. Yes I do know call them my mother/father.

"You do know that we love you," Louis said. He's never been this serious.

My left leg started to bounce up and down. My shoulder leaning against. My chin on my hand biting my nails.

"Remember when we like first met and the day after that, well, remember the conversations we had with Liam with you asking us why you adopted us.." Niall wandered off.

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Well, here's the explanation," Eleanor said.

"You and Niall are cousins," Louis blurt out.

"Boo Bear, we were suppose to tell her at the end," Harry smacked Louis at the back of the head.

My eyes widened me cousin with Niall?

"Well you see, we never met," Niall started off, "you were born in London, I was born on Mullingar, out mums are sisters. You dad is Canadian. Which makes you half Canadian and half irish. Before your mother died, she called my mum and told us to protect you, but my mother had no time to go back to London, so she wanted me to help you in life, so here I am, your own cousin,"

My jaw dropped to the floor. I'm half angry and half happy. In angry that they couldn't tell me earlier an I'm happy because I actually have someone that is related to me and is actually here for me.

Niall up to me and hugged me and I hugged back. He kissed my forehead.

"I love you sweetheart," he said.

"I love you too, Nialler,"

(A/N: i know its early for me to do this cuz you know much about this sorry my oreos!!! it will be better!!xx)


"Have you heard of Mariella's party?" Elise asked.

Right now, Elise and I are in the mall buying some clothes because there's a new tour coming up with my dads. I still go on their tours. Elise comes with me now. They let me pick someone to come with me; so I pick Elise. Now your wondering why not Leslie, well you see she moved to Spain, her father am has a job there. I really miss her. Tyler and her have broken up, I feel sorry for them.

"Yeah, man I hate her, I can't believe she's still going out with Carter, I even hate him too," I said.

Through the past two years I've changed a lot. I still wear rotten clothes, that girly girls don't wear. But, Elise is trying to do a makeover for me.

"You excited?" she asked.

"Not really, I've been on their tours since I was adopted, I don't think I'm that excited." I said walking into Topshop, "so how's you and Lewis," I wiggled my eyebrows nudging her shoulder.

Yeah, remember me saying that Lewis was a total freak he would just kiss every girl and blah, blah, blah. Well he's changed a lot. The popular group, shall I say, are not friends anymore.

Bradley, comes over to my house so I can see Chloe. We are really close. Cole and Lewis are still bestfriends. Mariella, as you might know is dating Carter. Olive has been nicer, she sometimes hangs out with Elise and I. and Mary-Ann, she's moved to another school, man she's still a slut. Apparently she's gone to the school where Jay's gone too.

"Yeah, we're good, I love him lots,"

They have been going out for a few months now. I wish I had a relationship like there's. Oh and Zayn and Perrie got married, also Louis and Eleanor. Now, you thinking, how about me and Jay well..

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