Adopted or Kidnapped~Thirty~

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Bradley and I made our way to the main hospital, searching for Chloe's room and then going inside, seeing her beautiful face.

"Chloe?" my voice cracked. She had needles stuck to her wrist, her eyes falling slowly, her lips were  chapped. 

"Jess?" her voice was calm and soft. It was just above a whisper. 

"Are you okay princess?" I asked as I wheeled to the other side of the bed, because Frankie was there, gripping onto her daughter's hand.

"Yeah, but I'm t-tired," her head tilted and looked at me and gave me a weak smile. I mirrored her actions, "Are you okay, my majesty?" 

"Majesty?" I asked as I chuckled a little.

"Yes, you called princess, so I'm going to call my majesty or my queen," she  said as she tried to search for my hand. I put my hand away from my lap and held her hand.

I awed at her words, "Well, your queen, is fine," Lie. 

"You don't seem fine, majesty," she said, even though looking at her tired face I could tell she was worried.

"Well I am, princess," I slowly got up from the wheelchair, bending over to kiss her forehead, leaving my lips there for a few seconds before letting go, "Everything is just fine." 

She nodded as I sat back down in wheelchair. 

"I think, your brother wants to speak to you, Chlo," I said as I looked over to Bradley, he shown me a warm smile, and bobbed his head to thank me. I did the same.  I looked over to Chloe and she had a toothless grin. 

"Come here," she whispered, I stood up again, getting my balance. Her small hands grabbed both sides of my face pulling my closer to her face, "First, I want everyone to go out, I'm going to tell you secret." 

I nodded my head slowly, she let go of my head. 

"She want everyone to leave, just for a couple of minutes," I said looking up at everyone, especially all the nurses and doctors. They nodded, leaving the room. 

"Only five minutes, and then were coming straight back in," the doctor said.  Chloe and I nodded. Once the door closed, I sat back down in my chair, 

"What's this secret about?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows. 

"Bradley," she breathed out. My lips made an 'o' shape. 

"Yesterday, he came to see me, when I saw him come into my room, I was pretending to be asleep, and he talked to me-" she paused a let her lips curve up, "-about you."

My heart started to race.  I felt butterflies irrupt in my stomach, and chills run down my spine. 

"He said that how much he loved you more than a friend, man, that went on for a long long time," she let a quiet giggle, but then her lips turned into a frown, "he then started to talk about all the bad things he did in life, he wants me to forgive him, but I thought, why do I need to forgive him, and I could tell he was crying. He kept kissing me around the face which I found very yucky. I'm telling you this because, I want you to have the feeling of being loved, I won't be able to be loved to be loved because I'm dying Jessi, I'm dying." 

I could actually hear my heart break into two pieces, "Princess, your not dying-"

"Yes, I am. Please don't say I am not dying, because everyday I think to myself: I know I am going to die, soon," she said.  

"Chloe, don't say that, I promise you, your not going to die, I love you so much, the power of love is not going to break us, okay? I love you so much," I kissed her hand, II could taste the salty tears reach my mouth. 


"I promise." 

"Also, promise me to love Bradley," she said, she then yawned, which I found adorably cute.

"I promise." I hooked my pinky with her's. I put my thumb up and she also but her thumb up and then our thumbs touched.


Hours past, Chloe's words still ligured in my mind. I'm sat next to Bradley on a love seat in the waiting area, my wheelchair next to me, leaning against the side of the chair. My head laying on his lap, as he played with my hair. I looked up at him, his red, puffy eyes, looking to the flloor, worried. I grabbed his head with my hands, to grab his attention. 

"Aye, everything's going to be fine, I promise you he opertion is going to be great," I said, slowly moving his head down. I kissed the tip of his nose, as I smiled. He nodded, sitting back up.  Chloe's operation is at least thirty minutes more and then ten minute added for her to rest. 

"Sit up properly for me, Jess," he said. I did what he wanted me to do, sitting back up into a normal sitting position. He looked at me, as I looked at him. He looked like he wanted to cry. I hugged him, wrapping my arms around his neck, he hugged me back. It felt kind of awkward like this so he placed on his lap, my legs on one side of his legs and hugged him tightly.  

"I love you," he whispered. 

"I love you," I whispered back.  



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