Adopted or Kidnapped~ThirtyOne~

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Light snores filled my ears, hearing the sound of Bradley's voice. I looked up, seeing that we were in the same position as before. Bradley's blue eyes were covered by his eyelids, his mouth slightly opened and his chest slowly going up and down. I placed lips on his cheek near his lips, and left it there for a few seconds before pulling away. I looked over to his parents and his mother was fast alseep on his father's shoulder, his head fell lighty on top of her's.

I didn't have my phone but I found Bradley's in his hand. I picked it up checking on the time. 00:04. Only six more minutes until we get to see Chloe.

I could tell Bradley really cared about his little sister. Even though they fostered Chloe, they grew and grew closer as a real family. Compared to my family, I haven't seen them in nearly year. I really don't know when their coming back to London. Apparently, they might come this week or next week. I have no idea. Talking about them, who are they really?

I went onto Bradley's phone already knowing his password, and quickly going onto safari. I typed in 'One Direction' and it immeditaly came up with an photo of my leaving the house today with Bradley pushing my wheelchair with a headline attached to it 'One Direction's Baby leaving the house with an mystery boy? Is she following the steps of her cousin:Niall Horan?' Bradley did certainly looked different in this photo. It was taken in a different angle. I also do think that the One Direction fandom does know Bradley because of the past. The following steps thing didn't ring a bell.

I scrolled down a bit and then clicking onto a link: 1D GIRLFRIENDS? I already know that Louis had Eleanor, Zayn had Perrie and Liam had Sophia, but I never know who Harry and Niall has dated in the past. I first clicked on Harry's name. It says he's still single but went out with some girl called Anna Lanes two months ago. I clicked on Niall's name and popped with a paragraph

~"Niall Horan has been quite the player since Jessibella Horan feel into a horrible coma. He's been going to pubs, and been taking a different girl home.-~

Attached to it was three photos of him with a different girl in each picture. They all looked pretty weird, and down right slutty to me. I decided to read on.

~-The 1D boys have been cancelling shows because, as rumors have been shown, of Niall Horan and his drinking problem. Back to the subject: Niall has not dated any girls, but may have been sneeking a few girls with him to bed."~

I quickly got off the website, not wanting to read anymore. Instead of reading, I decided to go on images, to see what they look like now. They all looked different from all the pictures at home. Some of them have some facial face, which make them look older. Zayn and Louis looked more mature. Zayn's hair has gone longer and was sometimes in a messy bun or was down. In this photo his hair was sweeped to one side. Louis' hair was in a quiff, it looked kinda soft, I really wanna touch it. Harry's hair is just above his shoulders and was more tanned than usual. He looked a bit more messier than usual. His brunette hair was tied up in a black bandana. Liam had that buzz cut still but was in a small quiff. He did have some facial hair just like Zayn and Louis. He looked more neater than the others. I saw right hand was covered a bandage, I wonder what happened. Niall still kind of looked the same. His hair was in a up in a quiff with his brown roots showing. Also his chest hair showing as his loose shirt was hanging. They were at a iHeart Radio Festival thing I guess.

"Visitors of Chloe Witherspoon?" I looked up quickly seeing a nurse with a clipboard in her hand. I shook Bradley quickly and he ergantly woke up. I pointed toawrds the nurse. He immediatly carefull pushed me off and ran to Chloe's room. I smiled and looked over to his parents and they started to wake up. They quickly stood up as well going to Chloe's room. Awh, lovely family.

I carefully stood up and then getting my wheelchair out. I placed my hands on the wheelchair and started to walk. I couldn't be bothered sitting down. My bum already hurts.

I made my way to the room. Bradley was on the chair next to Chloe's bed. Chloe was still asleep peacefully and her heartbeat, according to the monitor, was slow and steady. I smiled as I watched the family stare at their precious girl. I wondered if my guardians looked at me like that while I was in that coma. They look like a perfect family but me myself dosen't have a perfect family, I never had a perfect family.

"She'll wake up in a few minutes," the doctor assured us. We all nodded but still looked at Chloe's body. Bradley looked at me

and assured me to come over I walked slowly and sat down on his lap. He wrapped me arms around me and cheak.

"Your princess is beautiful," he whispered to me.

"I know," I whispered back looking at him. His eyes connected with mine.

"She's as beautiful as her queen," his cheesy comment made me blush. I smiled at him. He pinched my cheek, knowing my cheeks were red. I looked away, looking back to Chloe. Their parents were chatting emong themselves, talking about something, that I think wasn't important.

I saw Chloe start to move in her sleep, Her eyes opened slightly.

"Ow!" her hand immediatly meet her right kidney.

"Stop moving, you just had your operation," her mother informed her.

She nodded and slowly went back to her normal position.

"How you feeling princess?" Bradley asked her.

"Funny," she responded. I looked at Bradley and we both had a confused emotion.

The doctor look at us and their parents, "We gave her some wacky gas to let her calm down, she was kicking the nurse so we just had to, I'm sorry."

"So, you put this "wacky" gas on my daughter without my permission?!" Frankie launched at the doctor, but her husband pull her back, grabbing her by the arms.

"I'm sorry Mrs-"

"Shut it, before I punch you in the face," she hissed. Bradley gave me an apology look. I nodded understanding. If my daughter had this wacky gas in her without my permission, I would totally throw a punch at the doctor. You never know that gas might kill her.

The doctor just walked out, not wanting to carry on the conversation. Frankie finally calmed down, then doing some breathing exercises which I found disturbing. She was sat on the chair and breathing in and out very loud then start breathing at a quick pace and then would repeat. It was like she was in labor.

"Jess, I know what your thinking, I used to do this when I was pregnant with Bradley, and let me tell you, it does help," she said when she finished. She got the bobble from her wrist and put her hair in a low ponytail. I looked over to Bradley and his cheeks were bright red. I pinched both of his cheeks smiling.

We waited for a few minutes, until Chloe started talk in her sleep, moving in her sleep. She was murmuring in her sleep saying things you couldn't understand. Her heartbeat started to beat faster, according to the monitor. Nurses and doctors started to come. Bradley and I stood up, tring o gain my balance, but Bradley held my back for ssportand was being pushed by nurses, making us going out the room. It was a total blur. Everything happen so quickly.

I literally blocked everything out. I started to feel light headed. A sharp pain hitting me right in the stomach. I look down, my hand immediately touched where the pain was. Blood pouring out my shirt. I looked up, seeing a man run away, with a knife in his hand, with blood dripping from it's tip. Bradley's hand was no longer holding me on my back but was now starring at me in shock.

I couldn't take it aanyone my eyes started to droop. Bradley's yells didn't help. My vison going blurry until I was taken away by sweet darkness. 


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