Adopted or Kidnapped~FortyOne~

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oksy so i've been writing this book for over a year now.. i started writing it in June or July 2013.. it's nearly 2015 soo i might delete this book so should i carrry on?

Later on in the evening around eight, we decided to go out and eat in a little diner that was a few blocks away. After all the guys' clothes were all dry, they put them back on, because we only brought one outfit each, and sprayed some deodorant, which mad the caravan stink of boys. I wasn't complaining it's just that the smell was too strong for my liking. I fixed my hair and decided to put it into a neat, kind of messy, bun and also to add a little more of lipgloss and a bit on conceler to hit some other blemishes on my face. 

I picked up my jacket and put it on, closing it to keep in the warmth and then putting my bag over my shoulder, "You guys ready?" I asked, standing by the door. They nodded and they all put their jackets on, and we soon left.

I grabbedd onto Zayn's forearm as they were all walking faster than me. The walk only lasted about five minutes. As soon as we got into the diner, coffee immediately tickled my taste buds as it the scent flew up my nose. They style was cute and very late 80s, very vintage.

I lady popped up behind the counter and noticed us that we were here.  She looked about eighteen,at least a few years older than me. She seemed so calm, she greeted us with a smile and walked towards with a mini notebook in her hand. Her brunette hair was sweeped up in a bun and she had an red checkered apron around her waist. 

"Table for six?" she question. We nodded, she lead us to a booth, which had six chairs surrounding it. I sat down on a random chair and Niall and Louis sat next to me, the blonde on my right and the brunette on my left. She looked so much like Elise's ex-boyfriend, Lewis. Anyway, she handed us out menus and left us to pick. 

The boys started to ask who's having what, while I just looked around. It was very awfully onely, we were the only costumers there. There was faint background music coming from the speakers from the corners of the room. 

"Hey, you okay?" Louis asked.

"Yes, why?" I questioned.

"You looked a bit down, are you sure your okay?" he asked.

"Yes, I'm sure, I was just thinking about what the girls and I should wear for Halloween," I lied. When I meant girls I meant Elise and I. 

There was a Halloween party going on on the last day of October. The guys suggested I should create a party for everyone to come, from my year, making it seem like a little party before I come back to school. I've already handed out the invitation and loads have already responded putting them on the list.

"Oh, okay,if you need everything, we're all here for you," he smiled as he squeezed my knee. I looked at the menu one last time and known what I wanted. 

The waitress came over to our table ,"Are you ready to order?" 

We all said yes as we ordered. I ordered a Classic Burger with a side with chessy chips and also ordered a lemonade.  

"My brother will serve you in a couple of minutes," she smiled, and walked away. I could see Harry starring at her as she walked away, as he was in front of me. I wiggled my eyebrows at him and smirked.

"Harry?" I whispered, he caught off guard and looked at him.

"Hmm," he hummed as he looked at me.

"Oh nothing," I smiled again.

"Oh ok," he nodded and then tried to hid and look over my shoulder. I turned around and saw the waitress talking to one of the female cooks.

Oh Harry.


Our food came, with a boy holding plates. I turned around as he carefull plaaced our food on the table. His smile faded as soon as he recogized it was us.




i'm being nice and not ending it hereeeeee since it was CHRISTMAS YESTEERDAYYY OMG I GOT A MICHEAL KORS WATCH AND BAG SO HAPPPYYYYY

I stood up, walking up to him, opening my arms to smack him put calmed down, taking in deep breathes. Instead I embraced him into a hug and smiled.

"Lewis, Elise misses you so much," I pulled out the hug and looked at him, with my hip popped out and crossing my arms.

"I miss her too, when I say miss, I mean so so so much," he said as his eyes started to get watery.

I smiled but then my smile faded, "Then why did you break up with her?"

"I had too okay? My parents died in a car crash-"

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry-"

"It's okay, thank you. Anyway, my sister and I had to come here where my dad's drunken brother is, and we both have to work here to get money here," he looked down to the ground.

"Well, you could always ask us for help? We could always let you and your sister live in our house until your sister turns eighteen then we could find you both an apartment that lives near us,"

"Jess, I can't take th-"

"Yes you can, the guys won't mind," I turned around and saw that my food was untouched. I coughed, "Would be okay if we could fit in two more people in our house?"

"Yeah, we've got loads of room in our house," Zayn smiled.

"See I told you," I said and put my hand on his shoulder, "You can come whenever you want but come before Halloween, there's a halloween costume and I'm going to get you and Elise to wear matching costumes."

okay it just turned midnight its now 27th of DECEMBER! My little sister got the new iPad mini and I didn't!! I got an iPad air last year... I was expectinng a new phone since i hAve a FLIPPING iPhone 4S!!!!!!!! 



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