Adopted or Kidnapped~FortySeven~

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I struggled from the men's grip, as they both did squeeze on my biceps a little bit too harder than unusual.

"I've finished, sir," one of the man's wannabes said as he chucked it back to the main pedo.

"We've just sent a text to your dads, friends and especially your boyfriend saying your completely fine and you would be gone for a couple of days, staying back in your old foster home," the male snarled as he looked at me with disgust.

I've recovered from my attack and finally put on some big-girl pants, "They know where the fucking foster home is, dumbass."

"Carl." Air puffed out of me as one of the men gripping onto me punched me in the stomach, making me groan and whimper, "My dear, Miss Knight, we've paid that hot red-head that works there to keep them away."

"Bitch," I muttered under my breathe. I knew she would take the money, nobody at that care home liked me, except for the dick, Jay. I've forgotten about her for the past year, I don't remember the bitch's name but once I see her again, she's gonna pay.

"Now, you'll be staying in my nephew's house for a couple of weeks, we will discuss then, Jessibella," Why the fuck does he know my name?

"What if I don't want to stay at your flipping nephew's house?" I shot back, making the peso give Carl another nod to punch me again in the stomach. I groaned feeling weak.

"You have to, sweetheart, it's much safer there." I suddenly felt somewhat rag cover my nose and mouth. I fought back for air but it didn't work, the pressure killed me too much. Then everything went black.


I woke up on a bed. My surroundings were different. Memories from before came rushing back, making my cry. My lip trembled as I tugged on my hair, crying even harder. This day couldn't get worst.

The room I was in wasn't that bad. It was clean and modern. It didn't seem like a room where a pedo would keep you in. I was laying on a kind-size bed, which happened to be really soft. The walls looked newly painted the colour of lime green. There was a few mirrors scattered everywhere and there was also piles of suitcases.

I got out of bed, my feet being really cold. I looked down at myself and I was wearing something different. Basketball shorts and a male tank top. I was still wearing the same bra I wore. I looked if I was wearing the same panties and I wasn't. Who the fuck changed me?

The door swung open and there stood a muscular guy in front of me holding a gun in his hand. What the heck? I started to back away from the guy, I couldn't really see him since it was dark but he looked really creepy. I fell back onto the bed, making him walk closer.

"Why didn't you put on the lights?" he asked turning on lights which was above my head.

Once the light flickered on I couldn't help but stare. The man stood in front of me looked a few years older than me. I have to be honest, but he was hot. He looked like some British model. He had gorgeous brown eyes and pale skin. His dark brown hair looked messy and his tie was loose.He just looked perfect.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked looking down at the gun he was holding in his hand.

"Oh, this?" he listed up the gun and looked at it stupidly, "it's some toy, i'm just playing with my little cousin," I nodded slowly as he bgan to pull the trigger numerous of times, "See? All fake."

"May I ask, What am I doing here?" I questioned, still hugging my knees tight close to me.

"I don't know, my boss just said to bring you upstairs into the guest room," this beautiful stranger carried me, "Oh, I'm Stuart."

"Jessibella." He took out his hand to shake and I did so by connecting our hands, "Your not acting like the way your supposed to act."

"What do you mean?" he asked.

"Aren't you and the bad guys supposed to be tormenting me or something?" I asked, "like in the movies, I think your boss kidnapped me."

"Oh, he didn't," he confessed, "your actually a really important client."

"Client, what?" I questioned, once again.

"I've said too much," he sputtered, "I have to go but if you want to eat something you can go downstairs, you've been out for 21 hours."

Was I passed out for that long? Damn. Stuart seemed really nice, he didn't seem as those bad guys in movies where they would abuse you non stop and wouldn't give you any food.

I nodded giving a thumbs up before he got in position in his game and sneaked out the room. I sighed, standing up and walking to the top of the stairs. Instead of walking I decided to sit and lean my head against the dull yellow wall.

This house wasn't dirty nor clean. Looking around, it's pretty decent. It's not like those scary houses like the ones in the movies, they're not dark or mysterious. It's like an ordinary house. Normal rooms- which some have weird things in- normal walls, normal ceiling. It kinda looked like the foster home, but the other looked a bit more welcoming than this one.

I closed my eyes, the sound of mouth-made banging and shooting noises filled my brain, remembering the times in the care-home. The sound of banging and screaming could be heard from my other ear. Probably two or more people are having freckle frackle next door. Yuck.

My head went really dizzy since I felt my ears pop and my vision started to get blurry, "Stuart!" I called out. He came running towards me, blowing air to his cheeks with a little boy on his back. "Can I have some Advil or something, I feel like fainting."

"Your just dehydrated that's all," he examined my face, it was covered by my hair and I felt really sweaty and icky, "but I will also get you paracetamol tablets, they'll help."

The little boy on Stuart's back gave me a cheeky smile before whispering very loudly in his ear, "Who's she?"

"She's my friend."

"She's very pretty but she looks disgusting," the little boy giggled making Stuart give him a little, soft hit on the head.

"Just wait here," Stuart patted my head, running down the stairs with the boy still on his back, as they loudly whispered to each other.

Could this day get any worse?


PARTY TOMOROWWWWW, WELL LATER ITS FUCKING LIKE 2:30. Omg the new emojis are just life. I'm asian which is the best for meeee


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