Adopted or Kidnapped~Two~

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I woke by the smell of pancakes filling my nostrils. I put on my bathrobe and ran downstairs, not caring what I looked like.

"Morning," I croaked.

"Morning," a few voices said.

"Everyone, get changed when your finished with breakfast, we have special guests coming," Lily informed us.

We all nodded and continued our breakfast. Once I finished I put my bowl in the sink. I went upstairs and into my room. I picked out denim shorts, a sleeveless black crop top and a jack daniels top. It was loose on the sides.

I went to my own bathroom and undressed myself. I turned on the shower and stepped myself in. I looked down at my naked self.

My breasts are only small, I'm just a 28A. I don't wear bras I wear sports bras. My tummy's flat like there's nothing in it. And I have a thigh gap, which is only like a 1mm apart then they meet again. I let out a sight and put my mango scented shampoo. After I used my coconut scented conditioner and strawberry scented soap.

Once I finished, I dried myself with a towel. I put on the clothes that I have chosen and then I wrapped my hair with the towel.

I walked out and got a comb. I brushed my hair throughly, unknotting the knots. I got out my hair dryer, and turned it on.

Once I finished, I applied on some black mascara and lip gloss. Yes, at the age of 13, I do wear make up. for my own sake. I only do this when guests are coming.

Lily said that be responable with your figure. I was really confused at first, but then I got it.

I let my straight brown hair lay on my back. I slid on my white converse, and made my way downstairs. Everyone was ready even the fakes.

We do have fakes in this orphanage . They're like a year older and they look like they're 16 years old.

I sat down next to Jay, as he slung his arm around me.

They fakes just shot a glare at me. Jay is cute, in other's people opinion, not mine. I shot a glare back to Lizzie, Stacie and Jade.

Jay looked at me with a confused look. I shrugged it off. Jay looked over to the 3 girls. They all waved with fake smiles. Jay rolled his eyes. He pulled me closer to him as I snuggled closer to him.

"Okay, guys, they're coming any minute n-" Lily was cut off by the sound of knocking, "oh, must be them,"

She went to the door and opened. It revealed 5 teenager boys. Lizzie, Stacie and Jade ran up to them and hugged them. I looked really confused.

"I'm Harry,"




"Niall," my eyes widened.

He looks like the guy that tried to kidnapped me. I snuggled more into Jay.

"Babe, what's up," Jay whispered into my ear.

"Oh nothing, I'm just confused, who are they?" I asked.

"I don't know," he said back.

"Why are fakeys hugging them?" I whispered back.

"I dunno ask them," he said as he pushed me towards them.

I shot he a glare as he laughed.

"Hey I'm Jessibella, p-please don't get mad because... because... I don't know who you are," I stuttered.

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