Adopted or Kidnapped~TwentyEight~

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Eleanor stayed the night, saying she had nothing else to do. In the morning she was gone unexpectedly but she did leave a note saying that she had to go to some important meeting. It's been a few weeks since that day and today the doctor rang up Bradley's mom, saying I had to go back to the hospital for a check up. Bradley's mom and dad stayed for the last few days but they kept on getting out and in, out and in because they kept visiting the hospital to visit Chloe. And guess what! The hospital got mixed up with the calculations of Chloe's health. "Apparently" there's another woman in the hospital called Chloe and they both got mixed up.. and yeah the other woman Chloe died.. RIP Chloe. Sad face. 

I've been posting videos  on my Youtube channel. I totally forgot everything about my Youtube channel so I had to watch every singly video, so I finally got the hang of it. So yeah. 

I've been taking online classes since I missed Year 11. I picked up quickly and they think I can go to sixth form with Bradley, and my "best friend" Elise. I can't believe I forgot my own best friend! I'm such a dickweeb. Lewis, Bradley's best friend and ex-boyfriend of Elise, moved to a different school and was never heard since. Weird.

Frankie, Bradley's mom, helped me get dressed, picking out some outfits asking me if I liked them or not. In the end, I ended up wearing leggings and a grey shirt. I added on some bracelets and a necklace. I put my hair up into a messy bun, securing it with some bobbipins and stuff and finishing off the look, I put on my black combat boots. I limped down the stairs, holding onto both of the railing on each side of my, taking one step at a time. At the end of the stairs, Bradley was there with my wheelchair. I sat down in it, making myself comfy, and then was guided to the car. 


"Miss Jessibella!" my doctor said smiling down at me, "how are you feeling?" 

"Good," I said.

"Great, now come this way," he lead us into the same room we were in before. He placed his clipboard onto the desk next to him. He picked me up, carefully and sat me down onto the bed. I was kinda light for a seventeen year old girl. I'm under weight. Since I was in a coma or so many months without eating. My body lost weight, and I look like a fucking stick, which I hate. 

"Have you been taking you medicine every day?" he asked, I nodded, "Have you been practising to walk," I nodded once again, "Good,good,"

"Would you mind showing me?" he asked.

"Err, no Doctor," I said, he raised his eyebrows and took his hand out for me to take. I took it, stepping one foot at a time. I took his other hand which created me to balance. I could feel everyone's stare at me, especially the nurse when she was supposed to be on the computer, checking up on what I needed and all the things I could do. 

I took one step slowly, trying to make the pain away. Suddenly, one of my feet became week and fell but the Doctor helped. He helped me back to the bed and made me sat down.

"That good," he said, "Who's been helping you?"

"All them, especially Bradley," I looked over to the Witherspoon family, well only 3/4 of them were there. I looked over to him and his hand found mine and we intertwined our fingers.

"Would it be okay if you would come to walking classes?" he asked. 

"Um.. yeah that could be okay," I said biting my bottom lip. 

"Looking at the computer, it looks like you can do Wednesdays?" the nurse asked, Lucy. 

I nodded my head. It's not like I'm busy. I barely go out the house. 

"Your classes are free, and you will meet up with your instructor, Iris, it's the blue building next to this hospital, just say your name to the reception and they would lead you to your room. You have private lessons with Iris and you can only bring one person with you," he explained.

I nodded taking every word he said. 

"Your classes are starting next week," he handed me a cheet of paper which had my appointment on it. 

"Also, do you think you can go without your wheelchair?" he asked, "by the looks of it, I think you will be able to,"

"I don't think so," I said, being unsure.

"Well, just in case, you can keep the wheelchair for now," he said, "here's some new pills for you to take." 

He gave them to Frankie and then smiled. 

"See you later," 

"Bye," we all waved and went out the room. I was back in my wheelchair. Who does he think he is?   I nearly fell for goodness sake! Dickweeb. 

Adopted or Kidnapped *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now