Adopted or Kidnapped~Thirteen~

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"Baby girl, wake up," I heard someone cooed in my ear. My eye fluttered opened seeing my oldest dad, Louis.

"What time is it?" I said as I yawned.

"Seven, we're going to the tour in three hours," he said.

I nodded and muttered a few words that I didn't know as he walked out. My elbow was kneeling on my knee, and my chin on my hand. My eyes started to fall down again but my left leg fell which made me fell. I was sleeping on the chair. I guess when I was in the middle of painting my landscape I fell asleep.

I stood up and went to the bathroom. I took a shower and dried my hair. Once I finished I put on my black patterned tights, a light colours denim shorts and a maroon long shelved shirt . I used my curling wand to curl my hair. I applied on some black eyeliner, a few layers of mascara and a layer of lip gloss.

I put on my grey comfy socks over my tights on and went downstairs. On the last step I slipped, but leading on Liam.

"Sorry, Daddy Li," I said standing myself up straight going to the kitchen. He nodded and went to sit back down.

Niall was leaning against the counter top eating some pancakes. I grabbed a plate and took a pancake off Niall's and placed it on mine.

"Oi!" Niall said.

"Whatever, Im hungry, where's Elise and also where is Jay?" I asked remembering last night.

"Elise is having a shower in Liam's room and Jay went home after a few hours you sent him down," Niall explained, "anyway, what happened?"

"I-" flashbacks came running through my mind again.

"You can tell me later," he said putting his plate into the sink, I also did the same and went upstairs.

I took my suitcase and out it near the door. I sat on my bed going on instagram, I scrolled down on some photos liking them or commenting then.

"Hey marshmallow," I heard some said. I turned around to see Elise with red jeans, white socks and a grey sweater. Her hair was wet dripping all over the floor.

"Hi unicorn, dry your hair properly, your gonna make a massive tsunami in my room," I joked. She rolled her eyes and laughed. She grabbed her towel and rubbed her hair quickly. She then combed it making it smooth, "come sit, it's instatime!" .

Elise sat next to me. I pressed the camera icon. In the screen, I saw Elise cross eyed with duck lips. I rolled my eyes. I widened my eyes and pouted my lips and took the picture. I added no effect it and posted a caption saying:

'Going on tour with my dads and @Elisetheunicorn so excited! x'

Once I finished Elise stood up and got out my hair-dryer and plugged it in, and turned it on. Instantly I got loads of comments and likes.

I turned off my phone, and looked at my clock on the wall. 8:27

"We're going at ten and it's like eight-thirty, can we go out and see some friends before we go?" I asked Elise.

"Yeah, sure but can we see Lewis first, I'm really gonna miss him," she explained.

"Sure whatever," I shrugged.

When Elise finished drying her hair, she left the way it is and put her hair in a fishtail on the side with a bow at the top of the plait. She put on her black flats on.

I slid on my black Doctor Martens and walked out with Elise. We went downstairs meeting Zayn.

"Where you going?" he asked.

Adopted or Kidnapped *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now