Adopted or Kidnapped~Five~

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"We're home!" I heard the door shut. I quickly ran down. I saw the boys holding bags of paints and brushes.

"Thank you so much!" I said as i grabbed the bags. I stared at them with a smile on my face. They smiled back. Everything eas silence. I ran up the stairs and entered my room.

It was plain. White walls and nothing else in. There was another door in my room. I dropped my bags onto the floor. I walked to the door. I opened the door. There was closets hangers handing room poles. Is this the walk in waredrobe? I closed the door. I walked back over the bags and took every single tin of paint out. There was a large tin of sky blue paint. Small tins of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, black, white and brown. All the colours I needed.

Okay now the problem is, I can't reach the top. I called all the boys in.

"So what do you want?" Liam asked sweetly.

"I need help painting," I said.

"Okay but you need to get changed," Jay explained.

I looked down at my clothes. I nodded. I went out of the room and to my large suit case. I opened it. I took out black campus pants and a grey top. I got changed and back into my room. When I came back the floor was covered by plastic. (A/N: I don't know what it's called :/)

"So lets get started," I said.

We all took a brush and dipped it into the sky blue paint. I started to paint the wall. Louis and Harry started to paint each other. Niall, Liam and Zayn just painted. I like them 3 better.

Jay was next to me. moving closer to me every time. Once our shoulders touched he kissed my cheek.

"Why so close?" I asked.

"Why you don't want me close to you, fine," he said as he walked to the other side.

"Baby, come back," I pleased.

He smiled and walked back over to me. He kissed my nose and painted again. Then there was silence. This is boring. I walked out the room and grabbed my iPod and my stereo. I plugged it into a wall in my room.

"Lets get this party started!" I yelled playing the music. Earthquake by Dj Fresh was playing

I started to dance crazy as I painted the wall.

"Hey babe?," I heard Jay said. I turned to him. He painted my face.

"Now I look like a blue smurf," I wined, "now you do!"

I painted Jay's face blue too. I laughed as hard as I could.

"Oh. My. God. Stop it hurts so much!" I laughed.

Once my laughter died down I got back to painting.

A few minutes later 4 walls and 5 broken back was finished. Yeah, they're not that broken. I had to climb on the boys shoulders, except from Jay, to reach the top. I felt something slide across my bum. Jay.

"So, I have to turn into a blue smurf," I said

"Yes, you have to, babe," Jay winked.

I rolled my eyes, "If I turn into a smurf you have to turn into a smurf too,"

"Deal," we shook hand, I kissed his cheeks and whispered into his ear, "You have to catch me first baby,"

I started to run down the stairs. I had my paint brush in my right hand. My face, my arms and my bum was blue.

I ran to the kitchen, I hid into a large cupboard. Ohh, there's Oreos! I took one and bit it. I heard footsteps coming closer. I stopped chewing. The footsteps stopped as I started chewing again. Then the cupboard swung open. Shoot! I ran past Jay, but he caught me by the waist.

"Let go of me!" I yelled laughing.

"No!" he placed a can onto my head. Oh no. I gasped. I started to smirk. He looked at my confused. My arms were wide open. I began hugging him, covering his clothes in blue paint.

"Jessibella?!" he yelled.

"What happened to babe?" i asked

"Fine, let me rephrase that," he paused, "babe?!"

"Aww, I'm sorry baby, what do you want me to do?" I asked.

"Kiss me," he wined.

"No," I said as I separated the hug, "not yet,"

I started to walk back upstairs leaving foot prints behind. Wow, the guys are gonna be mad.

"Now?" Jay wined.










As we entered my room, the boys we're covered with blue paint too. I shock my head mad laughed.

"Okay, all of you get out," I said pointing to the door.

"Why?" Niall asked.

"'Cause I'm going to paint the decorations, durr," I pointed out.

They nodded and walked out. I opened each can. I dipped my paintbrush into the black can. I wrote my name. Minutes later. I had butterflies, hearts, bows, words and even the guys names. For some reason I felt I'm really gonna be close to the guys. As well I put Jay's name with a heart around it. Then I heard a knock at the door. I quickly covered Jay's name with my back

"Come in!" I yelled.

I heard the door open: Niall. phew!

"So how you doing?" He asked.

My back unconnected the wall.

"You love Jay!" he teased.

"Yeah I do. I really really like him, when I see him with his girlfriends it just makes me jealous. when he hugs them or even kiss them. I wish I was that girl. but, I guess Jay doesn't like me. he can chose any girl but he never picks me. I love him to pieces. but I don't have a heart to tell him that I do. I really like him," I explained.

"You do?"

That voice belonged to Jay.

I know some of it was deleted and I have to rewrite it. I posted it. I'm so stupid I'm sorry guys! Please don't be mad.. :(


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