Adopted or Kidnapped~Ten~

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"C'mon lets get you dressed," Perrie said. All the girls are helping me get dressed. They said its a special occasion because its my for real birthday party with more people than usual.

I put on my dress and Leigh-Anne did my make up. Jesy curled my hair, and the others just talked to me.

"You excited?" Jade asked.

"Oh course, I am," I said with a cheeky smile on my face.

"C'mon," Perrie grabbed my hand an we went into the car.


"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" loud screams from the room filled my ears.

Everyone was there. Then one person caught my eye: Jay. I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Baby!" I screamed.

"You remember, babe?" Jay asked.

"Of course, I do, why won't I remember my best-friend's nickname," I giggled.

"Jessibella?" I heard a little girl's voice behind me, it sounded so familiar. I turned around: Chloe. I bent down a little to get to her height and hugging her waist. I kissed her forehead.

"I missed you so much!" Chloe squealed.

"Me too, who brought you here?" I asked.

"My brother, Bradley,"

"Oh right," I said disappointed, I didn't want him to come. Maybe like 50%.

"I've heard you hugged him today at school," she winked.

"Yeah, I did because he wanted one, it's my birthday," I smiled.

"Whatever you say,"

"Wow, you've gone cheeky," I said poking her cheekbone.

"I know,"

"C'mon, do you wanna see Jay?" I asked.

"Totally," I grabbed her hand and we walked to Jay. I saw him: he was talking to Elise. Before I know it, Chloe ran off and hugged him. I laughed and saw them both have a conversation.

I walked over and talked to Elise while them two were talking.

"Happy Birthday, Jella," she said.

"Awe thanks, Elise," I smiled.

"Remember, when you open your presents, open mine first, it's the one over there," she said pointing to a pink box that had a white ribbon going round it.

"No promises," I said.

She looked over my shoulder and her eyes widened.

"Bradley is here," she said.

"I know, he brought his sister too," I said pointing to Chloe.

"Oh right,"

"She was adopted days before me, her name's Chloe, I love her to pieces,"

"Well, I better leave ya, you need to meet your guests," she said walking over to someone else.

I looked around to see many unknown people.

"Jessibella!" someone yelled behind

me. I turned around to see Bradley.

He walked up to me and smiled.

"Thanks for bringing Chloe, I know it's been a few days, but I really do miss her," I thanked him.

"No problem, she always talk abouttl I at home, saying that she can't wait for your birthday, I didn't know what she was talking about at first, but we I went to school, you were like the new hot topic," he said.

Adopted or Kidnapped *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now