Adopted or Kidnapped~Forty~

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After another half an hour or so, we decided to walk back. My feet were getting kind of fry and feeling a bit icky as I did step in the sea and then step back onto the sand. It's hard to believe that no one else comes to the beach. It's truly astonishing. If I lived here, I would come here everything day just to get forget everything and to get everything off my shoulders, to watch the sun go down and the waves splashing around creating a lovely sound to my ears.

"Ni?" I questioned as I starred at my feet, watching it walk on the sand.

"Hm," he hummed as he looked up, we still had a long way to meet up with the others.

"Where are we exactly?" I asked.

"I don't really know," I gave him a stern look, "We all told Louis to drive anywhere, so he did, he just followed to road and made left or right turns, so I have really no idea where we are."

"How are we getting home?"

"Louis brought a navigator, we're fine," he said as he shrugged.

"We should really start to make our way home, it's nearly getting dark." I said, I looked up at him, as I hid my hands in my scarf, it was still windy. He shook his head no which in return gave him a confused look.

"On the way here, Louis saw loads of caravans and he decided he'd rent one. We didn't know this until he told us while you walking by yourself on the beach," he explained, I nodded understanding but then quickly widened my eyes realising something.

"How about our clothes, I'm not sleeping like this, it's quite uncomfortable," as I th ugh I was wearing leggings, I still did not like the fact of wearing something that can stick to my body, I've always liked wearing something that would be a bit big for me.

"It's fine, we knew we would stay over night so we brought some extra clothes, and dot worry I packed you something you can wear for tonight and for the morning," he explained. Niall picking out my clothes.. Erm..

"What did you exactly bring me?" I asked, sternly, stopping at my tracks.

"For tonight I brought you a pair a sweatpants and a loose top that's mine and for the morning I brought you high waist jeans and some white short top or crop top, whatever you girls call it, I found in you closet," he said as he shrugged his shoulders. I nodded and began to walk again.

We soon got nearer, and I saw the guys in the water all soaked with their clothes on. Niall laughed and ran into the water with them, the making this weird dove he just made my jumping making him all wet. I swear I feel like I'm the adult around here. The wind was blowing and I know how it's like being socked and then cold air hitting you: getting out the shower.

"Boys, get out, you're all gonna get a cold tomorrow morning meaning I would have to drive, and you do know I suck at bumper cars and that it the simplest things your guys," I explained pointing at all them.

They all groaned, walking out the water and then suddenly running up to the blanket taking it and then running to towards me and embracing me into a hug. My clothes got wet, and then my teeth started to chatter. I laughed while I tried to talk.

"C'mon lets get our key," Louis wrapped the blanket around me and then giving me my shoes. On the other hand, they were all huddle like penguins, walking towards the little shaft. I rolled my eyes smiling, seeing they were struggling. As I was ahead of them, I decided to ru towards the shaft to get the key.

"Rented caravan for Tomlinson?" I asked to the girl in front of me behind the desk, chewing her gum really loudly, as her feet where up on the chair next to her.

"-I'll be right back Mac," she put down the phone and then looked at me. She turned around, taking one of the keys off the board behind her, an then passing them to me.

"I swear, you were a really fit guy before but then you turned into some little ignorant girl," the girl said, I scoffed. Of course she was dumb, not being mean to dumb people because I love them. I rolled my eyes, and walked out. I looked at the number caravan we're in. 026. I caught with the guys as they were still huddled like penguins.

"Just open the door, all our things are already in there," Louis said as he ran towards me grabbing the key and hen opening it for himself and then shutting it behind him. I rolled my eyes running after him and the other guys trailing behind. I opened the door, letting the guys go in before me, as they were more cold than me and harry and zayn didn't have their shirt on, then me going in after and then closing the door, locking it which the key I saw on the table in front of me.

"Dibs on top," I said as I raised my hand. Since we weren't in a tour bus that are moving every single second of the day and that if you on the top bunk he would fall, I decided to take up the opportunity to sleep at the top since I was sleep at the botom, and it's vscary down there since you don't know what's under the bed that will murder you.

Their teeth calmed down as they were all starting to get warm as I turned up the heater. They ended up nodding or muttering something along the lines of "yes" or "whatever". I smiled, as I climbed on the ladder to the top. I laid down, putting my sling bag next to me taking out my phone, going onto twitter. I saw that Niall just tweeted something that included my name in it, so I favorited and retweeted his tweet.

I turned off my phone, then looking down where the rest of the boys were. They were all in their boxers walking around the caravan. Do they even know I'm here?

I coughed purposely, making all their attention come to me.

"Do you guys have any respect?" I asked, looking out the window, as this was an awkward position to be in now.

"Jess, babe, you have all seen us like this before, it's not like you haven't seen us like this," Zayn said as he raised him eyebrows at me.

"I do, but after that you all get changed straight away," I pointed out.

"Well, get use to it," Harry said smiling. I rolled my eyes as they all started to dance, waving their hips and throwing their  hands in the air to the song that Louis just played on his phone.

"I was like, good gracious ass bodacious

Firltatious, tryin to show patience

Lookin for the right time to shoot my steam"

I laughed as they all started to sing to Nelly. It came to the chorus and we all started singing.I need to give them dance lessons.



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