Adopted or Kidnapped~Eight~

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I went to the cafeteria, with Leslie. We got our lunch and sat down on the table. Tyler came and sat down. Many minutes later, a girl came up to us. she had a mixture of blonde and brown hair. She had blue eyes. She's pretty even prettier than me.

"Your Jessibella, right?" she asked.

"Yep, how do you know me?" I asked.

"The words spreads so fast, anyway I'm Elise, Elise Calder,"

pic on side of elise

Her last name is something. I know what it is but I can't put my finger on.

"Aren't you related to a girl called Eleanor Calder," I asked.

"Yes, I am, I'm her cousin, I'm going to her boyfriend's house after school," she explained.

"Oh cool," I nodded. I got back to my pepperoni pizza.

I saw Bradley, he was with this blonde bimbo, he waved at me and I waved back. The blonde bimbo pushed him and shot a glare at me.

"You know Bradley?" Leslie asked.

"Yeah, he's my- I'll explain after school, you can come to mine," I said.

"Okay," she nodded.


The bell rang which meant it was first period I'm so excited. Art.

Leslie guided me to Art class. Everyone was already sat down. Leslie made her way to her seat. Mr Knight looked at me.

"Oh, you must be the new student," he said.

"Yes, I am, I'm Jessibella Tomlinson,"

"Well, Miss Tomlinson you could sit next to... Mariella,"

She had blonde hair and.. you can't even see her eyes! looks like a clown didn't have a great morning, so he decided to give it her. This is the girl, who was with Bradley.

I sat down and shoved my seat away from her. She looked at me and scanned my body with a disgusted face. I shot her glare, man she's ugly.


"For you homework take a picture of yourself and paint the image. Only use one colour, use tone and shade, good luck with that," Mr Knights said.

This is going to be amazing. The bell rang.

"Good afternoon, Year 9," Mr Knight said.

"Good afternoon Mr Knight," we all said.

"You are dismissed,"

I walked to Leslie.

"C'mon, my um... guardians are here to pick us up," I said grabbing her wrist. I finally let go making her follow behind me.

I called Louis.

"Hello?" I heard his voice.

"Hi, can I bring a friend to our house?" I asked.

"First of all, is this friend, a girl or a boy?" he asked.

"A girl obviously,"

"Alright, oh and we're picking up El's cousin too,"

"I've already met her, her name"s Elise right?"

"Yeah, i'll see ya in a few minutes,"



He hung up.

"Yeah, there coming in a few minutes, c'mon we're going to find Elise,"

Adopted or Kidnapped *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now