Adopted or Kidnapped~ThirtyTwo~

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I watched as a huge man push past me, stick the knife into Jessibella's stomach, took it out and ran out the hospital with nurses and doctors running behind with phones attached to their ears.

I quickly looked down at Jessi, she feel to the ground and her hand over the wound. My eyes started to fill with tears. I took off my fannel and put over her wound, pressing down to stop the blood. I was pulled back but I fought back, pushing everyone out the way. I needed to be with Jessibella, but I needed to be with Chole. Shit, stupid decisions. I stayed in my spot, pushing my back against the wall. My mind was telling me something but then my heart said something different.

"Hi Brad," Chloe whispered, everyone was outside, talking to the nurse, but I luckily sneeked into Chloe's room, and getting a little chat.

"Hey," I said, closing the door quietly behind me.

"Why you in here?" she asked, as I neared her sitting on the chair next to her bed, "Your not allowed, Doctor Bear-"

"Who the hell is Doctor Bear?" I blurted out, making Chloe's eyes go wide.

"Language mister," she pointed her finger at me, poking my in the chest, "and Doctor Bar, is my doctor, he told me I can call him that because everyone in the hospital calls him Doctor bear."

"Well that's a huge lie, I just call him Doctor Martin," I said.

"Oh shuddup," she said. A few moments passed and she patted the empty spot next to her on her bed. I looked up at her, seeing her blue eyes. I replied to her actions by sitting next to her on her very uncomfortable bed, putting the blanket over both of us.

"I love you Bradley," she said, kissing my cheek.

"I love you Chloe," I mimicked her actions and smiled.

Saying I love you "too" sounds like you agreeing with something so I don't really add the "too" at the end.

"Promise you'll love Jessibella," she whispered, she sounded like she was falling asleep.

"I promise," I whispered back kissing me beautiful bald head.

I can agree that it was a very cliche moment where you see when kind of scenes in a movie. My sister is kind of close to dying, I would do anything for her, well he isn't exactly my sister, but we act like we're related by blood.

"Bradley?" I looked up seeing Elise in front of, it's like one in the morning and she has the balls to come to a disgusting hospital?

"Why are you here?" I asked, she sat next to me, on the floor and leaned her head against it.

"I wanted to see if everything was okay, she texted me on your phone saying to come over, talking about Jessi, where is she?" she asked.

"I don't know," i murmured under my breath.

"Pardon?" she questioned.

"I don't know," I looked at her,"this man ran in put a knife into her stomach and ran out, I don't know okay!"

"So your telling me, Jessi got stabbed in the stomach?" she tried to stay calm but couldn't. Her chest was moving up and down, her fist we're clenched into ball, and I could tell it was killing her in the inside.

I nodded my head and looked away.

"I'm going to search for her," she said as she stood up,"you coming?"

I shook my head no, "I'm gonna stay here until their gonna come out with Chloe's results, i'll text you later."

"Alright, I hope Chloe's okay,"

"Call me if anything's wrong,"

"I will,"

She walked away, into the hallway leaving me by myself again.


Moments went on, there was nothing from Elise about Jessi and nothing from Chloe. I stayed in the same spot, reversing time. Strange glares from nurses didn't mind me.  I suddenly felt a light buzz i my pocket, it out my phone getting a text from Elise. 

Found Jessi, Room 82 -Elise 

I got up, fixing myself, making myself look presentable, before walking to Room 82. Room 82 wasn't long away, it was down the corridor. I kept walking down, looking at all the door, seeing if it was the right one. 





I knocked lightly on the door before hearing a light 'come in'. I pushed the door open, seeing a tired-looking Elise on the door next to the bed. I made my way to the other side of the bed, seeing a sleeping Jessi. Her hand was other her wound and her waist was covered a bandage. She looked so peaceful, yet dead. Her pale face was so white, she looked like a ghost, her lips were chapped, and she had black bags under her eyes. I could'nt stand her being like this. 

I took her weak hand and I took it in mine, rubbing small circles, looking at her in awe. Elise gave me a small smile before laying her head on the bed , placing her head in her arms before shutting her eyes shut, a falling asleep. I kissed the back of her hand, before go of it and then taking her other hand which was on top of her wound. I lifted it up a bit seeing a line of blood that went through the bandage. The guy that stabbed her, stabbed her quite deep. I hope nothing is broken. I placed it back down on her wound. 

Standing up, I got the blanket and pulled it over her, and then walking over to a cupboard opening it, luckily finding two blankets. I took both of them, unwrapping one and putting it over Elise and the unwrapping the other and then putting it over me. 



"Come here,"  Jessibella's arms wide open for me. I walked over to her and sat next to her in her hospital bed. She had needles inhis wrist, meaning she couldn't move much. The bandage, she said, made her ichy, and she did't like and it was too tight. She complains about a lot of things. 

She grabbed my necklace I was wearing and kissed my lips for letting go. 

"What was that for?" I asked her, getting an urgent  shot of electricity thorugh my body. 

"I don't know, I just felt like it," she smiled. Elise was watching both of ujs, making disgusting faces and making yucky sounds. 

"My eyes," she said normally before covering her eyes with her hand. 

Jessi got my necklace again and oulled me into a kiss, it only lasted for a couple of seconds before she pulled away 

"I can't loose you," 

"You never will," 

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