Adopted or Kidnapped~ThirtyNine~

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The sun was already setting the brightness got less and less. I wasn't able to sleep again after my little nightmare. Everyone fell asleep expect Louis, as though he was the driver. He thought I was asleep as I did have my head low as I fiddled with my long fingernails, I seriously need to get a new manicure. We finally came to a stop, so I took off my seatbelt. All the boys woke up asking each other for gum, as they all had bad breath from sleeping, except from Louis. I reached into my bag and found one last white flat cuboid that was still in the packet. I took it out, popping it into my mouth, urgently get a fresh mint wave taking over my tastebuds. I chews loudly as it was spicy, letting the cool air take the mint.

I grabbed onto Liam's forearm, as we walked somewhere, being out of nowhere. It didn't as look as crowded as it was. It was small, peaceful town or village, which made all my thoughts go away.

"Here," Harry handed me my dark blue Parker jacket. I got this from Fizzy a few years back. She bought me a jacket one size bigger so it could last for a long time and it would also keep me warm. It had fur inside an also a furry hood which kept my head and ears warm.

"Thank you, " He sent me small smile in return and then giving me a side up. He let go of me and the catched up to Niall who was in front of us, as his curls bounced up and down. 

We walked, which seemed like forever but was only five minutes, we were towards a beach. 

"The beach really?" I complained as I held my trainors in one hand and started to wallk through he sand feeling the little bites tickle my feet.

"Yeah why, we all thought it would be nice, just the six of us, just to go out and have some family fun," Zayn said as he placed down a blanket on the sand.

"Yeah, but it's cold, it's nearly winter," I muttered as I sat down, trying to hide myself in my coat. My hair blew in the wind, and I knew it was going to be messy. The scenery was just perfect. The sun was about to set. The colour of orange and blue meeting in the middle, then sun still glowing brightly as it slowly moved down, disappearing in the sea. The waves were splashing noises bringing back memories of being alone in the orphanage. Sitting on the roof, finding my way up there, crazy I know. Being seven and hiding in closets until the whole house was gone amazed me. They never really cared of me until Lilly came to work there, when I was about eleven.

"Yolo!" Louis yelled as he sat down next to snuggling into my, resting his big head on my small on.

"Yolo? Seriously Louis," Liam groaned as he walked towards us.  We were all now on the blaanket, snuggled up with me being in the middle.

"Yolo!" Louis yelled again, which made me laugh again. Only living once in your life makes things harder, knowing that you would have to do everything until your heartbeat stops and you nose stops breathing in air.

A moment of silence we had made me think. Being in a coma for nearly nine month does scare me. I missed nine month. As long as a woman -probably a man- is pregnany for until she g.ives birth. I missed everything. Well not everything, everything. I could've died, just like Chl-

My thoughts were interupped my the tears falling down my cheeks, remembering the sight of her being in front of me. If you cry, I cry. The way she runs up to you and gives you a huge hug and leaves a sloppy kiss on your cheek. I could probably do that again one day. Leaving my body on earth and then taking my soul out of me, and make it float somewhere special. Then I would again see her. The only thing that's left of her is the bracelet and the way we would always promise eachother: out hards turning into hocks, locking eachother together and then out little pinkie finger touching. 

"Jella?" I looked over and saw Niall's concering eyes look at me, "Why are you crying?"

I wiped away my tears with Louis' sleeve as he looked confused as I did use his sleeve as a tissue or cloth. "Can we go somewhere else, just us two, I really need to talk to you."

"Yeah, c'mon, lets go," Niall stood up, and then walked in front of me, taking out his hand to  take and I of course took it. I got pulled up by him and then we started to walk.

"Harry and I are going to grab some coffee to bring here, want any?" Liam asked.

"Hot chocolate," I whispered for Niall to hear. He shouted out the drink I wanted back to them, and I could tell there were nodding. 

We walked on further until we reached somewhere on the beach. He sat down just where the sea ended. I hugged my legs as I rested my head on my knees looking at Niall.

"Why?" I asked, moment later after looking at the sea.

"Why what?" Niall's asked as he turned to me.

"Why is all this happening?" I asked no one particular but still wanting Niall to hear, "Why is everything like this?" 

"Everything happens for a reason, it's showing us a sign," Niall explained as he wrapped his warm hands, that were in his pockets the whole time, around my small, fragile hands.

"What's the sign, Niall? There's no sign. My life is just showing that you supposed to regret everything," I shifted my gaze up to the sky and then back down at my feet. 

"You can't regret."

"Yes I can."

"Jessibella, as I said everything happens for a reason. There's no regrets in life, they're just lessons that are needed to be taught. A few days ago, when you we're awake by the way, I met up with this girl in some pub. I just took her how she looked. She looked so innocent so I fell for her. I gave her everything-"

"Wait, so you even had sex with her?" I asked making sure that my cousin does not do stupid mistakes.

"Nearly," he chuckled, "Then after a couple of days or so, she left me like I was a toy. I did no regret it, iot taught me a lesson."

"... And your lesson was..."

"To never just like a person by their good looks but you would have to go dig deep and know their personality before you can stick your tongue down their throat." I smiled at his little joke and a  little giggle escaping my lips. 

We talked on talked for nearly half an hour, until he brought up the subject, "So, how are you and Bradley?"

"We're okay, I guess,"  I said with a shrug.

"Okay? Are you guys together?" he asked as a smirk crawled onto his lips.

I hit him playfully on he shoulder, pushing him back a little, "I don't know, he hasn't asked me the question yet, we've kissed a couple of times but I think we're just taking things to slow, maybe?"

"Slow? You guys have already snogged in bed, and let his tongue slip into your mouth-"

"What? How do you know that?" I snapped getting very curious.

"Elenour, she knows all the gossip, duh," he said with a hugh pitched voice, trying to make himself sound like a girl, but failed.

" guys are taking things slow, I don't think so.Baby, I think I'm going to be expecting to be a.. a.. a second cousin thing dad? Whatever you call it, just please be safe, you never know how big his penis is,"

"Niall," I repeated the same actions before but inside waking his on the back of the head, "I'm not expecting a baby until I dunno, I ready, your thinking ahead of yourself.

He rolled his eyes at mke, "But if it's your first time, please do use a condom."

"Niall, stop!" I said again laughing.

sorry for bad updateeeeee, read new book hangman. coming out next year or after christmas!!! 

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