Adopted or Kidnapped~TwentyOne~

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I woke up to the sound of a screaming voice.

"THERE'S A FIRE! A FUCKING FIRE!" I jolt out my bed and quickly picked up some grey sweats and ran downstairs, not caring if I had a jumper on. I was wearing a tank top, chill.

I saw Bradley at the end of the stairs, with a worried look on his face. As soon as I jumped into his arms, he started to laugh.

"Why the fuck are you laughing, there's a..." I trailed off, seeing no fire.

"Sorry babe, I just wanted you to get out of bed, I knew you wouldn't get up because of what happened last night," he said as winked. Oh Bradley.

As soon as we got home, Bradley opened the door and I was greeted by 5 faces. I gave them a confused look, but them I released it was them. I ran into Niall's arms first and hugged him tightly.

"I missed you so much!" I yelped out. The other guys huddled as we made a group hug. I saw Niall froze on his spot, he's claustrophobic. It's a good thing I'm nit claustrophobic like Niall. I don't have anything from my mum. I'm mostly got everything from my dad. I'm Tonitrophobia. Fear on Thunder. My dad has the fear of no thunder, so am I.

We stayed hugging each other until we all gave up. Liam suggested we should all go out. So we did.

When we got home it was pouring. We were all wet, and my clothes stuck to each area of my skin. My hair was in a messy bun and make was all over my face.

"I'm going to get changed," I said running upstairs and then going to the bathroom that was attached to my bed room.

I quickly cleaned myself up and then slipping on pyjama shorts, they ended just above me knee, a plain tank top and over it, a red jumped to get myself warm. I put my wet hair into a tidier bun by using a comb this time. It didn't help but who cares. I went to my bed and went on my phone. I smiled at some tweets, that were really nice. I shrugged off the stupid ones. I got some really weird and random ones.

She's gonna die!!

She still haven't answered our questions yet.

She's stealing my boyfriend!!

I then found this tweet and a photo attached to it.

"I guess she's moved on from Jay" there was a photo of my and Jay kissing in my room, looked like someone took a photo of us through the window, and on the side was a picture of me and Bradley in the rain, looked like it was taken today because Bradley was holding my bag. The picture was quite blurry and it looked like we were kissing but I was just kissing his cheek. Wow, these people can be stupid.

Soon I saw a loading button in the middle of the screen meaning it was shutting off. Excuse it needed charging. I picked up my charger and as soon as I plugged it in all the alight gone out. I them let put piercing scream which made everyone run into my room. I ran into Niall's arms as soon as I heard the sound of thunder.

"She's Tonitrophobia, meaning she has a fear of thunder," Niall explained, "she's just gonna cling onto me, until the thunder stops, if I'm not there she'll just cling onto anyone,"

We all walked downstairs, as I still cling on to Niall.

Zayn and Liam went to find candles and matches. Louis and Harry tried to fund how to get the power back on and Niall went to have a potty.

As Niall let go of me, I quickly grabbed onto Bradley and I heard him chuckle.

"C'mon sit with Bradley," he said with a hint of laughter, I grabbed onto his arm while he walked to the couch as I snuggled next to him. I felt him put a blanket over us, which made me feel safe. I then got comfy, I smiled seeing how tired I was.

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