Adopted or Kidnapped~Sixteen~

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"Your ankle in sprained, but there's no damage on it. Just have a bandage around it to keep it secure,  it will heal in a few weeks, just walk properly, don't start limping or it wouldn't heal, just take this every day morning or night," Dr Moore said handing Louis my medicine in a white paper bag. 

"Thank you," I said smiling at her.

"No problem, hope your ankle gets better," she said waving, she walked back to her table writing some things down on her clip board.

I stood up from the bed and started to walk. I tried to walk on my right foot and started to feel pain. I yelled out, but not to loud so sleeping Lux won't wake up. I started to limp but I was still walking. I put my weight onto Bradley's arm. I heard a few aww's behind me but I shrugged.

"I really want to see Chloe," I said stopping from my tracks looking up at Bradley.

"Well, I don't know if you can see, but we'll ask," he said.

We went to the reception and asked if we could see Chloe Sherling, but she said no and we have to waist for a few minutes before going in because they're still checking up on her.

"Sweetheart, we have to go," Louis said.

"Can't I stay with Bradley and Lewis, Elise can stay too, pleeease!" I said extending the'e' on please, making puppy eyes. 

"Alright but let Bradley's parents take you to Star Mania hotel at 7," Zayn explained.

"We'll text ya what room and what floor," Niall said hugging me and kissing me cheek. They kissed my cheeks and nose, Louis kissed my nose of course, and waved before heading the the hotel.

"So do we just wait?" Elise asked.

"Yes," Lewis said kissing her cheek.

We sat down in the waiting room, until I hear a girly voice scream my name.


 I shot my head up and saw a girl that looked like she was 11. She had strawberry blonde hair that was in a fishtale. Her green eyes glowed as she looked at me. She had freakles which really suit her. 

"Hello, love," I said standing up from my seat limped to her. The receptionest stood up and putting her index finger to her lips shushing her. She rolled her eyes. Oh, this girl a diva.

"Hi Jella!" she screamed, but not too loudly.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Awesome!" she squealed.

"Well, I can see your a huge fan,"I said putting a smile on my face. I love my fans, I do support them.

"I am, I love your videos and I love your dads!"

I laughed, "I think you need to calm your voice II bit, I don't think you would last in here," I said.

"Oh right, sorry," she whispered.

"Anyway, why are you here?" I asked

"I saw your tweet like an hour ago, so I came here to see if you were okay," she said.

"Oh right, well I'm okay, I'm just in the waiting room waiting for someone," I said.

"Oh cool,"

"Well, do you want a picture before you go?" I asked.

She nodded and took out her phone and took a selfie of both of us. I smiled at the camera before stepping back.

"Well, you better go back to your parents, I think they're worrying about you,"

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