Adopted or Kidnapped~TwentyFive~

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~A few days later~

"Miss Jessibella, you aree very lucky today!" The doctor said, "You may leave the hospital today, but I would need a legal guardian to sign you out,"

"Thank you Doctor," I said. He nodded and once let the room. Bradley brang some clothes for me so I could get changed into, but they were kinda big. I think these are his clothes.. He brang me grey sweatpants and a black tee. He also brought boxers for me, for I could use it as my pantie.. He didn't bring my bra.. Thanks Bradley! But my breats feel feel, it's fine.. Do you ever get that feeling where your somewhere that is a public place and you bra is killing you and you just want to take it off? I have had the same feeling.

The nurse gave a face towel and bar soap and she pushed me to the staff's bathroom, where they have a shower and things that you can find in your bathroom at home.

She stayed inside with me.

"Would you like to have a shower or to use the facetowel?" She asked. 

"Second option," she nodded and then went to the shoer and turned it on. While she was doing that, I looked around, seeing my surroundings. I swung my legs, softly, not really being harsh to my legs and damaging them more. I wonder why my legs never healed when I was in that stupid karma for many months. I don't get it. 

"Here you go Ms Horan," she said as she passed the damp towel to me. 

"Horan?" I questioned.

"Yeah, your name is Jessibella Horan," she said, I looked closely to her badge amd it said Lucy Fallon. 

"I just thought- isn't my last n- nevermind," I said, shrugging it off. I though my lst name was Knight not Horan.. Weird. 

"Anyway, do you want me to leave?" she Lucy asked, "Or should I help you and stay in here?" 

"If it's oay, would you mid to leave?" I asked politly, not wanting to be rude," 

She nodded and then left the bathroom. She closed the door behind her, leaving me in the state as I was in. I started the strip off, not caring. I'm by myself, what else could happen?

I started to clean my body using the towel, and I started to feel fresh. When I finished I placed in on the counter and then putting on the clothes Bradley gave me. I obviously  put on the boxers on first and then the sweats. It was quite long for me, but yeah.. it's comfy. I placed the shirt over my head, and pulled it down. My task was hard, getting changed, but I finally made myself look presentable. I took my hair out of the messy ponytail, and then placed back into a neat one. 

I wheeled myself to the door, with the little towel in my hand. I opened the door slowly, and I was met by Lucy. 

"Let me take that for you," she said, gently taking it from my hands. 

"Thank you," 

"No problem," 

I was finally took over by darkness. The hands around my eyes, made everything go lack.. Well, obviously.. wait won't it be yellow? Supid mind. I smacked the hands, but I couldn't see any light. Well, thatt was unexpected. 

"You know smacking isn't the only answer," Bradley's voice said. 

"Yes, it is, now get off," I said smiling, he did what I said, and I was meet by beauiful blue eyes..



"Well, lets get you outta here," his cherry voice said. 

"Okay," I said, "Leggo!" 

I was wheeled, at a very fast pace, to the reception. 

"Young man!" a nnurse said, coming out of one of the rooms. 

"We better leg it," Bradley murmured which made me laugh. My arms tightened the sides and we rode off, much faster.


"Yes?" he asked, slowing down a bit. 

"You know, if you don't go faster that very angry murse will come and eat you," I said as I poked his cheek turning around. We went to the reception and Stevie was there.

"Have you signed her out, Mum?" Bradley yelled.

"Yes- now slow d-"

"Thank you!" 

We went out the hospital, finally reaching to a stop. I laughed as I saw Bradley heavily breathing, his chest rising up and down. 

"Wow," he finally said, but was still breathing at that pace.

"Why did you do that?" I asked.

"Do what?" He asked, his puffing dying down a bit.

"Run, out the hospital, why? You know you could've just pushed my w-"

"Because, I did't want to be in that hell whole anymore, I want to spend time with you," he said. 

"That is so cheesy," I said, smiling.

"I know," he said. Soon, flashes of light was killing me and men and women with cameras, started to take pictures. Woah, what's this?

"Keep you head down, and never liten to their questions," Bradley sterly said into my ear. I did what he said, covering my eyes with my hand, not letting the flashes connect with my eyes. 

"Preston, is here waiting for you," he said, going towards this black van. Oh shit, Batman has came to kidnap me. 

Once we reached the van, Bradley quickly opened the car door open, with a huge man carrying me into the van, and Bradley folding up my wheelchair and placing it in the van. Bradley soon closed the door shut.

"Woah, what was that?" I asked, stunned,

"Summing things up.. your life really," he replied. 

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Both of us will explain things when we get home," Preston, I guess my body guard or someone who protects me, said. 

"Okay," I said, I felt my pockets feeling nothing, "Wait, my tablets, I forgot to bring them,"

"It's fine, Jess, my mum brought them with her, she'll drop it off at the house and then she would go back to the hospital, to look after Chloe," Bradley said, resting his left  hand on my thigh, making my stare at it. 

"You guys ready?" Preston asked. 

We both nodded. Soon, my back disconnected with the seat, making the seatbelt tighten. 

"We need to get rid of the papperazi," Bradley whispered into my ear. 

I nodded, understanding. 

When we get "home" I better have a good explanation on what's happening now. 

Sorry for the bad chapter.. I don't know how to carry on, and I don't know how and when Jessibella will get kidnapped... Need help!! Please text me in my inbox or comment on this word down below 


i really need a new ship name for them.. or do you want Jay back???? 

I don't know when this story will end.. maybe in like 20 more chapters or 15.. this book is really long.. 


I might make a new book and that would be a 5SOS fanfic, but I have to finish one story first before I make a new one.. 

Hugs and kisses from Mamma 

btw I have a huge crush on this guy at my school and we used to be super close and now we've been drifting cuz people are being annoying, ruining our friendship by repeating the sentence "omg Ellice fancies you" and I hate it.. -_- pic on side of the beautiful India Eisley who is Jessibella xx

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