Adopted or Kidnapped~Three~

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I went to my room and closed the door. I opened my closet, the only things I could see we're jeans, shorts and t-shirts. It's time to wear it. I got out a box under my bed. I sat on the floor and opened the box, slowly. There was a dress, that was just laying there.

I picked up the dress in my hands. It was a black dress with a white Peter Pan collar. It was sleeveless and it was flowy. It ended to the mid thigh. I undressed myself and danced myself into the dress. My auntie gave it me.

I put on my make up on: a few layers of mascara, eyeliner and dark pink lip gloss. I left my hair as I was. I looked at the clock: 5:56. I slid on my black converse. I took my phone and placed it in my pocket. Thank God the dress has pockets.

I looked myself in the mirror again fixing my hair. I smiled at myself. Jay is taking me on a date. The person I wanna live with when I get older. I think.

I walked out the door and ran downstairs. I saw Jay. He stood up from the couch and crushed me into a hug.

"You look stunning," I whispered into my ear. He kissed my cheek before letting go. I totally felt fireworks.

"You don't look so bad yourself," I said grabbing his hand.

"I've told Lily we'll be out," he explained

I nodded. We we're both stopped by 5 guys.

"Jessibella, your getting adopted," Niall said.

"But, now?" I asked, looking at Jay. His smile faded.

"No, not now, tomorrow," Liam informed me.

"Oh," I said.

Then silence. I felt heart broken. I really wanna a family but now? I just got asked on a date by my crush and I've liked since I was 10.

"We better be going, I wanna spend the night with a wonderful girl," Jay said as he poked my tummy. I giggled at his touch.

"Go on," Zayn winked.

"Use protection," Louis said.

"What?" Jay and I laughed out.

"What, you might," he said.

"Really, at thirteen years old, I don't think so," I said still laughing, "whatever come one Jay."

I grabbed his hand and ran out the door.

"So where we going?" I asked.

"Somewhere," he teased.

"I don't want it to be a surprise," I moaned.

"Well, it is," he said. He grabbed my hand and led me to a place, "close you eyes,"

I did what he said. I covered my eyes with my hands, and his hand touching my back, leading me.

"Okay, open," he said. I took my hands away from my eyes. It was beautiful. There was a blanket laying on the ground with a picnic basket. There was a tree behind it.

"Jay, did you really do this?" I asked.

"Yeah, well, your future dads helped me," he said.

"I'll thank them later," I said walking to the blanket. I sat down, and Jay sat next to me. He took out a box of oreos. My eyes widened.

"Oh, no you didn't," I said as I smiled.

"Oh, yes I did," he said.

I love Oreos so much. I would love to marry one. I opened the box and took one oreo.

"I have more boxes in the basket you know," he winked.

"Oh my God I love you already," I giggled as I attacked him with a hug.

Adopted or Kidnapped *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now