Adopted or Kidnapped~TwentyThree~

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I decided Bradley would look like Benjamin Lasnier.. Read the e/n at the end, very important!

"So who's coming?" I asked, as I  poured a drink of vinto for me and Bradley.

"Elise, Lewis, Olive, Carter, Mariella, and some other people," he said. 

"Mariella? Why her?" I asked nearly choking on my drink. I remember some people.

"She's changed a lot since you were in that 'accident', and Carter and her broke up, so there would be no problem," he explained pecking my cheek.

"How do you know? I though stayed with me everyday while I was in that coma," I explained scrunching my eyebrows.

"The word grows fast. Lewis told me," he explained then drinking the vinto I gave him.

"Oh, right, well I better get ready," I said finsihing my drink and theen plopping it in the sink. I walked out the kitchen and into the living room then going upstairs. I felt Bradley following me. Once I reached the top of the stairs, I felt arms wrap around my waist pulling my close. I turned around seeing his blue eyes. 

"You look beautiful," he said then pecking my nose. 

"Babe, I don't, all the jumping around got my-" 

I got cut off by Bradley smashing his lips onto mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck, closing my eyes. I felt his hand move up to my cheek, pushing our faces together. It was soft, and smooth not rough and sloppy. My hands were tangled in his hair, felling his blonde locks. I broke our lips and I started to breath heavily. 

"Bradley.." I finally let out.

"Jella," he mocked.

"I have to get ready," I said.

"No, you don't," he said.

"I do, my hair looks like I've been kissing my boyfriend," I giggled. 

"Alright, the guys are coming in 5 minutes," he said and then pecked my lip leaving me to go to my room.

"Babe, you need fix your hair too, it's a mess," I said as I sent a wink. 

"Alright," he said and then went to his room.

I went to my room, taking out mymake-up bag. I combed my hair leaving my hair staight. I added on some red lipgloss and put on a few layers of mascara. I added on some liquid eyeliner onto my eye-lid. I smiled at myself, as I looked at myself in the mirror.

I looked down, finding my shoes, but I then felt 2 hands cover my eyes.

"Babe, what you doing?" I asked. 

"Oh, nothing," this voice was was different.

"Bradley?" I asked. I then started to scream.

"Oh, sorry, love this isn't Bradley," I felt a rag cover my mouth, making my screams go lighter a making me go into blackness..


"Jessibella?" I felt someone sqeezing my hand. 

I opened my eyes, and then screaming. I felt tears fall down my cheeks and I saw a boy with blonde hair looking down at me. 

"Jessibella! Your awake!" I felt his arms wrap around me but wires where all over me, stopping him, "Doctor!" 

I looked around looking at my surroundings. It was very unfamilar.

"She woke up!" the boy said. Lots if nurses cam in followed by a doctor.

"Ahh, I see you woke up Miss Horan after 5 months!" the guy in a long, white jacket said. 

Miss Horan? What happened 5 months ago? Who are these people?

"Miss Horan?" I questioned, "Who are you? I asked pointing at the blonde boy next to me. 

I could feel everything leaving me. What is happening. 

"I think I would need to do some check-ups on Miss Horan," the Doctor said, looking at his clipboard and then walking out  the room. 

A nurse came up to me, she had dark-purple hair which was in a high ponytail and her brown eyes gleaming. I think she's a newbie, I can tell. 

"Miss Jessibella, I need to give an injection to heal all your bruises, some haven't recovered, so this will help," she said, I saw her I.D 'Lucy Fallon'. 

"Erm.. yeah," I said, showing her my right arm. I gasped seeing the state of it. Purple and blue marks was scattered around my arm. I held my breath, not wanting to see the pin go inside my skin. 

I felt her lightly wrap her hand around my wrist. The pin went inside my skin, she pushed the medicine out of the skin and then take it out. She took a cotton ball and lighty tapped on the spot she injected. I thrown the cotton ball after she  cleaned the blood. She took a plaster out of one of the drawers, and placed it on my skin. I smiled at her, showing my thanks. She nodded and then left the room.

"Jessibella.." I turned around to the boy, he touched my arm, I flinched at his touch, "Do you remember me?" 

"I don't know, you look so familiar, you've been in my dreams," I said examining his features. His blue eyes, that I remember in my sleep, were not glowing anymore. Black bags under his eyes and tear stains on his cheeks. His lips were dry, and his hair was a mess. 

"Just in case, I'm Bradley," he said looking at my eyes.

"Bradley," I looked down at my fingers, "that name sounds familiar."

"Oh," was the only thing he said before it came totally silent. Only the sound of beeping from my heart monitor. The guy in the same white jacket came in with his clipboard still in his hand. 

"Miss Horan, you have some damage to your brain, meaning you won't remember many things. Your legs are weak and they need to recover. You'll be in a wheelchair for 2 months while they are healing. I have assessed you with some tablets to take everyday, Nurse Lucy would bring in and give you some, hope you'll get better soon, I have made oppointments for yoou every week until the end of the year," with that he left  the room leaving me in the state of a crying. 

I felt warm salty tears fall down my cheeks landing onto my lips and some onto my hands. 

"Bradley, what have I done?" I asked.

"Jess, you haven't done anything, it' not your fault," he said placing his hand around my fagile one. This time I didn't flinch. 

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes, now, when the Nurse comes and brings you your tablets and a wheelchair, I'll take you to see my sister, alright?" he asked. 

"Yeah, alright," I said. 

I looked down at my arms, seeing them all ruined. I lightly touched them, seeing if they would hurt or not. 

I felt Bradley touch my arm and lean his head towards it. I started to kiss my bruises. 

"You look beautiful, no matter what,"


So in Chapter 19 when Jella wake up, she's still dreaming.. If you know what I mean.. She dreams waking up but she never does... She really wakes up in this one... xx :)


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