Adopted or Kidnapped~ThirtyEight~

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"Where are we going? I asked. They all told to get dressed into something causual, since it was october, close enough to very cold winter, I picked black leggings, a white, loose tank top and a grey off-shoulder jumper. To finish it I wore a leopard-printed scarf and a yellow shoulder bag to keep all my belonggings in. I put on some simply make-up on and curling my hair with a flat-iron creating loose waves.

I slowly made my way to the couch since they want me to walk not using my wheelchair, wanting me to recover quickly. I slide on my white converse. I'm still a depressed nut. I asked, before, if I could go to Bradley's house if I could see if he was okay but Niall said that earlier he called saying he wanted to be alone. I understood, so I left it alone.

"Why would we tell you?" Liam asked as he put on his leather jacket.

"I'm not ready for suprises today, I'm not in the mood," I said as I sighed. Zayn and Louis came running down the stairs both holding their wallets in the hand pushing them into the back pocket of their pants.

"You guys ready," Louis asked. The whole house said yes except from me.

"Can't I just stay home and re-read The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas, while you guys go out, I'm too tired and- tired," I complained, standing up making my way to the stairs. Harry stood in front of me, stopping me.

"Jel, please come, you'll enjoy, we're just going to relax and eat, no biggie," he had a smile plastered on his face.

"No, I'd rather relax and sleep in bed," I said as I leaned on Harry's shoulder. I looked at all of them and they all shook their heads.

"Fine but all of you would leave me alone until the funeral," I said as I pointed to all of them. They all understood and nodded their heads. I suddenly got squeezed into a tight hug but with also Niall next to me, surrounded by the guys. We all knew Niall was claustrophobic, so I hugged Niall, making it uneasy for him, so I sqeezed him tighter. I laughed as I started to feel him push me away and his legs moving about. I let go of him so did the guys.

"C'mon, lets go," Zayn tugged on my hand pulling me out the door. My legs kind of felt like jelly ask I walked, but I do have to get use to it, if I still wanted to walk, and I do.

I climbed into the back of car, since it was a seven seater and there was six of us. I rested my legs on the chair next to me but then soon got uncomfortable, so I sat up again. The guys packed in, with Louis in the driver's seat and Harry calling shotgun.

I went on my phone going through some old text messages and then going through my twitter timeline, favouriting and retweeting some tweets. 

An hour already in the car, the joy of laughter and talking in front of me, while I sat at  the back falling asleep falling and banging my head on the chair in front of me and then waking up and then falling back alseep and then repeating the same steps. I finally fell alseep, comfortably, resting my head in my hand as my elbow leaned against the flat space that was next to the cup holder.


I walked through the school gates with Elise by my side. She kept on blabbing on about how everything would be fine and was nothing to worry about. Today is November 1st, meaning I had to start school. I finally got out my wheelchair which meant I still had to do no active activites such as P.E, dance, gymnastics ect, for at least two weeks. 

"Urgh, she's back," I heard someone scoff behind me as Elise lead me to the office. I earned a few smiles and glares but I left it aside but it felt as though their thoughts followed me. 

"Miss Horan, nice to see you again," the large man said as we both entered the headteacher's office. I nodded  my head as a sign of hello. 

"Here's your timetable, we leveled you on how you did on papers and test you did online, as we did not see you for nearly a year. I nodded taking the paper out his hands. I thanked him quietly and left the room, grabbing onto Elise's forearm. Before the door nearly shut I heard the man said something about Why didn't she just die? 

"Elise.." I said trying to get her attention. She didn't lok at me, she starred ahead walking us to the direction of my first class. I couldn't see her face, her brown hair which looked a bit black, was covering her face, "Elise, look at me." 

She looked up at me. Her lips were a thin line, sitched up with black thin wool, blood pouring out the holes that were poked into her skin. Her eyes were red, as though she was crying. Her weren't as her normal colour but was a dark shade of amber. 

"Elise?" I stopped on the spot, touching her cheek with my fragile hand but was being able to break her down into pieces, falling to the ground. I stood their emotionless, covering my mouth with my hand. I started to walk away from the scene but everyone looked at me as though I tattooed my body and stood there without any clothes on.

"You fucking killed her," the voice sounded familiar. Bradley's face coming into the scene. He pushed through the crowds meeting my gaze then to Elise's, "You should've died." He grabbed my wrist pulling me. Everything just came like a football ball kicking my in the stomach. He guided me outside and thrown me to the floor.

"Your pathetic, just like your mother," those were the last things that came out his mouth before I was soon captured by large hands and was thrown into a van. The van smelt like cigarettes and alchole. I could see the man's face through the reer mirror, his bald head had tattoos covering it and his green eyes piercing to the road.

"Your beautiful, just like you mother," 


"Jessibella!" the yell came from a familiar male. I shot up, and tears suddenly slipping out the corners of my eyes, "Babe, it was just a dream," I was soon wrapped around by two long arms, which reminded me the man in my dream.

It was just a dream Jessibella, just a dream.

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