Adopted or Kidnapped~Eighteen~

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We watched as they placed Jessibella's body into the ambulance. We were all in tears. Before Leslie and now Jessibella? Can't this day get worse.

"Sir, 2 people can come in the ambulance with us, make your decision quick," one of the nurses said and then walking back to Jessibella.

"I'll go," Elise, Jessibella's best friend, said.

"Niall, you go, we'll catch up, anyway, Jella is you cousin after all," Liam said, trying to be strong, tapping me on the back. I nodded, I couldn't say anything. I snaked my arm around Elise's waist, making her feel calm.

We walked in the ambulance, sill crying our eyes out.

"Niall? Is she going or be alright?" Elise said

"Hope so,"


"As you may see, Miss Horan is in a coma. She'll wake in a couple of months, the crash has damaged her brain a bit, she might loose some memory when she wakes up, but let's hope she wakes," Dr. Johnson said, walking out the room.

I sat in the chair next to her cupping her hand in mine. I promised her mother and my mother that I would keep her safe, but I guess I broke it. I saw the guys comforting each other.

"How many more days until we leave Bristol?" I asked wiping my tears away.

"In 2 days," Liam said biting his lip.

"Who's gonna look after her while we're gone? Harry asked rubbing Zayn's back.

Soon, the door flings open seeing a really worried Bradley and Lewis. "How's Jella?" Bradley asked, looking at all of us.

We look at Jessi's lifeless body. Bradley's face was with emotions. He has always been there Jessi. It was like they know each other for ages. They were really close. Just like a normal couple.

"What happened?" he asked.

"She was in a car crash," Zayn said.

"When are you leaving Bristol?" Bradley asked.

"In 2 days," I said.

"I'll be here," he said.

"You sure, mate? We're going back to London in a couple of days, you sure?" Lewis asked.

"Yeah, I'll just stay with my auntie," he said.

We all nodded, but then Elise spoke, "I'm staying here too, with Lewis and Brad,"

"You sure? Would you mum be fine with it?" Liam asked.

"Of course, at least I'm with my boyfriend," Elise said as she looked at her boyfriend, kissing his cheek.

"I'll ask your mum," Liam said getting out his phone and went out the room.

"I really want my baby cousin to wake up," I pleaded looking at her and then kissing her bruised hand.


"Jessibella?" I heard a familiar, female voice.

"Mom?" I questioned.

"Hun, I'm here," I followed the voice, I turned around but no one was there. I felt someone's cold hand touch my face.

"Where's dad?" I asked.

"Here's down there," I could feel my mum point down, which was meaning hell.

"Why? What happened? Dad never did anything really bad," I started to panic.

"Calm down, sweetheart, just come follow me,"

I walked straight forward, not minding where's mom's going. She then started to turn visible. I could see her skinny body wearing a long dress, which fit her perfectly. Her skin was pale as white. Her brown hair was loosely curled and was wearing a thick flower band, which had white flowers. I smiled at her sight. I truly miss her.

I watched as she shown me a huge globe. It then came up with me walking down the street on the phone. I then walked across the road without looking and then truck ran over me.

"How does this connect with dad?" I asked. She didn't say a word. 2 of her fingers zoomed in on the person inside of the truck. It looked like someone familiar. It was my dad.

"What, how is he alive?" I asked.

"Your father didn't really die, he was in a coma for years, but when he woke up, he escaped hospital but wasn't found then," she said placing her cold hand on top of mine.

The globe changed into a another scene. It was One Direction adopted me.

"Mum, why are you showing this to me?" I asked still looking at the scene.

"Because, one day you have to wake up," she whispered.

"I know that, but--"

"I know your future, Jessibella," she spoke, "one day, you'll choose to live or to die, and I want you to make your right choice," she said looking towards me. She continued, "If you choose death, you'll stay with me, and if you choose life, you'll come to very dangerous obstacles,"

"What do you mean, I want to live!" I said as I got louder.

"You have more months to come to your decision, make it permanent, you'll stay here until you can make your choice. You will see me again once it's the day, make it right, Jessibella," she said but then started to drift away, turning visible.

I have my own family now. A family that does care for me. But they have fame and money. I slowly sat down on the ground hugging my legs to my chest, I rested my head on my knee and closed my eyes back to reality.

I then found myself standing in a hospital room. 8 people were gathering around the bed. The people, I soon started to realised, but not to familiar. I found a gap between the people and looked who was in the bed. There was a girl with pale skin. Her brown hair was wet, but find of dried. Her eyes were closed but I then know who it was. It was me. Jessibella Horan. I looked at myself. I then looked start every single person in the room. I first looked at the boy with chocolate curls. I closed my eyes thinking of him.

"C'mom let's see you twerk!" I laughed.

"Would you do it with me?" Harry asked. We were in the tour bus, others were gone buying food which left us to shall I say twerking. This happened a few months ago, while I was visiting them.

"Why would I, Harold?" I asked.

"Because, 'Harold' won't twerk, if Miss Jessibella won't twerk," he said, sitting down next to me, slinging his arm around me.

"Fine," I stood up from the coach and placed my hands on my knees, getting ready. He also stood up doing the same.

"3..2..1!" he yelled. He started to twerk while I just watched him. I fell on the floor laughing, tears streaming down my face.

"Oh my God, you like the King of twerking!" I said clutching onto my stomach.

"Jella!" He laughed and started to tickle my sides.

I smiled at the flashback. Man, he is definitely the master of tweaking! I laughed loudly, but others couldn't hear me. I then looked at Daddy Direction. He really taught me things in life. Well, mostly dance moves, if you may ask.

"Liam, I don't want to!" I whined as he pulled me into a dance studio. We were in a gym, he just finished working out and now he wants me to dance. I used to dance and do gymnastics, but I was only like 8 or 9 and that was like.. Let me do math.. 7 years ago!

"Niall told me that you took dance lessons when you were small," he said.

"I used too," I said. He went to a speaker which plugged in
your phones and played music. Sexy and I know it by LMFAO came on.

I gave Liam a 'really' look and he responded bynodding.

He started to do the running man, and I laughed. He did other crazy moves, even the worm!

"C'mon, your so weak, can you at least do this?" I asked. I haven't done these in years but, I've working out which will get me flexible. I walked to a corner of the dance studio. I ran and did a round off and then added a 2 backflips to it. I finished with my hands up and eyes opened wide. I was in shock.

Liam started clapping his hands, " See, I told you could still dance," he said.

"I know, but I haven't done that in years!" I ran to Liam and gave him a hug. I'm so grateful of what I got.

I smiled, I couldn't believe I could still do that. I went round the circle and looked at the 'King of Sass,'

"Are you seriously dying your hair red again?" I asked, placing one hand on my hip.

"Yeah of course, why do you want to as well?" he asked.

"Sure, whatever," I walked up to him. His hair was already covered with the dye.

"Here, do you know how to dye your hair?" He asked.

"Yeah, I do, remember I died my hair blonde like Niall's for a dare?" I asked.

"Yeah, I remember, you look so good in blonde!" he said.

I laughed at him because we was kind of showing his gayness, which by the way he isn't gay. I started to dye my hair with the dye. Once I finished dying it and washing it off, I had red hair.

"Oh my God! We have to take a selfie!" Louis said taking out his phone and showing it on camera. I posed for the camera and so did Louis. He then posted it on Twitter.

@Louis_Tomlinson: We dyed our hair red for Red Nose Day again! We are twins!!!!! @JeBeHoran #redheadtwinnies

He then linked the photo.

"You are so weird Lou," I said.

"Not as weird as you!" He sassed. Clicking his fingers in a Z motion. I shock my head and laughed going to the living room where everyone else was.

I still miss the red hair. But it was one of the greatest moments I have shared with Louis. I then looked at Zayn..

"Bye babe," I heard Zayn say. I bet he was on the phone with Perrie.

I tiptoed into his room and then jumped on top of him.

"Jella!" he whined grabbing his junior.

"Sorry Zayn, I'm just bored, c'mon I want ice-cream!" I yelled, grabbing his hand, running down the stairs. I slipped on my trainers and fixed my clothes before leaving with the house with Zayn.

I ran leaving Zayn walking behind me. I stopped and looked at him with a dull look on my face.

"The ice cream truck is just around the corner!" I whined.

He shock his head and ran, "I'm gonna win!" He yelled sticking his tongue out.

I ran as well, catching up to him. Soon we reached the ice cream truck. We asked for a normal ice cream with a flake.

We walked back to the house when Zayn tripped and some of his ice cream touched my nose.

"Zayn!" I said as I stopped licking my food and smashed it into his face.

"Jella!" He copied what I did and we ended up laughing with ice cream on our faces.

We walked home, and everyone was questioning what happened and the paparazzi saw us too.

I smiled at the flashback. Zayn's ice cream was really nice! I looked at the next 3 people. The people, I have only knew for 2 years. There was 3 of them. 2 boys and a girl, and I kissed 1 of them.

[Kinda long flashback]
"Haha, bitch!" I yelled pointing my water gun to Lewis squirting water at him.

It was summer, no school! We were all at Lewis's house playing with his water guns.

"Oh my God, it's cold!" I heard Elise squeal. I looked over and saw Bradley soaking her. Bradley looked up and locked our eyes together.

"Oh, it's on!" Bradley yelled squirting water at me. But he missed. I kept squirting water but I kept missing. But one squirt I was shot; in the stomach. Also I was wearing a white t-shirt. Oh shit! I ran off laughing. You could see my bra.

"You big piece of shit!" I yelled.

"Nice bra, Jella!" I heard Elise yell.

"Thanks! It's from Victoria Secret, it's on sale!" I yelled back.

"Sorry, c'mon lets get you another shirt," Bradley said as he grabbed my hand, as we walked into the house.

We went upstairs, but we didn't go to his room, we went into a room that I haven't known, or been in.

"Who's room's this?" I asked.

"My sister," he said.

"Wait, ain't Chloe's ro-"

He cut me off, "my other sister,"

"I didn't know you had another sister," I said.

"Well, my older sister," Bradley continued,"Her name's Bre, she was always there for me. She was 12 and I was 11 when she died, she was a serious car crash- wait, you won't even care," he said, looking through a draw of shirts.

"Bradley, of course I will care,your my best friend," I said.

He tossed me a red polo shirt, there was a logo on it. I guess it was her old p.e shirt. I took off my white shirt and quickly pulled the polo shirt over my head. I noticed that Bradley was watching me as I did my actions.

"No you won't, when I tell people, they don't really care, they just get quickly distracted by something," he said walking to the door quickly grabbed his bicep pulling his towards me. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled his body towards mine.

"Please, tell me, I promise I'll listen," I whispered into his ear. He nodded and calmed down. I released my touch from him. We sat down on the girl's bed.

"She was in a car crash, as I said. My mum, mum dad, me and Bre. My dad was driving. Then a drunk driver hit our car, but the car smashed into the side where my sister was sitting. I was seating next to her, grabbing her hand as our car shivered. She died next to me," I saw tears fall from his eyes as he spoke.

"Listen to me, Brad, I know Bre was a strong girl, I know she's up there in heaven, looking down at you but me as well," I said wrapping my arm around his neck, from the side. He looked at directly to my eyes.

He then looked at my lips then back to my eyes again. He repeatedly did his actions but then changed his actions, he started to lean forward, as I started to do the same. I closed my eyes and waited for the moment.

"Bradley, w-" I stopped at what I was doing and looked up and saw his mother at the door, "sorry," she said as she closed the door. I laughed and he started to laugh.

"C'mon, I think your mum wants something," I said as I stood and bent over, a little, to kiss his nose. He laughed and grabbed my hand walking out his sister's bedroom.

I smiled at the thought. He told me one of his family secrets. I then looked at my blonde cousin.

"I really want to meet your mummy!" I begged Niall, because he was going to Ireland tomorrow, it was break for the band.

"Of course, she's your auntie," he said.

I jumped up and down on the spot, and them ran to my room. I quickly grabbed my suitcase and ran out the room and meeting Niall.

"Wait, I just told you that you can come, and you just packed that quick?" he said with a questioned look on his face.

"I knew you were going to say yes, so I just packed," I said with a shrug. He did the same.

"Get to sleep, munchkin, we're leaving at 4am," he said kissing my forehead.

He shooed my into my room and then gave me another night kiss on the cheek.

I got changed into my one piece and went to bed.

[gonna skip some parts..]


"I'm home!" Niall yelled, I saw a familiar woman, that hugged Niall.

"Niall, I missed you so much!" Auntie Maura said as she kissed his cheek, "Jessibella!" she walked up to me kissing my cheek.

"Auntie Maura!" I said hugging back.

"C'mon, I made some tea," she lead me to the dining table. I sat next to Niall and I felt his and on my thigh and squeezing and looking at me giving me the 'it's gonna be alright' look.

I nodded my head. I looked around the table; Niall's parents, his brother and wife, with their child, Theo. I smiled seeing my family.


After dinner, everyone wanted me to sing but, I felt kinda nervous.

"Jella, I'll sing with ya," Niall said as he lightly bumped his shoulder onto mine. I smiled and nodded, "Think of a song, while I get my guitar," he said as he ran up the stairs.

My mind was totally blank. I quickly, got singers into my head that has made a duet but I finally though of one! I saw Niall rushing down the stairs and entering the living room. Everyone was sitting down on the sofa.

There was 2 stools in front of the tv. We sat down on one. I then whispered into his ear the song I choose. He nodded and started to play the chords.

All I knew this morning when I woke
Is I know something now, know something now I didn't before.
And all I've seen since eighteen hours ago

As I started to sing, I could see all my family members smiling at me. I felt really safe.

Is green eyes and freckles and your smile
In the back of my mind making me feel like
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now

I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you

'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello."
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
Everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed

And all my walls stood tall painted blue
And I'll take them down, take them down and open up the door for you
And all I feel in my stomach is butterflies
The beautiful kind, making up for lost time,
[Album version:] Taking flight, making me feel right
[Remix version:] Taking flight, making me feel right like

I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you

'Cause all I know is we said, "Hello."
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
Everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
And you'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed
Come back and tell me why
I'm feeling like I've missed you all this time, oh, oh, oh.
And meet me there tonight
And let me know that it's not all in my mind.

I just wanna know you better, know you better, know you better now
I just wanna know you, know you, know you

All I know is we said, "Hello."
And your eyes look like coming home
All I know is a simple name
Everything has changed
All I know is you held the door
You'll be mine and I'll be yours
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed

All I know is we said, "Hello."
So dust off your highest hopes
All I know is pouring rain and everything has changed
All I know is a new found grace
All my days I'll know your face
All I know since yesterday is everything has changed

As we finished I smiled as looked at everyone clapping.

Meeting my whole family, was a dream come true. I loved that moment so much!

Sorry for late update!!!!!! 

isn't in this chapter but... Whateves

Making new books.

Boxing is my thing - H.S
Rose Tatto - L.T

Xxxx i know this chapter is quite religious.. X

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