Adopted or Kidnapped~Nineteen~

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Months past, lots of months. The 5 older guys left, which left to 3 people. Every day, all the memories kept fading away. Leaving my mind. But I've met a new person while I was gone. Her name is Leslie. She said she died, when she was in a car crash, when she was going to meet some close friends she hasn't seen in years. I was going to mmet up with her today, again to tell me more about her story.

"Hello?" I heard a voice behind me.

"Hi," I said as I turned around.

Our meeting place was my room. Of course no one was there, it was like 3 in the morning.

"Hi Leslie," I said.

"Do you still remember yout name?" she asked.

"Not yet," I said, "Tell me more about this girl,"

"Well, she adopted bythis well known band called One Direction. She helped me on the way, my ups and downs. Her name is Jessibella Horan, she looks a lot like you. We had loads of close friends, called Bradley, Elise and Lewis. They were so nice. She had ths friend from her orphan care home, he's called Jay, I really liked him.."

She kept me up to date on what she did with this girl called Jessibella. Once I heard the name, I helt something click in my head which made me know that name but I'm not sure.

"... and that's it. Well I have to go, my brother is waiting for me," she said. I hugged her and she hugged back. It's like we've already know each other. I saw her fade away and back to her brother. I saw the heart moniter. It was still beating like a normal person's heart. I took a deep breath before laying down on my bed closing my eyes and going back into my own body.

Months later, I only got to recive one visitor everyday. The boy kept talking to me saying.

"Jess, I love you so much. I really mean it. Your the best girl I have ever met, and that's true. All the times we had together, especially when we had our first kiss. You are so beautiful. I just wanna keep you in my arms everyday. Your dads and your cousin is still on tour, but when they finish they will come back, if you haven't woke up, well, everything will be fine."

He would then kiss my cheek and just stare at me and put his hand in mine. I don't what he's talking about but he felt so normal for him to be hanging around with.

Leslie hasn't returned since the day she explained more about Jessibella. Today I was placed in the white room again. I saw my mother still wearing the same clothes the first time I saw her.

"Jessibella?" She said, I gave her a confused look.

"Who's Jessibella?" I asked.

"Oh no, you better make your choice quickly," she said.

"What do you mean by make your choice quickly?" I asked.

"Do you want tto stay alive or not?" my mother asked.

"I want to be alive, of course, but I want to be with you," I mumbled reaching out my hand, but she was so far away, I couldn't reach her. I loved her so much.

"There's only one choice, Hun," she said. I saw a cloak appear, behind her.

"20seconds left, Jess," she said.

What to do, What to do?

My mind was blank. I don't know anything, so I did rock, paper, scissors with me self. It kept being the same which got me fed up.

"15 seconds,"

I hit my head with my fist, thinking. I screamed, but when I stopped, there was something still buzzing in my ear.

Adopted or Kidnapped *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now