Adopted or Kidnapped~Twelve~

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"I heard you were going on tour with your dads tomorrow," he said.

"Yeah and.." I said trying to find an answer.

"And.. I wanted to say bye," whe said.

"Well c'mon," I opened my arms wide open. I hugged him he hugged back

"Well, I have to go Elise is waiting up stairs, we're doing another video, bye," I said walking to the kitchen getting some marshmallows from the top cabinet.

"Can I join?" he asked.

I couldn't say no, it would just be mean.

"Yeah, sure were doing the chubby bunny challenge," I said.

"Man, I bet I beat you both," he said.

"So you wanna bet?" I asked waking up the stairs.

"Yeah, how about £5," he said.





"Okay let's go back to £5,"



We shook hands.

"Yay, you got the marshma- Jay?"

"Yep it's Jay," I say

"Well, hi," she said with a smile.

"Lets get started," I said opening the the bag.


"Told you I would win," Jay teased.

"So.. anyway your cheeks have more space in there," I said pinching his cheeks.

"Hey!" he said.

I gave him the five pound note.

"You guys actually betted?" Elise asked.

I nodded.

"Anyway," I looked to the camera, "check Elise's page Elisetheunicorn, click on her face right now to see her page," I said pointing to her.

"Bye," she said.

I stopped the video. I got out my laptop and started to download the video that we did on my video camera.

"I'm hungry, I'm gonna make a sandwich see ya," Elise ran downstairs.

Then silence. I just finished editing the video and posted it on YouTube.

"I remember doing this to you.." he said before tickling my sides. I've been fragile since I was adopted.

"Stop.. it.. Jay.. please," I begged in between laughs.

He started to go up my sides to my armpits. Tears streamed down my cheeks. He then stopped looking at my neck. I was laying on the bed on my back and Jay was hoovering above me.

"What?" I asked.

"You still wear your necklace?" he asked.

"Yeah, of course I do," I said, lightly pushing Jay off me and sitting down properly. He sat next to me touching our thighs.

"It's just that I gave that to you two years ago, and you still wear it," he explained.

"Yeah, do you still wear yours?" I asked.

"Yeah," he pulled out a silver object. It was his necklace.

We connected it and we were so close. He started to leans which made me lean in too. Our lips finally touched. It lasted a few seconds until a realised I was doing, I pulled away standing up.

Adopted or Kidnapped *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now