Adopted or Kidnapped~Fifteen~

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"Let's welcome on stage One Direction!" The man yelled into the microphone. The dads walked on stage waving then sitting on the couch, "and also welcome there adopted daughter Jessibella" 

I walked on stage waving to the screaming crowd. I sat in between Niall and Louis and Niall placed his arm on the head of the couch.

"Hello One Direction and Jessibella," he man said, I think his name is Jack.

"Hi!" we all said at the same time.

"So the first question is, who's taken?" Jack asked. I looked down and rolled my eyes before putting a fake smile on looking at the interviewer.

"I'm married," Louis and Zayn said.

"And us lads are single," Harry said hugging Liam and Niall and I'm squashed in the middle.

"Jessibella, I've heard you have a boyfriend," Jack said.

"I don't," I said simply.

"Explain these pictures,"  I looked on the screen and there was me and Bradley kissing at the park in the rain and another one of my and Jay, kissing and I was laying on my back, and it looked like it was taken outside.

"Where  did you get those?" I asked.

"We have photographers all around taking pictures,"  he said.

"Would you excuse me for a minutes," I stood up and walked off the stage quick as I could. I saw Elise running up to my in a new outfit she was wearing ripped jeans, and a plain huge t-shirt that fitted her perfectly and black UGGs to go with it.

"Jella, you alright?" she asked.

"No, I'm not, can't I have a private life?" I asked myself I ran to the dressing room, I still had my heels on with made my fall. I fell on my bum and it was wet. What the hell? Why is the floor wet? My right ankle started to hurt. I tried not to scream so I massaged it with my hand. I think I sprained it.

"Oh my gosh!" Elise said running up to me. Producers were all crowding around me but one person was there who helped me which was Lou.

"Move, move, she need space!" she yelled, but quietly not wanting to be heard on set.

I felt salty tears come down my cheeks. I stood up I walked but I was limping. It felt numb, when I tried to walk. I felt someone's arm slip under my legs and on my back. It was Paul. He was carrying my into the nearest black van. Elise, Lou and of course Lux came inside too.

"How about my dads?" I asked.

"They have to finish the interview, they would come to the hospital in an hour or less," Paul explained.

I nodded my head and took out my phone. I went on the Twitter app.

Going hospital if I sprained my foot, stupid wet fall and heels! >:( x #wetfloorandheelsbadcombination 

I tweeted it quickly and put my phone back in my pocket. Soon arrived at the hospital. Only a few people were around the hospital like nurses, doctors, patients but no photographers. Paul quickly scooped my bridal style  and led me into the hospital he sat me down on the chair,he went to the reception and talked to the lady there. I took off right shoes then my socks. I didn't look broken at all, but when I moved it it hurt and you could a little crack noise. I saw two familier boys. 

"Bradley and Lewis?" I asked quinting my eyes.

"Yeah ,it's us," Lewis said. Elise ran to him and hugged him. They started their own conversation. I then looked over to Lou who was on her phone  and then Lux,  she was playing with dolls as usual.

"Heard your here,"Bradley said starting the conversation.

"Yeah I sm, anyway why are you  and Lewis here in Bristol?"  I asked.

"Meeting a cousin, I felt boring going by myself with my parents and Chloe, so I asked Lewis if he wanted to come, so now I'm here?"he said, sitting down next to me.

"But why in the hospital?"  I asked.

"My parents think Chloe has cancer," 

My heart stopped. Chloe? Cancer?

"What do you mean by cancer?" I asked.

"She has a lump in her kidney area,and she has blood when she pees.. anyway we think she has kidney cancer. She's  really tired sometimes, she losses her appitite and she has also lost lots of weight,"

And this is where more tears came in. I then remember her mother had kidney cancer too.

"Jella, please don't cry," Bradley said kissing my forehead. 

"Jessi?" I heard a deep voice, "We are on the waiting list, you will see a doctor in 15 to 20 minutes is that alright?" 

"Yeah, and thanks Paul," I said letting our of Bradley's arm and into Paul's. I hugged him for a bit more seconds before letting go and into Bradley's.

Paul sat next to Lux and started to play with her and her doll. I laughed at them because I could here Paul's high pitched voice.

"I alway thought Lux and Chloe would be friend one day, but I guess that won't happen," I said.

"It will happen, if you stop thinking negative," Bradley said meeting my eyes.

"Sorry, it's just all the pictures.. have you seen?"  I asked.

"Yeah, I was watching the interview on Chloe's tv in her hospital room," he explained.

"Hey, when can I see Chloe?" I asked Paul. He does know who she is by the way.

"When' you've finished seeing the doctor," he explained.

I nodded and response. I then turned back to Bradley.

"So has life been?" I asked.

"Good? What 'bout you?" he asked.

"A painful wreck," I said looking at my ankle.

"Hey, it dosen't mean you have people following you and taking a picture of every single move dosen't mean your life is a painful wreck, you have me don't ya?" he asking with a smirki on his face.

"Don't go that far Bradley," I said. I few minutes later, all my dads came in rushing inside. 

"Guys, I'm okay, I hope I've just sprained them," I said.

"Okay then," Zayn said.

"At least you have nothing broken," Niall said kissing my cheek

"Well.." I carried on

"What have you broken?" Liam asked.

"My heart," I said.

"Bradley, what  did you do to our daughter?" Louis asked hugging me.

"It wasn't Bradley's fault, it was no one's fault, well cancer's fault," I said.

"You have cancer?" they said together not wanting other people to hear.

"No, Chloe she has kidney cancer," Bradley and I said together.

"Oh right, where is she?" Harry asked.

"They don't want visitors," Bradley explained.

"Aww," I pouted my lips and then a lady with blonde hair with glasses came up to me

"Are you Miss Jessibella Tomlinson, Doctor Moore is waiting for you in room 124,"


Like this chapter? Hope you do! Please comment and still read! In my other book 'You Think I'm Sweet' for the first chapter I got over 100 readers then on my last chapter I updated it only had 5 readers.. What's happneing? 

Anyway on the side is Niall btw look in the background lol please do! so funny! 

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