Adopted or Kidnapped~TwentyNine~

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Wednesday came by quickly and I decided to bring Bradley. I wore a simple washed jeggings and a white long sleeve shirt. I put my hair up into a ponytail and slipped on black converse. It was quite chilly so I decided to put a large cardigan over.

I'm right now, waiting for Bradley to pick me up. Eleanor stayed with me and Sophia, Liam's new girlfriend. She such a gorgues loving girl, Liam's lucky to have her. she isn't my real guardian yet, she will be when everyting gets serious, blah and all that shit.

"Jess, Bradley's here," I heard Eleanor scream from the kitchen I yellled an okay back and opened the door.

"How's my little princess?" he asked, resting on one side of the door.

"Brad.. " I said as a smirk emerging on my lips.

"Yes?" he asked.

"Did you drink.. again?" I asked.

"Pft. no!" he said. I gave him a really look and he gave up, "Yes I did, how did you know, I'm fucking chewing on ten pieces of gum and I only had one shot."

"It's early to be drinking, and you are also under age to drink," I explained rolling my wheels out the house. Bradley holding on the handles pushing me to a unfamiliar car.

"I know,"

For the past few days, Bradley's changed, He's been wearing different clothes, he's been drinking, and also changing his attuitude which I don't like. He hasn't been hanging out with me that much. He's got new friends who are at least three years older than him. They're a bad influence.

"We're going in the Colonel's car,"

"The Colonel?" I questioned the name.

"Well, his real name is Chip but he likes to be called the Colonel,"


"Don't ask,"

Bradley opened the door, carrying me in, and then puttinng my wheelchair in the back.

"So your Jessi?" the guy in the driver's seat asked which I amuse is the Colonel.


"This is Pudge," he said, pointing the boy in the passenger's seat.

"Miles," he said, sticking out his hand for me to shake and which I did. Bradley got in the car next to me a took my hand and squeezed it. We took off. I said nothing in the car journey only Miles and Chip did, talking about this Takumi guy and this girl called Alaska. I starred out the widnow watching houses go by, seeing people walking on the pavement like normal peopld.

"We're here!"

I took off my seatbelt and then opening the door. I took both my feet out and stood up and then leaning on the car waiting for Bradley to get my wheelchair. I do not want to go back in that car. It smelt like fages and achole. Gross. Bradley came with my wheelchair. I plopped on to it. Bradley said his goodbyes and everything to his friends.

"Who's going to pick us up?" I asked as he wheeled us to the building.

"Noone," he said without looking at my gaze.

"Then how are we g-"

"We-re staying over night. Chloe having her last operation tonight and I want to be with her the whole way through it,"


He kept pushing the wheelchair closer to the building then walking through the automatic doors. The receptionist's head shot up then showing us a toothy grin.

"How may I help you?" she asked, whipping through her clipboard, looking through names.

"I have a class with Iris? Jessibella Horan," I said looking over to the clipboard.

"Hmm.. here it is! Just sign here and then I would guide you to your room," I took the pen and sighed it. I gave her back the pen and she took it, placed it on the table and then stood up.

The nurse was in front of us as she guided us to the room. She opened the door for is and we all walked in. A girl, around her twenties turned around, showing us a smile. I amuse this is Iris. She had brown hair that was in a high ponytail, pale skin and brown eyes. Her lips painted the bright colour red. She was wearing simple campus pants which had bows at the bottom of them and a black tank top. She stood up to greet us.

"Hello, i'm Iris," she greeted as she walked towards us, "and I guess who are the very famous Jessibella Horan."

"I am," I said with a cheeky grin.

"And this must be.."

"Oh! This is Bradley, my b- friend," I didn't know what me and Bradley are. We haven't talked about the kiss we had. I've tried to talk about it through phone, but he would always change it to a different subject.

They both shakes hands, giving each other a fake grins, the letting each other go.

"Now Bradley, please take a seat on that chair over there, while I help Jessibella," Iris said as she smiled. Bradley nodded as he chewed his gum, with his backpack on one shoulder with his phone in the other. He sat down in the chair, leaning back, Indian style, while on his phone, texting away.

"We've got him sorted, now, Jessibella, does your legs hurt when you put pressure on them?" she asked as she intertwined her fingers together as she looked down at me.

"Sometimes, but not all the time," I explained. Her asking me questions and me answering them at least took ten minutes the most.

After that, she wheeled me over to, two ballet bars. Doing some standing and walking, not much. I kept on glancing at Bradley. He would always interrupt us after a few minutes or so. For example he would be on the phone, watching some video, even making bubbles with the gum in his mouth.

"See you next week Jessibella, remember to at least walk around the house or stand without using your wheelchair, just an hour, everyday,"

I nodded understanding, then sitting back in my wheelchair. I clicked my fingers trying to get Bradley's attention but he was too busy, with his ear buds in and bobbing his head to whatever the music he was playing.

I yelled his name, which got his attention. his head shot up, taking both ear buds out his ear, as he paused the music.

"What?" he asked annoyed.

"Are we going or what?" I asked, gritting through my teeth.

"It's finished already?" he asked as he stood up. I noticed Iris looking at both of us, confused and worried at the same time.

"Yes, c'mon we have to see your sister, Chloe," I said as I slowly started to put my wheels, he suddenly became behind me and started to push the handles.

"Oh yeah, forgot about that."

I swear this isn't the Bradley I met years ago, from a badass to a jolly little kid.


Adopted or Kidnapped *DISCONTINUED*Where stories live. Discover now