Adopted or Kidnapped ~Fourteen~

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I felt someone repeatedly poked my nose. I scrunched my nose and opened my eyes to see Niall.

"Yeah?" I asked getting out of bed, everyone else was awake. Wow, how long did I sleep?

"You were going to tell me what happened between you and Jay," he said.

"Can I at least tell you somewhere private,"

He nodded and made out way to the end of the bus .

"Well, when Jay came upstairs with me, we did the chubby bunny challenge for YouTube after Elise went downstairs because she hungry so it left me and Jay. He started to tickle me like he used too. He then stopped then we kissed, but I remembered what happened st Starbucks, he was kissing his girlfriend, Mary-Ann, remember her?"

He nodded in responce, "The one that moved school?"

"Yeah, anyway he had a girlfriend but I pushed him off but I didn't want to. I missed him to much. Two years without him I feel lonely. The boy who gave me this necklace," I took out the necklace, "the boy who I had a crush on, the boy who was always there for me, the boy.. who never left me until one day his mother took him away from me,"

I had tears in my eyes. I really do miss Jay.

"Awe, love, its alright, you will see him again,"

"When though?"


"Niall? Jelly?" I heard Zayn's voice.

"We better get going," Niall said.

"Yeah," I wiped my tears away and he kissed my cheek. I smiled at him. I really do love my cousin so much! We walked where everyone was.

"Our first concert is in Bristol,"Liam explained.

"And we have an interview there today, too," Niall said.

"Another one?" I asked. I hate the interviews. They just ask the same questions: "Who's single?" or "Who's in a relationship?" Then in interviewer would talk about them. I'm fed up with it but I still have to go to them for some reasons. On some interviews they ask about me which I don't really get fed up about. In one interview they asked me to be in the interview with them but I didn't really do much. The slutty interview kept staring at my cousin, Niall and my curly daddy, Harry. I was going to storm off stage but I was in between Liam and Louis so I had to where to go.

"Yeah, sorry, I can't leave you two alone in the bus, fans can come in here you," Harry explained.

"Who cares Prestron or Paul could be with us," Elise said. Finally someone's on my side!

"Sorry love, Paul and Prestion would be with us," Louis explained sitting down next to me.

I looked down to the floor in sorrow.

"C'mon, we'll find you guys somewhere to go near us," Zayn explained.

"Yay!" I cheered.

"We're here!" I heard Peter's voice.

"We better get going," Zayn said. I put on my glasses and large coat that ended mid thigh. The others put on ther hoodies/coats and their sunglasses. Louis turned around and we found out that he had a mustache.

"Why can't I have a mustache?" I asked placing one hand on my hips and clicking my fingers in a 'Z' motion.

"That would be weird, Jel, what girl would be wearing a mustache," Elise asked.

"Me?" I questioned.

"Fine, here," Louis gave me a black mustache I put it on.

"How do I look?" I asked pouting my lips.

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